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Posts posted by Desertpanda

  1. Hi all,


    Quick update. I've been in and out of the doctor's office maaaany times the last month. I honestly haven't spoken to my primary care about HPPD, as I'm curious what they find without guidance. I do have some sessions with a psychologist scheduled and I do plan to discuss possible HPPD there.

    I'm still experiencing eye issues occasionally, but almost every day there is ear pressure. 


    Our findings so far:

    - Possible acid reflux or constant indigestion. It's something I could have identified before, but it didn't bother me all that much.

    - I have undiagnosed allergies! Never knew I had them, at all. But I have a strong allergy to walnuts, a slight allergy to rice, and sensitivity to many other common foods (milk, eggs, soy, wheat, chocolate, vanilla, peas). I was, of course and as unluck would have it, eating many of these items in large quantities (especially walnuts).

    - This led to further testing to show I have gluten allergies (iGG expected 0-2 and mine was an 8.9). The other tests did not indicate Celiac's, thankfully.

    - Current course of action: pantoprazole for acid, Prednisone and montelukast to address lingering allergic reactions


    As they eye issues have improved (it's mostly the pressure/muffled ears and "feeling" off that remains), I don't think this is HPPD. Or at least it's not presenting as typical. I do find it odd that these allergic reactions all came together at once, but that's likely coincident from too many mild allergic reactions coming together at once.

    I'll likely come back with an update after speaking with my psychologist. Many of my symptoms align with anxiety and I'd like to address that directly (I definitely need therapy for reasons outside everything discussed).

    One final thought: I happened upon another post here about autoimmune disorders. I've had psoriasis for close to two decades now, I believe it's technically an autoimmune disorder?


    Even it this doesn't end up being HPPD, I'll continue with updates in case they help others find connections. I hope you all are well. 

  2. As I read more here and in other areas, I'm noticing that my visual symptoms aren't aligning. I do get the stars and halos at times, but the static and visual overlays aren't present (and haven't been before). But even if I don't have true HPPD, I believe the similarities between my experiences and other HPPD suffers in regards to onset is worth looking into. And if nothing else, perhaps what's causing my symptoms (psychological and physiological) is related to the same mechanisms and receptors.


    So far I've had a blood test (everything looks great, aside from elevated cholesterol levels but that's always been the case due to familial cholesteremia), an eye exam (my eyes haven't degraded much at all since I had Lasik 15 years ago, no indication this would account for the blurry vision), and an arm prick allergen test (all negative, except the control pricks). I have a food allergy/intolerance test tomorrow to see if anything comes up and after that, I think it necessary to visit a psychiatrist and try to piece together everything in case this is tied to some underlying anxiety.


    I mentioned previously that I practice keto, but I'm jumping off while I determine what's going on with my body. Another area I'm testing is MCT oil: while it's great for keto and I used it often, there are some reports of adverse reactions similar to what I'm experiencing. 


    Again, my experience might not be HPPD and thus might not be super helpful here, but I'm hoping that if I can at least identify what is causing my issues, it can help others identify what to avoid to prevent exacerbating their conditions.


    Edit: I meant to mention that I've been experiencing migraines and photophobia lately, however I've had issues with this in the past (way before my recent negative MDMA experience). I'm thinking these are more related to the anxiety I've been having lately as opposed to being directly related.

  3. David this is really, really appreciated. I'm starting to feel less crazy, like some of the points (if not all) are actually correlated. It's going to take me a few read-throughs to break down everything you've covered, I really can't thank you enough for your insights.


    A few clarifications that I should have mentioned previously.

    MDMA use: altogether, I've used it maybe 10 times? One of the last very positive experiences I had years ago led to a bad comedown and upon looking into why, I realized my dosage was not appropriate for my weight (too high... If I remember correctly over 220mg, maybe 250?). This last time with the panic attack was much lower, maybe 150mg altogether. I wish I took notes of these items but I'm going off of a foggy memory.


    Marijuana use: Weed fascinates me, but when I say many that was really the wrong choice of words. I've consumed THC in many forms (tea, candy, homemade edibles, purchased edibles with exact mg dosages, smoking), but each of these methods I only engaged with maybe once or twice. Each was a test to see how I would react. Tea provided the closest to what I imagine is the "typical weed high", in that I was laughing, hungry, and felt spacey, but it too got to be "too much".


    Funny enough and I had forgotten this until now, but the one time I experienced positive effects from weed (it was Jack Herer, a sativa dominant strain) was when I was rolling from MDMA. Smoking Jack Herer produced euphoria and a burst of energy, much like re-upping.


    One final comment while I remember it, the agmatine was an unfortunate accident. I purchased that specific pre-work not knowing it had agmatine or even knowing what agmatine was, only because it had the least amount of sugar and carbs (I jump in and out of keto, alternating a few months at a time). 


    Quick edit: here are some of the links that initially caused me to suspect agmatine was contributing to my symptoms.



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  4. Hi all. This is going to be all over the place, but I've been experiencing some very odd symptoms lately that first pointed to a nootroopic I was unknowingly taking (agmatine sulfate) and lead me all the way here.


    I stumbled upon some of the posts on Reddit /nootropics in relation to the adverse effects of agmatine use. I haven't taken agmatine as a nootroopic, but it was part of a preworkout I purchased (agmatine sulfate, 750mg per serving). It took me awhile to make the connection but on two occasions, I exhibited signs of adverse agmatine (some there called it the "hangover", but days later I felt symptoms of muffled hearing, blurry vision, dissociation, elevated heart rate, detachment, anxiety, nausea, etc.).


    A bit of background: I have tried weed many times, and I'm one of those people that hallucinates and freaks out. Even small amounts (5mg of THC) is enough to make me nauseous and feel detached from my body, and actually smoking elicits the aforementioned hallucinations. 


    In my struggle to understand what was happening to my body, I found research on CHRM3 mutations. Essentially, a study determined that there was a strong correlation between those who hallucinate on weed and a specific mutation of CHRM3. Based on the anecdotal evidence from the nootropics forum, it seems agmatine interacts with cannabinoid receptors in the body, and I wonder if those experiencing adverse reactions to agmatine are also those who hallucinate when smoking weed. 

    At this point, I thought it was solved or at least pieces were fitting together. But I kept digging and eventually found this website.

    So if I'm being honest with myself, I had a bad trip on MDMA a few months ago. Not my first time at all, but I hadn't done it in years. This time around, full panic attack (with a moderate dosage based on my previous usage).

    So this all comes around to this point: for the past month, I keep feeling like I'm just rolling. Or on the comedown or Tuesday Bluesday. Hearing is muffled, or eyes are blurry, or LEDs make the star, or I get anxious like that night a few month ago. And I think that, like many who hallucinate on weed and like some who get HPPD symptoms when they smoke, this might tie into that CHRM3 receptor. In my case, I believe agmatine sulfate (which is known to interact with cannabinoid receptors, so possibly affected by CHRM3) stimulated something just like if I were to have smoked and that something decided to throw all these MDMA experiences back at me.

    I'm obviously grasping at straws, I have no idea what I'm talking about here. However, I'd be interested to see if there are any correlations to anything here. At this point, HPPD would explain these things making me crazy lately. The CHRM3 connection is far fetched, I know, and correlation doesn't equal causation, but every theory has to start somewhere, right?

    I appreciate you all sharing your stories here, and I intend to read through many more. 

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