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Posts posted by DeLucid2018

  1. For anybody still out there.. looks like dk let this board go into ruins... this use to be a community with(as even dr abrahm said which I feel is the only good thing or thought that came out that antidrug prick) is that the patient knows more then the doctor..words every Pdoc should take to heart..... This place use to have a good debate in the 90's.. back then and in to the melenium I was very propsychedelic so ost my shit was trip reports....


    look.. ive had true hppd since I was 13.. and every few weeks ill prolly come check and answer and questions.... imold now and have diff opinions then I use to , kinda even feel bad for all the shit I use to give people....but in the end.. my side of the debate had a point..


    HPPD can be confused with many things..... THE PRIMARY SYMPTOMS are illusions of movment, Tracers, Seeing color, Psychedelia art all over your visual perception.. and synesthesia (where even touch can produce afterimages).. etc … most of us have a Anxiety issues … Panic disorder, agoraphobia.... going outside and being social is a SENSORY OVERLOAD... for the majority.. 


    the moderator and anyone who says I don't know what im talkin bout, listen to them and move on cause they care.. im just droping info cause I care about the community , I was raised with.. all seem to be gone now.. but I been here a few weeks so to speak... so ya might wana hear me out..


    DP/DR can be confused with many conditions as well... shit burn out on pot ull have the classic symptoms.. THESE DISORDERS ARE VERY EASY TO PUT INTO YOUR MIND AS THE CAUSE OF YOUR ISSUE. but trust.... you may just be in a state where your seeking for answers and just putting similar to drugs mindstate..


    This is to say, HPPD IS RARE I hope you don't have it, most prolly don't... its so fucking rare... that even tho its a DSM condition...many question its existence even in the psychedelic community(prolly cause they don't wana stop) and even many professionals think we are..




    HPPD is primary = VISUAL CONDITION

    Mental Conditions are secondary. 

    Ive got all kinda mental problems.. HPPD was the CATALYST. That lead over the decades to severe anxiety and psychosis.. the hppd hasn't got worse.. but living with it for ages can really get to you.. the anxiety starts first.. around the same year.. then antisocial behavior.. then I self medicated and cant say it was all hppd, cause I dabbled in every substance to man to an extreme from 18on, im 34, about 35. so ive nearly spent half my life self-medicating etc... 

    HPPD People, if you have it, never use stimulants.. it lead to a combo disorder combrid? Psychosis became perm.. and HPPD as always is the major Catalyst to everything ive done in the last 20 years.. I use to brush it off... but man when you get this old you realize... that a stable picture....man...thatd e a real trip...


    so as you sit in the muck, take care of yourself.. if you believe to def have hppd… psychiatric drugs.... ALC and benzos are the only things that help.... everything else.... psychiatry wise(antipsychotics mad me crazier Invega, Halidol, Latudia) fucked my mind up worse made me calm but just ….bored. hard to overcome that... ssri and snris - trycyclic antidepressiants trazadone and doxepin etc.. just don't do what they say... they don't even know how in the end they are suppose to help, all they got is clinical trial data that trust me in 20 years will be laughed at.. so try hard... to just relax... learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable.. don't fight it.. it won already... learn to enjoy ur eccentric nature and you can get by...


    its a hard road.... id say more but I need to sleep.. so everyone talk shit and I may be back to answer.. 


    love and hope to you all.. 



  2. to clarify... visual snow is a dampening of the vision.. diabetes.. some say some prescription pills... many things cause vision issues.. HPPD is a psychedelic poster.. sitting still.. starring at a solid white wall.... if you don't see 'colorful' geometrix blanketing the non-textured solid white paint.... then id say.. if im wrong and I may be.. that your way better off then I am.... and id wonder if , and I say this with very much experience...…………………..


    that you may be ok, just growin up, took some psychedelic hallucinogen.... and are afraid and really..... hypocondria searchin.. the net these days... lol.. type some symptoms and your gonna find a bad answer.. this is a good thing, could be a better answer! don't stick to a self diagnosis if you were permafried homie.. youd know.. no question.

