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spanish boy

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Posts posted by spanish boy

  1. Alcohol is the only thing that makes my HPPD disappears when the HPPD symptoms began in my body (6 years ago) I took her fear of alcohol, past 3 years I decided to drink one night and as more taxes being drunk I was better, reached a point that did not notice any symptoms, like the best medicine for this disease ..

    Since then, alcohol is the only way to feel good, do not usually drink usually the days of the week do not drink ever, and most weekends, since I'm a DJ and disco lights I do have many hallucinations and it is impossible to work like always need my small dose of rum haha

    At times there in one night I drink a bottle of rum (too much alcohol ..) and the next day hangover be brutal, but there have been times when I wake up I have been perfect, with little symptoms, as if the effect of alcohol even further .

    I have drunk alcohol for many years and have not noticed any symptoms worsen, indeed, some of them disappeared and an new ones started, but are less troublesome.

    A conclusion to which I come, I can not drink alcohol esque on average, if I drink 3 beers and I can not get drunk any worse, can not sleep and I have more severe symptoms ..

    Anyway, I hope these words help and forgive my bad English, I am Spanish and do not control very well English.

    A greeting.

  2. Hello, first I am a Spanish boy can not speak English very well so here try to explain as best as possible.

    I am a Spanish boy, living in Madrid and studied music production of electronic music today,since I take a dose of LSD changed my life completely and I seek to move forward solutions for ..

    In August 2008 , I took a small dose of LSD , after 3 hours I did not notice anything and I went home , but 1 hour after effects began , I had a bad trip. The next day I was weird but after the days was normal , over time at 5 months or so I began to notice strange things. Today an almost 4 years past and I have the following symptoms .

    - Floaters

    - Things move

    - Anxiety

    - Stress

    - Sometimes I feel like I'm walking imbalance

    - Loss of contact with reality

    - At night I see as "noise" very small dots

    - Disordered thinking

    Depending on the day I have some symptoms or other. Usually when I'm distracted I do not usually notice the symptoms only when I sleep too little or poor, when I wake up I wake up pretty bad, because this is getting out of my life every day more and I want to end this happens to me.

    When I'm happy or very committed to something and just think about it, not noticing anythingground.

    I have been reading and my symptoms point to that I have HPPD, I would like to know if thishas cured, or if there is some type of treatment to stop having these symptoms and can lead a normal life, as day by day my life is greatly limited ..

    Thanks for your help!

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