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Posts posted by hppdguru

  1. hello im new to this site, although i've been reading online hppd forums for many years now, i was diagnosed with hppd when i was about 17, im 20 now, i triggered it after having an extremely stressful day and i felt like my head was about to explode, then i was recently taking a drug called "triple c's" that i was beginning to have bad trips one, i know from research that is the initial cause that triggered my hppd symtoms which include: visual snow, a sense of unreality, floaters, degrading visual perception, and formost a a sense of unawarness of things around me, for years i went through a period of severe anxiety and depression, i had no idea what was going on with me, thought something was wrong with my brain, after trips to doctors like most of us they had no idea, until i went to therapy and they took a look in the book of mental disorders, and found the Hppd, although i just wanted it gone, there was no cure, and the therapist said all we could do was fix the aniexty , i tried my hardest not to go on medication because im the type who doesnt like to be doped up and change my chemistry by taking pills, and for a while i could do it but it kept coming back and getting worse i finally went on the medication, deep down i knew i had to change my life in order to get over this, i changed my diet to vegetarian which helped tremendously, i started going outside more and staying away from tv and included myself toward nature, from the former things i listed came to me by pure feeling, i knew after trying to find a cure and leave it up to the "professionals" in a petty false hope that i had to do somthing about it my self, firstly i knew it was my fault entirely getting hppd, and if i can get into it, i can get myself out of it, recently this past year i am getting more and more into activities that boost self awareness and peace with my symptoms, i truthfully see the light at the end of the tunnel that is my doorway back to reality, most of us westerners dedicate our health to practitioners and prescription medicine, im here to include to those who are openminded, for being closed-minded has to do alot with your symptoms, and keeps you from coming back to reality, you may chose to wait for some miracle cure that will fix all your problems, but that day may never come, i know its hard in your position right now, but i've been through the worst spells thinking there was no way out, the truth is the cure is out there its actually right in front of you, or more truthfully is you, isn't your freedom from this caged reality worth fighting for, why sit around hating life waiting for a cure when you could actually get off your ass and do something about it, i know your waiting for me to get to the point, but just be patient, i expect most of you to turn this away and that is your loss not mine, and i can tell you it may be the hardest thing you've ever devoted yourself to.

    the truth about my hppd and i can assume alot of you, wasnt the drugs, or the stress, or whatever you think triggered it. mine started more from a mind set, and one ive had my whole life, it is really hard to get into that because looking at your past self is hard to do, but i can tell you i was lazy, closed-minded, bored with my life, and not willing to do anything about it, the underlying cause of this is the way we grew up and what we were taught to believe in from our parents, teachers, authoritive figures, doctors, laws, streetsigns aka your community/society, living in this oversecure , fearful, blind society shaped me into a very dim, unpassionate, unspirtual, unaware person, you may think, 'oh, well im not like like that i love my live', well im saying this because admitted it to my self is the doorway to changing my ownlife, and to those who disagree, the easiest person to lie to is yourself,

    and finally the cure: it isnt the prescription that helps you cope, or false hope in a god that will save your soul, it is simply you need to wake up, and realize that your living an abstract life full of abstract desires and wants and needs, like money, tv shows, magazines that tell you, you outta look like this to be happy, and find out what the real world really is, and the keys to help you find this and i promise it will work if you dedicate yourself to it, because it is for me, they are: meditation, a healthy diet, yoga, and taichi, also some to consider acupuncture, homeoapathy, reiki, taoism/buddism notice how your mind might automatically think that voodoo horse shit wont work, science is the only cure and science proves everthing, well people have been using these treatments for close to 5000 years and compare that to a country like usa who have only been here close to 250 years, trust me because i used to be into that same frame of mind, i it doesnt make your dreams come true, it doesnt make you happy, if you try any of the things i mentioned be for they will work for your and make your life better all at the same time. for those willing to try something new i welcome you, to a fulfilling life to those who turn your back to this and to most things of this sort, look around you, is this what you really want?

    "there is everlasting peace that exist, though not in countries or in laws, but in nature, when i see nature i see absolute truth to every answer i hold, it holds everything i will ever need, and then i think that's how i will be for i cant be anything other, because i came from this earth, and trying to deny that will only confuse and distort my reality causing pain to me and others on this planet, being afraid will cause the wars i create and the diseases i make."

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