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Everything posted by TheElusiveEyeFloater

  1. I was afraid it was going to be something like that. Guess I'll pack all the good things I learned from LSD and move on. It was definitely a fun period of my life that I'll never forget.
  2. Hello everyone. I'm new here. I got HPPD from tripping too much acid. Right now all I have are visual snow and eye floaters, but at first I was dealing with: - paranoia-inducing head buzzing (strangely perceived as a sound, but not really a sound) - distortions in the center of my vision (looked kinda like this but it moves fast: http://i.imgur.com/wEze83V.png ) - sharp pains in my ears (too rare to be serious, but it did happen at times) - insomnia (all of the above would suddenly attack at once every time I tried to fall asleep, specially when stoned, and even more specially when stoned AND drunk) All of these symptoms are toned down versions of the torturous feelings I felt during my last trip. That wasn't even the 7 hits trip, it was a 1.5 hits trip which was way more physically painful. I've read that once you have HPPD you should stop taking all psychedelics, even take a long break from weed. But is this permanent? Should I stay away from acid for good, or is it safe to just wait a few months/years? Is it safe to do it again if my symptoms go away? I can't believe I'm asking this after all I've been through. I had a hell of a couple of weeks dealing with the initial symptoms and I'm still a little bummed out about them eye floaters. I almost cried when I realized how bad the eye floaters are (when I looked at my lawn covered in patternless, bright white snow). The worst part of it all was not knowing if it would go away. I'm glad it did and I don't EVER want to go through anything like that again, but at the same time I do want to trip balls. In other words, what's the risk factor for me here, in your opinion(s)? I tripped between weekly and bi-weekly for about 5 months before this happened, and the bad trips only started after I took the tolerance break. My last trip before the break was 15 hits (around 1.65mg) and I had a good trip, albeit by that point I had such a high tolerance I wasn't getting that many visuals anymore (which was the main motivator for taking the break). Thanks in advance!
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