  3. I only say the no hppd thing as ive been saying on these boards for half my life.. its easy to mistake hppd.. as a cause for a personal mental condition..... its a good thing to not have HPPD it WILLNEVER GO AWAY.. lol haven't done psychedelics in ages and still trippin turn 35 next week been postin on hppd boards since I was 15.... calm urself.... itd be a good thing.. visual snow? a million reasons for that.. if ur livin in a underwater world.. like u litterly see movment everywhere.... no stability... then you got hppd.. imo … your right.. im kinda outdated... if urs is less good for you!!! im glad like many say... that I saw more on psychedelics that's why my hppd is worse... but man.. if you saw through my eyes sober.. ud back the fuck off...


    good call tho, nice to see those still trying ta help.. me? im just a midleages grump and been this way since 16 lol... don't pay attention. 


    HPPD is THE LAST DIAGNOSIS YOU WANT.. HAVE HOPE! see a doctor. they don't know shit.. but … you may not be burnt.

  4. um dude... I been in the mental health program for over 10 years.. done Prozac ungodly amounts of paxil…. and nowadays even my docs etc call um bs... not opinion homie... they are only power of suggestion... kinda like antipsychotcs…. I have perm-psychedelia mixed with a lot of psychosis these days and trust me... and my docs lol... that psycho-pharmacology and psychiatry is in its infancy... sry bro, know what im fuckin talkin bout

  5. heres a trip dude... I was hearin voices so clear.. for a couple years man... I got off the dope tho ;) but it stayed man.... I had a seizure on tramadol and latudia and haven't had real psychosis since.. its really scary ...but theres some truth in rebootin the brain.

  6. speakin of, wtf happened to meth lab? he was the original head of HPPD.... someone I sgtill value as a fucking if not the most, pioneer of this group... last I saw of him he was bingeing and I was trying to keep the peace and he just lost it... I miss that dude man, prolly one of the most memorable people ive ever come acrossed. hope hes well.. you all owe a lot to that dude and pogb, who I cant remember why he disappeared.... think it was pre-hppdonline

  7. hppdonline, was 2003 I think,,, DK gets credit where credit is due, we don't get along much anymore but it was the jumnp from stormloader/hppd to hppdonline(DK's work) my name and who I was at the time, somewhat of a posterboyfor hppd that got hppdonline off the ground.. 

  8. ur obviously unfamiliar with who I ajm ;).. me and dk started this site we been doin this since stormloader in the 90's! but ..ya cheers no real questions but a example of thought... DP/Dr into delirium, if ya don't understand then shit.. what can I say ;)

  9. Man I'm to fucking old now to argue and to reset to wana be groundbreaking


    but check this shit out...


    I over the last few years have become very symptomatic of psychosis, schizophrenia, hallucinations the hole anti-backwards to hppd. And not even trying to describe wtf hppd is to psychiatrists, they always just hear drug addiction and its like.. why fucking bother... most prolly never even play with hallucinogens and act out on it the same way they due observing psychotic illness. with observational hysteria trying to understand something they just fucking blend into a diagnosis...


    my point... I'm playin with diagnosis of bipolar(childhood-now friend very bipolar, I do not fucking experience mania nor am I that depressed, amphetamine is my only experience in self induced mania, clearly fucking misdiagnosis.. hospitals throw me in the schizophrenic category... I will describe that shit in a minute... its a trip .. but I'm thinkin HPPD can lead to A highfunctioning form of psychosis, as symptoms are fuck it let me describe some shit.


    100%sober experience...

