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Posts posted by Mr.50's

  1. well yesterday was my 17th birthday, probably not the best day to do so but u told my mom I have hppd and have had it for 2 years. It was incredibly emotional and she thinks it's mostly a psychological thing and that I don't really know what is wrong with me, but she does believe there is something beyond psychological out of my control and is taking me to a psychiatrist and a neurologist. The psychologist she set me up with apparently knows a lot about hppd, not sure if I believe her but this is the first step in getting treatment and I'm glad I told my mom

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  2. Ya next time I smoke (which i know my retarded ass will do) I will try a high cbd low thc indica, and have a benzo nearby. My brain went into the depths of hell but dealing with hppd and depersonalization for 2 years got me through it, even when I couldn't process a a single thought something told me to wait and it will get better.

  3. my hppd was caused by sythetic marijauna 2 years ago, was unnoticeable but became BAD with almost daily marijuana use and occasional Ritalin use (2 light overdoses) within 2 months. I recently decide to smoke a joint with a friend, I live in Cali so it was very expensive very high grade stuff, the strain was Jack Herer. I was calm and relaxed with my friend, smoked a fair bit and it felt great. Music felt slowed down, eyes red, heart beating fast(no anxiety) felt like laughing, enjoyed the whole thing. Visuals became very slightly worse. Next day decided to smoke the same strain through a bong, by myself. I smoked a lot, kinda rushed home and immediately took a shower to get rid of the smell. On the skate home EVERYTHING got so bright. Got inside, deep deep sense of something wrong, COULD NOT SHAKE IT. Shower was the closest I ever came to losing my mind. Got out sat on my couch watching tv, talking to invisible people jerking whole body and waving my hands randomly. I can not describe how it felt, hell is the only thing that comes to mind. 2 hours later it was wearing off, very depersonalized. Next day slightly more depersonalized, visuals only 10% worse. I have realized even if your visuals are almost gone, and your depersonalization non existent, never do drugs with an unstable mind

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  4. my hppd was caused by sythetic marijauna 2 years ago, was unnoticeable but became BAD with almost daily marijuana use and occasional Ritalin use (2 light overdoses) within 2 months. I recently decide to smoke a joint with a friend, I live in Cali so it was very expensive very high grade stuff, the strain was Jack Herer. I was calm and relaxed with my friend, smoked a fair bit and it felt great. Music felt slowed down, eyes red, heart beating fast(no anxiety) felt like laughing, enjoyed the whole thing. Visuals became very slightly worse. Next day decided to smoke the same strain through a bong, by myself. I smoked a lot, kinda rushed home and immediately took a shower to get rid of the smell. On the skate home EVERYTHING got so bright. Got inside, deep deep sense of something wrong, COULD NOT SHAKE IT. Shower was the closest I ever came to losing my mind. Got out sat on my couch watching tv, talking to invisible people jerking whole body and waving my hands randomly. I can not describe how it felt, hell is the only thing that comes to mind. 2 hours later it was wearing off, very depersonalized. Next day slightly more depersonalized, visuals only 10% worse. I have realized even if your visuals are almost gone, and your depersonalization non existent, never do drugs with an unstable mind

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