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Posts posted by LonelySailor

  1. Hey guys! I hope you are all doing ok, or getting well at least.

    I have HPPD for almost 2 years. No doc here could help me at all until now because it seems that no one here knows the disorder.  If anyone here knows someone that could help, it would be great.

    I live in São Paulo, but someone in any city is already a good help. Maybe even a medic from Argentina or Uruguay could be a possibility.

    Thanks all!!

  2. 18 hours ago, Spartan said:


    I'm out now. 

    They diagnosed me with adjustment disorder on top of hppd which is bullshit because the trauma and stress I have been though have acasebated hppd severely. 

    Diagnostic criteria for Adjustment disorder is not to have another condition exacerbated by the event, which I do and have do so this diagnosis is inaccurate for me. 

     Cannot even get prescribed a benzo after numerous psyches, neuro-psychs and hospital admissions,  because I've had dependence on the past, who gives a fu*@ it's for a severe chronic condition and I need some treatment. I have that human right.

    I seriously cannot take this much longer, I felt invalidated by mental health ward, no one takes seriously.. well that will change when I'm fucking dead. 

    Hey man! I am really sorry about your situation and i fell a lot that you fell too. I live in Brazil, and apparently no docs here know about HPPD. I've been hopping around medics that can't help me or they try some experimental treatment based on a hunch.  

    I passed trough some really hard times, including heavy depression with suicidal thoughts. Things got better after a while, then got worse, then got better. Its not easy but know that you are not alone in this. 

    I know its hard to imagine getting better when you are in a hole, and this kind of get better talk makes you want to punch the guy that gives the speach. But don't lose hope. I havent found anyone that could help me yet, but im trying, and if you couldnt find someone to treat you, it doesn't means that it is impossible. There are people around there that can help us (i think in the US its better than in latin-america haha) and they will appear one way or another.

    Just keep on fighting, heads up and have faith!!

  3. On 1/30/2023 at 7:12 PM, hff893 said:

    Btw I just wanted to report that I'm kind of guinea-pigging your theory/regimen currently in case this might be interesting to you. Vitamin C 1g/day, Vit E 400 IU, Niacin 500mg. Have been at it for approximately one and a half months, so far no noticeable changes. Not on any medications except occasional benzo interventions.

    Is it working?? 

    I need some update on this theory plz 

  4. Hey everyone! I'm new here. I'm also from Brazil, so my english may not be perfect.

    About 3 months ago I took some LSD. One week later I smoked some weed in my firends apartment and had an anxiety crisis. Two days later some symptons of what now  I know is HPPD started. Dp/Dr, halos around light, traces, visual snow, BFEP, floaters and some really heavy anxiety. I stoped using everything, even caffeine related drinks. I am searching for a doctor that maybe could help me. I looked for some neuros and none could do a thing about my situation. I am going to a pshychiatrist next week. What is the type of doctor that i should be looking right now?

    Also recently tinnitus apeared, so i wanted to know if a sympton can show months after HPPD have started.

    Any commentary is helpfull at this point. My situation is so shitty, as all of you with HPPD can guess. Love to all of you passing through this hell.

    (I live in São Paulo, if anyone can give me some recs)

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