    Voices in my head have become nearly daily and never experienced them even on hardcore psychedelics...  aside from some wobble warping sounds and auditory enhancement, auditory hallucinations were always something of a god damn dream to me, but this got crazy as I can get... reason being very normal like intercoms around my house(hallucinated mind you) very weird, imagine this..a good homie you've knowen for years and one the piss's you off always fucking commenting on whatever the fuck you do.. rare symptom free days - mixed with episodic nightmares that can only be described as a lucid dream, awake.. I mean this is just a week experience.. detailed actually talented rhyme work with Christmas type parade outside my window talking shit that I could never come up with on my own(major oddity with this )  that lead to another situation, a gameshow..kinda... with their nowadays hallmark of teaseing me into embarrassing myself by talking outloud when I'm unable to throw away another conclusion,,, lead to something very trippy lol, all the voices in my head became self aware they were hallucinations and grew fucking aQuantum type dimension twightlight zopne shit Trapped on this piece of land I live on these days north of seattle... itd be a book to even try and detail it out , but this became so real that at one point. details aside .. I was completely convinced that (and follow I did) to wake people up etc very confident and proud that this was all figured out and man if you all use to think the nonstop highamount obsessive psychedelic of my past I use to write about was a bit fucking weird, experiencing datura type episodes sober is a fucking trip.. id write more about my hallucinations but I'm not much about that shit anymore, my point being ...


    Ask Questions, Relate if possible... I know one thing for sure, I'm way to high functioning to be a classic schizophrenic, my psyschosis hallucinations are even crazier then some shit like Criteria classic schizophrenia.. I'm not at all bipolar, I wana smack the hole field of psychiatry now that I'm in it.. my unique mind Has a lot to do with the trippy spects of these hallucinations, but am def trying to Blend HPPD in psychosis Terms.. or atleast anyway trying to develop information for this weird shit... 


    I intend to go more into this as ive become a bit convinced HPPD+Psychosis+Anxiety seems to be a possibility.. the anxiety for sure, but Bottom line..


    Anyone Experience 100% sober Hallucinations, and really trying to hear from the 10+year HPPD people if they've experienced Hallucinations that really are characteristic of Perceptions more then "The gov is out to get me" 


    I don't use the internet much anymore so I'm sure that was hard to grasp.. its a question not a trip report.. ill formulate and add on to this here and there... 



    Been Pretty Much Done with Psychedelics(playedout nothing new in um) for years..

    Been off Tweak pretty much a year cept for here and there...

    alc got toxic, drinking for the first time in 6 months or so..

    in other words, all the motherfuckers that use to throw the antidrug flag at me, I barley even smoke pot anymore lol... I'm just hardwired in solitary confinement pretty much in the middle of fucking nowhere, and once again.... Root of all my bs is HPPD... I take back some of my previous views... no one should fucking eat psychedelic hallucinogens unless they are like me heh... its fucking too much and the way shit is HPPD is DSm'd but never will be studied beyond Abrahms fucking Teen Sobriety , Weak Brain imagining.. I have to really feel psychedelics were very needed for me to not be all caught up in the I fucked myself up trip.. id never intentionally recommend them even if I personally, look back in awe and glad to of acquired these memories.... but even tho Ill still say continued abuse never made me worse after the shit was full blown, I cant even began to describe my views and thoughts on Degenerative HPPD probability... Def Perm... for those who truly have it.. 


    Def Not really ever gonna be truly reconized, so misdiagnosis of simple criteria that can sound like it.. 


    Basicly HPPD is one lifelong Mindfuck I'm thinking can be made worse when you dwell and obsesss over it... 


    one things for sure, The LSD Memory of WTF is going on here??? Mindfuck pretty much all are familiar with, is deeprooted to the point it can grow.. benzos might help a lot , but id say the memory fog and dependence may even make it worse...



    Its all in your head, and once that dam fucking breaks open... you can really fuck yourself up playing with your perceptions... even make leaps in creativity etc.. its all too much in the end tho.. to much information.. brains clogs up.. I feel is what breaks most hppd people into a catatonic state.. 


    not to worry anyone, this psychosis may def be just me.... but .... really curios to see how much permafried people can relate to constant perception imbalance and spending a few years pretty much alone,  can really bring out the disorder .. damage? I don't think so more like fucking sensory overload.. 

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