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Posts posted by BigPapaChakra

  1. I'll post a whole host more in a bit. There are currently only five human studies on transcranial low level laser therapy, but there are tons of human studies on other applications of red and infrared light. Red light acupuncture has been used in depression models of humans as well. I believe there is something around twenty-seven studies in animals on transcranial applications. The primary research was originally used in healing tissue/skeletal injuries and problems, thus the research is just starting to roll in terms of brain enhancement. The Soviets were far ahead of the game as well, there is a lot of information on IR and red lights from fifty or so years ago coming out of Russia.


    I'd also like to point out that I'm in no way, shape, or form the most educated and knowledgeable person on this topic. My topic of study was psychology, but I've started educating myself now in biophysics, chemistry, etc. Thanks to LostFalco from Longecity, I'm reading two highly fascinating books on biology and biophysics that are really helping me to understand everything. I plan on applying the whole 80/20 routine and learning the most practical information of each field. I would recommend people look into these books:






    I'm reading these books with a skeptical eye, though, because Gilbert Ling's biological research shows a lot of biological research being done, as well as taught in schools, to be completely false. http://www.gilbertling.org/ and http://www.gilbertling.org/lp6c.htm I believe you can find his books for free on his site or one of the Russian sites dedicated to his work. I plan on also utilizing some of these sources to teach myself advanced biology and physics to better understand how to apply LLLT, because physics and math aren't my forte  ;) http://academicearth.org/online-college-courses/physics/ http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/find-by-topic/ and more resources can be found here on the "menu" to the right: http://www.reddit.com/r/GetSmarter/new/?count=25&after=t3_rmqgm

  2. Here is a study on LLLT with Traumatic Brain Injury: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3104287/ of course, this is a very, very small study; a case study. It is still relevant, and it shows the efficacy quite well - the participants were followed for years, not just a few days or weeks. The study hints towards acupoints being targeted as well. 


    This is a study I just looked at on traumatic brain injury in mice treated with different wavelengths of red and infrared light: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3397203/ I think the discussion at the end is solid and a good read. 

    "ATP is increased by LLLT and could prevent excitotoxicity. LLLT modulates many biological and disease processes increasing fibroblast migration, proliferation and differentiation, angiogenesis, and healing in ischemic heart and skeletal muscles, tendons, and bones. There are reports of beneficial effects of LLLT on functional recovery of injured peripheral nerves (780 nm) [37,38] and also of injured central neurons in the spinal cord (810 nm) [23,39]." (...) "The success of transcranial LLLT in these animal studies of stroke encouraged a clinical trial (NEST-1) in human stroke patients [43] in which only one transcranial NIR (808 nm) laser treatment at ~18 hours after stroke led to significant improvement. A second larger clinical trial (NEST-2) failed to meet its primary endpoint [44], but a subset of patients (moderate strokes) showed significant benefit [45]."


    What I find interesting, is the researchers alluded to the fact that although certain wavelengths had no effect, that doesn't mean that wavelength won't have an effect if different parameters are used: fluence and irradiance play an additional, possibly equally important role, to the efficacy of LLLT. Every study needs to be looked at with that knowledge in the back of your mind, because each one can have significantly different results. 

  3. Hey guys, what's up! Hope you're all doing well. I don't have much time for a very large post, but I promise I'll write in depth soon.


    Essentially, TULIP, also known as The Ultimate Laser Protocol, has probably been the most effective thing I've done to help my HPPD. I would suggest you read my review over at longecity, thought it was done awhile back, it's still relevant. Things have gotten even better since then, and I have largely 'taken it easy' with LLLT (low level laser therapy). In fact, I've been taking a break from it for the past eight days as to establish some 'baseline' observations by taking my daily CP (buteyko breathing), doing duel n-back, lumosity, etc. then starting it back up. I originally took the HAM-D and HAM-A psychological analyses (for depression and anxiety symptoms), and I never even took them again because I felt much better.


    I plan on blogging about this in the future, because I sincerely want to help everyone with HPPD (and associated symptoms/problems), because I have it, I've experienced it, and I understand how much if can affect ones life. No one I personally know can even understand because they haven't had the experience, and it's difficult to talk about it at times because I don't want to be perceived as 'crazy' when I essentially have a perception disorder.


    I would STRONGLY urge anyone interested to go through the LostFalco's Biohacking Extravaganza thread at Longecity, along with some others. LostFalco is the one who got me into LLLT and I owe everything to him, he has truly changed my life for the better. I'm inquiring about collaborating on some blog posts with him about LLLT and how we can enhance the current TULIP protocol, and from my end, it would be largely about reducing HPPD and psychological symptoms.


    I will post here later with a bunch of studies and observations, but here is the gist of it:

    LLLT has been used for a long time, research on it has been going on for over fifty years. It primarily originated in 1960 with the invention of the Ruby Laser and the helium-neon (HeNe) laser in 61. I've found some fascinating information that dates back to before 1900 but it wasn't specifically for red or any wavelength of infrared light. Something I have to look into, though. I'm not too strong with the physics side of all this, which has actually lead me to want to learn math and physics (I can post some free courses and what not later), lol. The exact mechanisms of LLLT aren't fully established, but it seems as though the primary route of action is by the light being absorbed by chromophores in the skin, thus affecting Cytochrome C Oxidase within the mitochondrion and stimulating ATP production. It also modulates ROS and induces transcription factors. So, the primary factors here are the stimulation of one of the most fundamental aspects of life - the mitochondria - which produce chemical energy (although, I'm reading Gilbert Ling who turns modern biology upside down, and it seems as though ATPs only function may not be as an energy substrate), while also inducing epigenetic changes for the better. Other down stream effects seem to be enhanced CO2 retention (a good thing), increased oxygenation of the targeted tissue (as well as other areas), and increased regional cerebral blood flow (possibly one of the mechanisms behind its efficacy in depression and anxiety). There is actually a LOT more to this story, but I'm still learning, printing out a bunch of clinical studies and reading them when I get the chance. TULIP utilizes LLLT, but throws in synergistic mitochondrial supplements, the basic stack being CoQ10 (which acts as a 'donor' of sorts and is largely used up in different complexes of the mitochondrion), PQQ (which affects PGC-1a which seems to be the master 'switch' in mitochondrial and brown fat biogenesis), as well as Shilajit (synergism with CoQ10; acts as an adaptogen; much more but still investigating this). Other substances can be ones that affect the Krebs Cycle, ALCAR, R-ALA (K-R-ALA is better but I don't know where to find this), and much more. I have another large post on the TULIP thread about "TULIP Stacks", I think the Cori Cycle can be enhanced for the better of TULIP, as well, along with a lot of other whole-foods substances and supplements. Oxaloacetate seems to be a viable option, but I may be to young to experiment with that (only turning 19 this November).


    I'll post here again some time tonight as I'm off to school in a bit. Hope you're all doing well!

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