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Posts posted by Aiden

  1. Just for some background information on me, I am 18 year old male, about to graduate highschool, been a daily weed, and also cart smoker since August of 2022, have had tinnitus forever has been mild enough to not bother me really, Also vape nicotine for roughly a year.

    I have also been wanting to quit weed since probably early 2023 but haven't because im a big procrastinator and have some anxiety. However I have been trying to ween myself down for the past 2 weeks by waiting until at least 4 or 5 pm in the day and sometimes later like 8, or 9pm.

    My psychedelic experience is 4 times doing mushrooms (all pretty low doses Ive never gotten any intense visuals on them, no closed eye visuals on them either.)

    • First time September 10th of 2022 roughly 2.5 grams of fungus definitely the biggest dose I've had.
    • Second time roughly a week later I think it was the 18th of September or something probably 1 gram of fungus had no visuals just a mind high and some anxiety.
    • Third time was the 27th of September probably the lowest dose of fungus it had to have been maybe 1 gram, could have been a little less.

    There is a large gap from these 3 experiences to the next one which is the one that first led to me to notice some visual changes.

    • 4th experience was a psilocybin chocolate bar from a smokeshop on March 3rd 2023. It was a polkadot mushroom bar and I had 3 squares of it. I dont really know or remember how much that was supposed to be equivalent too but it was very mild, but very fun.

    Now onto the onset of whatever this is. The first thing I noticed was on the way home from where I was during the last experience I noticed with my highbeams on, road signs and stop signs had a more glow look to them and a slight halo in the shape of whatever the sign was around it, this caused me some distress because but as I continued my life it faded down but they are still there slightly, especially the vibrant glow look. Next I have astigmatism however it seems that I have a bit more starbursts and a bit larger in size. 

    Now my last visual symptom which im confused about is visual snow. I honestly cant tell because my memory is pretty bad but I might have had this very mild for a while but just recently on Monday the 22nd of May 2023 I was really focusing on the walls on my house and I noticed this black snow that was pretty faint on the blank walls, It didnt put me into that much distress but it definetly got me more worried about hppd since I had done personal research about it ever since my 4th experience. Shortly after this I decided to hit a thc cart while in my house. I procedeed to have the snow more prominent in my vision as I was sitting in the dim living room waiting for dinner to be cooked, I had this stomach churning feeling while sitting there, I started to panic a little bit, I remember thinking "this might just get worse what if I have a slow onset of it?" until I calmed myself down. I then proceeded to go to my friends house to smoke some actual weed flower in a bong. This high was different I wasn't as stressed out, I saw the visual snow pretty prominently because we were in a dark car, and it was night, but it didnt freak me out as much as it did earlier. As Ive went on from then ive pretty much noticed that its there while im sober but it gets a bit worse while im high. It doesnt really feel like a film in front of my eyes it usually just feels like its far away and on everything I look at, unless it is night then it very much feels right in front of me. As it is now I really cant tell if it is getting worse by the day or staying stagnant. I am just terrified of it getting worse. 

    So far though the visual snow has been the only symptom Ive had that has genuinely made me kinda freak out.

    To put some background on my stress level None of my family knows I smoke weed only my older sister because me and her are pretty close, and I havent even told her ive done mushrooms. I have to get my Wisdom teeth out on the 15th of June 2023 So even the thought of the anesthesia is making me really nervous, because I have never had to be put under like this. I also have been wanting to quit weed before I get my wisdom teeth out too since you arent supposed to smoke after getting them out for multiple days so the thought of going through the hard part of quitting weed while having my face hurt doesn't sound fun.

    Im sorry if this is really long I have just been really stressing over this. I feel like im about to break down while im sober and when im high it seems its hit or miss on if I start overthinking about the visual snow. I just really want some other peoples opinions on this. Thank you.

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