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Posts posted by nothingbutbluntz

  1. Anything I could do whatsoever that I would know for sure the things I experience are HPPD and not schizophrenia? they seem to fit into the description of HPPD but a big part of me worries this is more like the onset of schizophrenia. Anyone have any ideas? I act fine, i just have mild visuals like patterns in textured surfaces that change as my perspective does, tracers after moving objects, color distortion in dark environments.

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  2. all z time... any textured surface i look at has independent texture /shadows / coloring. Some move along with my eyes, some move randomly. Gigantic pain in the ass but ignorable. 

    okay so can i get you to test something? Look at your jeans or pants or any fabric you can move. As you see visuals come up, move the fabric and see if the visuals move with the fabric as if it would move if it was something actually attached to the fabric, do you get what I mean? Anyone else willing to test this, please do.

  3. I have been drinking one or two cups of coffee a day for 2 years now. I would not consider myself addicted but I do find it helps me get up in the morning. I started experiencing HPPD symptoms a few months ago, and have kept drinking coffee however I have stopped using psychedelics and have significantly reduced my cannabis use, cutting it out completely after this weekend. My question to you, as obvious in the title of the post, is do you find caffeine makes your symptoms worse? I don't know what affect it has on mine, because again I have been drinking coffee since before I developed HPPD.


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  4. I see broken psychedelic visuals on any textured surface i focus on. I thought this to be normal HPPD, and still do.

    However, say I look at a textured surface like my jeans. i will start to see something emerging out of the edges. Normally, again this would be no case for worry. However, I noticed when i move the fabric of my jeans, the pattern moves as if it were actually ingrained into the fabric. It's as if you had a pattern sewn onto the jeans and were looking at it as you stretched and wrinkled the fabric. It's like that but with perceptual anomaly that I think would not have that characteristic of moving about with the fabric. Does anyone else get anything like this?

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  5. Still rather worried that this is not HPPD and it may be the onset of schizophrenia. The fact that my visuals get noticeably worse after hallucinogen/cannabis use should indicate that it is a case of HPPD, right? I'm thinking the anxiety aspect of the HPPD is making me think too much about it and assume I am in the onset stages of schizophrenia. All my peers say I am perfectly normal except for the anxiety. Again, ceasing all drug use and starting a daily regiment of meditation in hopes that it will have my symptoms calm down. Would you guys say I'm worrying over nothing? The thing that scares me is I'm young and I have many years in which the onset could come, I don't want to go schizo

  6. I've been playing guitar for about a year and a half now, I have in the last half year developed a moderate case of HPPD from dropping LSD.


    I was wondering if anyone notices any changes in their pitch recognition, or any sound issues whatsoever. I certainly have alot of visual symptoms, I don't want my HPPD to start fucking with my ability to properly hear what I'm playing. I want to be able to know my pitch is perfect. 

  7. You know the visuals you get on textures when you look at them on a psychedelic? they start to move and shift and you can see shapes in the texture you previously couldn't. I've noticed when I look at any wall or textured surface, I can see mild visuals like that, but they look broken in a sense. they aren't fully formed, it just looks like a few edges on the textured surface stand out like they would on psychedelics, but not fully because it's not driven by the chemical. is this a normal occurrence? 

  8. Thank you, I will try to find a copy of the book online. I have been a heavy cannabis user for about 3 years, have gone from everyday smoking, mixing it with nicotine on occasion to smoking on weekends, and only weed, no tobacco. I consider myself addicted, this is my way of cutting back. I plan to smoke two more times before cutting it out of my life completely and focusing on music. I am also not doing psychedelics, save for maybe mushrooms for spiritual use later on in life, in low doses. but that's far after I have my life together. By the way, is it normal for me to go into mild psychedelic trips while having a lower tolerance for weed? again, since the beginning of november I have only been smoking on weekends, and once or twice if at all. I have been sober every weekday this week, which i usually am not, I am proud of myself but I know my tolerance is going down. I've noticed since the mild tolerance drop, i get rather intense visuals when stoned. normal or case for worry? I probably seem like i overthink this too much, to you guys but I am rather concerned, being a teenager and all

  9. I have already been cutting down my cannabis usage, went from every day for 3 years to weekends in the month of october, so far it's gone very well. I plan on smoking on weekends this month and then on the 27th I'm done cannabis, probably for good but I may use recreationally once in a blue moon in the future. I'm rather certain I'm never dropping acid again. I would like to do mushrooms once every year or two, strictly for spiritual purposes. I have a regiment of meditation set up, I'm trying to get back into the habit of meditating 20 minutes every morning and evening. If i have a good amount of stress relief from the meditation, I shouldn't have the stressor to bring it out, right? I am a very spiritual person, I am very happy with my life right now, happy for the amazing opportunities god has given me, I just simply fear for my sanity at times after all the psychedelics I've taken. 

  10. I am 17 years old, I have a predisposition to schizophrenia in my family. One aunt has been schizophrenic for over 30 years, the other (in her 50's) is just starting to develop signs of paranoid schizophrenia. In the past year of my life, I have had probably over 50 psychedelic trips on magic mushrooms and LSD. From the LSD, i have developed a moderate case of HPPD. I figure, and many of my friends have told me that if I were to go schizophrenic, it would have happened already. Should I be worried? Just wondering from the masses of psychonauts here who have done enough psychedelics to bring on a case of HPPD. Does anyone else here have a predisposition to Schizophrenia? One of the main reasons I am worried now is because last night, as I was trying to fall asleep (I would not consider me on the brink of falling asleep, I was just lying there trying to sleep) I could hear, kind of like how you can hear your thoughts sometimes, I could hear random people talking, saying nothing specific. I'm thinking it was probably hypnogogic hallucinations, but it still worried me a bit. 

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  11. I have had a pretty mild-average case of HPPD for the past few months. Caused by LSD, Mushroom use and exacerbated by constant use of cannabis. 


    When i move my head slightly to the left while looking at a textured surface such as asphalt, to the right of the center of my vision, it's as if all the edges of the rocks in the asphalt swirl around this one point. If i move my head to the right, the same thing happens but to the left of the center of my vision. If i don't move my head at all, i notice textural anomalies kind of like an LSD trip, but without the normal structure a psychedelic visual has. Does anyone know what this could be? I have a predisposition to schizophrenia in my family, I've dropped a LOT of acid and mushrooms in the past year, and I'm rather worried it's something schizophrenic in nature. I am completely here in the head, mind you. Aside from the normal far out theories about reality that psychonauts have, I am normal. I do not consider myself delusional, and any theories i have from these experiences are valid and make sense to completely sober-minded people. I'm just wondering if i'm in the early onset of schizophrenia, or if i have HPPD. I have many other hppd symptoms, such as colors shifting, halos around lights, trails behind moving objects. I'm wondering if the symptom i've described above is what people would consider patterns in a textured surface. I've also wondered if it is palinopsia. Anyone want to shed some light on this?

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