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Prednisone for visuals?

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I've read a few stories on the "Thosewithvisualsnow" forum from people who claim that their VS symptoms may be related to an autoimmune disorder of some kind.  Some have undergone a short-term Prednisone steroid regimen and claim it cleared their symptoms up.  I'm interested in this because I've had autoimmune problems my whole life and am wondering if my HPPD could somehow be related.  Could Prednisone help or would it just make things worse?

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I've never tried Prednisone but I like DHEA. I am being treated for HPPD, ADHD, PTSD, Panic Disorder (physical symptoms only)  and frequent manic episodes. I also have hypothyroidism. I've found that antipsychotics make my HPPD worse so I'm coming off of them. Lamictal is very good at treating my HPPD. Anyway, you might want to look into pro hormones like DHEA. It is also important to take them with an Aromatase Inhibitor.

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  • 1 month later...

I had 1g of methylprednisolone together with a potent immune-depleting drug for 5 days for the autoimmune disease of the CNS.

It certainly did nothing to my visuals may be they got even worse temporarily because this treatment made me very-very sick in general for a couple of weeks or so.

When I was diagnosed with this autoimmune condition I thought that visual snow and trails are related to it and my neuro told that he thinks the same. But after reading the literature (which is to say scarce on the subject) I don't think so anymore.

Also my immune system is nearly completely destroyed after the treatment I got, and all other neurological symptoms I got prior to it pretty much improved. But not visual distortions.

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