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Painting the Void

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Posts posted by Painting the Void

  1. Maca is good in a smoothie;

    Try Maca, Mucuna (Velvet Bean) Powder (boosts Dopamine synthesis), blueberries, ripe banana, whey protein, liquid of your choice (coconut water / almond milk etc) Cinnamon and vanilla are also recommended. Dark organic chocolate or raw cacao powder goes well too.

  2. andrewcb;


    regarding opipod receptor activity - I stand corrected!


    "Tianeptine research was revolutionised in July 2014 with publication of the unexpected discovery that tianeptine is a full agonist at the μ and δ opioid receptors with negligible effect at the κ opioid receptors.[9] Selective μ opioid agonists in the brain's "hedonic hotspots" typically induce euphoria.[10] Selective kappa agonists typically induce dysphoria. The role of central delta opioid receptors is poorly understood. Dual activation of the mu and, less potently, the delta opioid receptors may be critical to tianeptine's mood-brightening and anxiolytic effect - a therapeutic action seemingly unaccompanied by the physiological tolerance and dependence that have plagued traditional opioids. Previous research into tianeptine may need to be re-evaluated in this light."

  3. I'd really recommend afobaloze and tianeptine for anxiety and depression. Neither are addictive or cause negative effects upon ceasing use. (Unlike benzo's and or/ SSRI's - brian zaps anyone?) Both are available without a prescription and I have been using both. It is not a cure for HPPD but neither has worsened my HPPD or DP symptoms.


    I tried mirtazapene (Remeron in Australia) and it make my so groggy zombie-like in the morning I decided I couldn't live life like that. It definately helps with sleep though!

  4. Someone asked about the severity and nature of my anxiety. I have mild-moderate base level anxiety due to HPPD I suppose, I also experience mild/moderate agoraphobia and social anxiety. I'm not sure to what degree that is caused by the HPPD, or indirectly due to the DP/DR sensation or the way that HPPD has impacted my whole personality and life (socially, financially etc). It's understandable that a person would feel more comfortable at home if there are experiencing HPPD/DP/DR, as it is easier to control that environment and feel safer.


    The main effect I have noticed from Afo is a big reduction in the kind of creeping anxiety (though and feelings) that would sometimes feel like it was going to spiral out into a panic attack. I used to hate that creeping paranoid anxiety, it would eat away at me and make me feel like I might lose control or go crazy. I still have some base-level of anxiety but I luckily (so far) seemed to have lost the panic.

  5. Hey guys,

    Yeah regarding the dosing of Afobazole, I just followed the recommended dosing of 1 pill taken 3 times daily. I do believe it takes 2-3 weeks before any consistent anxiolytic effect is built up, peaking at 4 weeks. My plan is to try it for 3 - 6 months, then taper off it over a few weeks. I don't believe there are any withdrawal effects like people experience with benzos. It seems to reduce anxiety but totally different mechanics of action in the brain. It is not really a sedative / tranquilizer like a benzo class of substance.


    Other questions;


    Tianeptine isn't really an opioid - it it technically classed as a Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Accelerator (SSRE!) ie. it does the opposite of SSRI's in a way. It increases the re-uptake rate of Serotonin, rather than blocking the re-uptake of seotonin. I have read many articles on it over the the years, but due to the Hppd/dp fuzz my working/long-term memory is never that much to rely on. Basically no one quite knows for sure  how it has it's mood brightening / anti-depressant effect. Usually down stream effects are cited, not the direct mechanism of action.


    Andrew; most people at first get a mild euphoric buzz from tianeptine (that is powder take orally at 12.5 mg 3 x daily), but after a while this can pass. I'm really in it for the long term neurogenesis / neuroprotective effects that seem to come from continued use. (To be more accurate it seems to restore healthy neurogenesis in people with abnormal brain function ie. depression, anxiety etc..)


