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Posts posted by holly

  1. Thanks for all the tips, I'll definitely try these. Since I'm going into my junior year and it's gonna be filled with stress.Gonna be taking 2 ap's, sat's and what not. Currently I'm pretty stress free, just the constant anxiety. After some deep breaths and talking to people I feel better. Yesterday at the party I mentioned above, it was so hard not to drink when drinks are constantly being offered to you. My friend got lit though, just gotta take day by day. Thanks for all the advice y'all. <3

  2. Also discoloration when I'm staring at patterns, like circles of colors different to the actually painting or picture. I've been reading and a lot of people say the ride is hellish, 2 days in and my anxiety is rad. My friend is over for the week because I'm on summer break. Gonna try and stay productive, eat healthy, so constant exercise and build upon my relationships. At the gym I don't notice anything, no anxiety no visuals. I just feel amazing getting my fitness in.


  3. Well, no easy way to say this. I think I have hppd. I took extremely small doses of acid in my sophmore year in high school. One 50ug and one 100ug. That's it. Prior to trying lsd I've had experiences with dxm, and weed. I only did both of these substances every now and again. 

    The visuals of today might have started a week ago, I felt no anxiety just was kinda trippy to still see stuff. Symptoms below*


    -slight flashing in my peripheral

    -negative and positive in prints 


    -Closed eye shape-ish movement when I try to sleep

    -I sometimes right when I'm about to fall asleep I imagine noises.

    Last night I smoked some weed, after 15 min I had extreme anxiety. Felt as if I was having a panic attack, the visuals were too strong for me. I closed my eyes (still tripping) then I fell asleep. I woke up feeling neutral, just slightly anxious. All of today I've had on and off anxiousness, when I'm occupied I'm fine, down time is when I'm anxious. Been going to the gym, eating well and I plan to never do a substance again in my life. Have a party tomorrow and I want to see if my anxiety will stretch socially where it never was before. Any piece of mind from individuals here would be appreciated. Thank you for reading :)

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