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Posts posted by GuiseppeTheGreat

  1. has anyone else seen this K2 stuff around? it's been popular among my friends (high schoolers) for a while now, and is just starting to catch the eye of the law. a few of the chemicals people make it with are illegal, though you can still get a dozen different kinds of it at any given gas station or smoke shop. cheap too. I've even started to see people homemaking their own shit, which i do not trust one bit, even less than the marketed stuff.

    personally, i've smoked quite a bit of it (3 grams a week usually), because i was getting drug tested for a few months. some of it really does get you very, very high, while some of it is worthless. But the stuff that works had me feeling like i was on acid again; my vision was going crazy, my anxiety spiked and my tinitus sounded like an army of cicadas in my brain. i don't know why i kept smoking it, it seems so illogical now, but i think it definitely worsened my symptoms in the long run, especially DR and VS.

    I think I'd stay away from the stuff if I could go back and do it again, but what's done is done.

    Anyone else have any experience with it?

  2. i know exactly what you're talking about.

    its not regular for me, but every once in a while i'll experience something similar. it feels like my body is going from very small to very massive, and i'm like weightless. or sometimes i feel like i'm sinking under my bed. Then when i sit up and open my eyes the whole world is bending and dancing out of control.

    I've gotten used to it now and, like most of my other symptoms, it doesn't really bother me or prevent my getting to sleep anymore.

    I used to use sleeping pills though, when it happened, if you're really freakin out.

  3. i have, and though i had HPPD at the time, i didn't know the term yet or really anything about it. We were both at the stage where we were scared shitless and didn't know where to turn, and meeting each other and just knowing someone else was out there was a huge relief for us both. Unfortunately, my friend was arrested soon after we talked and is now in jail for 7 years on charges of marijuana possession with intent to distribute (BULLSHIT). I can't even imagine what its like to be locked up with HPPD.

  4. for me there is for sure. the worst visuals i have are mostly ones i remember (or think i remember) from a particularly bad trip i had, involving 5 hits of cid all dropped after midnight in a friends room. i've always thought that maybe the trauma of a bad trip could be cause for PTSD, which coupled with a bad case of HPPD would in turn be cause for an increase in visuals experienced during the bad trip, similar to a soldier with PTSD flashing back to a combat zone. So in a round about way, yes, i'd say there is probably a correlation.

  5. I was 15 first time, a lot of ppl from what I read on polls on the old board were 16-21...

    I've heard a lot of ppl talk about colors dancing around in their peripheral vision. Still happens to me, but not as bad as first 3 yrs. The more you pay attention to the visual disturbances the more they drive you crazy and raise anxiety. GL!

    have things gotten any better, and if so, how long did it take?

  6. When I was 14 i dropped acid for my first time, and took probably 20 tabs within the next 3 months. mixed in there were around 3-4 shroom trips. before i ended my tripping, i began to notice HPPD-like symptoms, and when it really hit me hard, i FREAKED OUT and haven't tripped since. For a couple months afterwards, HPPD dominated my every day life, and I was terrified. I won't explain all of my symptoms, they're basically what everyone else has. The worst though, and i dont hear a lot of people talk about it, is that SHIT DANCES AROUND, almost constantly in my peripheral vision.

    Its been a year now, and HPPD has been a constant, though I have learned to function with it. I feel I'm on my way to recovery, but I still have my bad days.

    What i want to know is, did anyone else start using at such an early age? I feel like the fact that i was so young, and admittedly immature, caused for the HPPD that still kicks my ass a year later. Pleeease let me know what you think.

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