    Here is an extract from a 2010 study on tianeptine 


    Considerable progress has been made in describing the physiological and behavioral sequelae that
    result from depression, but the specific factors responsible for its development and maintenance are
    not well understood. Investigators have utilized animal models of stress effects on brain and behavior
    to develop a better understanding of the neurobiological basis of depression, which could ultimately
    produce improved treatment options for the patient. We have reviewed the findings of preclinical
    research demonstrating that tianeptine prevents the deleterious effects of stress on physiology and
    behavior. Tianeptine prevents chronic stress-induced morphological changes in the hippocampus and
    amygdala and blocks the effects of acute stress on synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus and PFC. We
    have also reviewed findings demonstrating that tianeptine has procognitive effects. Tianeptine
    enhances hippocampus-dependent learning and memory and prevents the stress-induced impairment of
    such processes. Tianeptine’s prevention of the adverse effects of stress on brain and behavior is likely
    to contribute to its effectiveness as a treatment for people suffering from depression.
    Tianeptine’s antidepressant effects appear to involve modulation of glutamatergic
    neurotransmission, which resonates with evidence implicating abnormal glutamate activity in the
    pathogenesis of depression. Cellular, molecular and electrophysiological studies have shown that
    tianeptine prevents the stress-induced rise in amygdaloid glutamate levels and blocks stress-induced
    changes in glutamate receptor currents and glutamate transporter expression in the hippocampus.
    Moreover, tianeptine potentiates AMPA receptor function, as demonstrated by increasing
    phosphorylation of the Ser831 and Ser845 sites on the GluR1 subunit of AMPA receptors in the
    hippocampus and PFC. These latter findings may explain why tianeptine enhanced long-term (24-hours)
    hippocampus-dependent memory retrieval (as reported here) and, more generally, how it facilitates
    synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus. Other research has shown that tianeptine has anticonvulsant
    properties, which appear to be based on its stabilization of glutamate levels in conjunction with
    adenosine receptor activation.

    In summary, tianeptine is a well-described antidepressant with effective actions against stressinduced
    deficits of the nervous system. It is as effective as SSRIs in treating depression, produces
    fewer adverse side effects and reduces anxious symptoms associated with depression without the need
    for concomitant anxiolytic therapy [18–21,207]. It is therefore relevant to note that tianeptine has been
    shown to ameliorate symptoms in people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) [208] and in
    recent work has been shown to block the effects of intense stress on behavior and cardiovascular
    systems in an animal model of PTSD [100]. Thus, the well-described antidepressant and memory
    protective properties of tianeptine indicate that, in addition to its effectiveness as a treatment in mood
    disorders, it potentially has broader applications, as in the treatment of anxiety.


    Link: www.mdpi.com/1424-8247/3/10/3143/pdf

  6. Just thought i'd drop in to let y'all know that afobazole (Russian axiolytic/anti-depressant) has really been really helping me with my anxiety (I have had HPPD & DP/DR since age 16. I am 31 now). It's great to not be worried about benzo's or pregabalin, trying to balance sporadic use with the risk of becoming addicted. Afo takes a few weeks to start working and it's subtle compared to benzo's (no muscle relaxtion/ inhibition/ sleepyness etc. it's not much of a tranquilizer). It can be stopped at any time with no withdrawals according to the research i've looked at. When I get a bit more time I will post some more in depth analysis and links to studies, but just for now i'd though id share this info with all my HPPD brothers and sisters out there in the world. Idealy I can just keep benzo's for the odd emergency situation.


    Just for disclosore I also take Tianeptine 12.5mg 3 times a day (it's a mood brightener and a novel kind of antidepressent that doesn't seem to make HPPD worse due to not having the same Mechanism of action as SSRI's. I mainly take tianeptine in the hope of long term neurogensis/neural plasticity and to reduce the negative effects of chronic stress on the brain. (Living with HPPD and DP is stressful right?!) It can help with anxiety to a certain extent.


    I also take;

    B12 (methylcobalamine)
    Vitamin D3 (sublingual)

    Ubiqionol CoQ10

    Krill Oil

    Astaxanthin (anti-oxident)

    Chelated Magnesium / Calcium supplement

     Vitamin K2


    + Chinese tonic herbs - 8 Immortals / Reishi Mushroom extract / Chage mushroom extract / Ginseng

     Sublime formula.


    jeez it's a lot of stuff, no wonder i'm broke!




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