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Posts posted by mediship

  1. Hello forum. I've had hppd now for about 2 years. I have had my fair share of this condition. It started from lsd and MDMA. So far, I can live with the crazy visuals. I've grown used to them. But what makes me really disabled is the brain fog/bad working memory or inability to concentrate. I can't sometimes do basic math, it's that bad. I also have constant annoying head pressure that feels like something is squeezing my head. This all pretty much started since using psychedelics. 


    My symptoms: 

    1) Visuals (visual snow, afterimages, CEV etc)

    2) Anxiety (social anxiety, OCD, generalized anxiety)

    3) Depression (everything is so dark and uncolorful, like there is no life to colors anymore)

    4) Fatigue (low energy)

    5) Brain fog, no working memory, hyperactivity, maybe ADHD, and a head pressure that feels weird and is very distracting.

    6) Tinnitus, sometimes hyperacusis, which means noise might give me ear pain.


    My most frustrating and debilitating symptom is the brain fog/ADHD type thing. It makes me unable to have a normal job, I'm working weird type jobs because I can't function as a normal human being with my constant confusion and foggyness.


    I'm determined to try a medication or a combo of meds to help specifically that symptom. Has anyone found what could help? I'd greatly appreciate that. 

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