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Posts posted by Löken

  1. Not the answer I was hoping for but the answer I was expecting. your advice helps thou.

    It was the weed that tip me over that night I’m pretty sure of it so will never smoke again and the same thing goes for acid.

    I don’t know why but I like to get high it gives me brake allows me to reset and gets me centered. But it’s not worth the 3-4 months of green/ yellowish hell I lived thru that almost broke me. The yearly salary talk with my then greenish boss weird face was out of this world awkward so want to avoid that.

    The reason why I’m asking Is that I’m going to my first open air/rave since New Year’s Eve and I know there’s going to be a bunch of drugs there. I´m planning to drink at least and would really like to know if there’s a more of a safe choice of drugs over others.

  2. Hi,

    Should perhaps start with a short background story of my HPPD. It started on new year’s eve after doing acid, ketamine and smoking weed. At the end of the night I felt something in my brain almost like someone /something flick the center of it.

    Woke up with I thought was after glow but the my world continued to be green/yellow for 3 to 4 months. I´ve also suffered from the normal symptoms like visual snow, tracers head pressure dp etc.
    7 months later and I only experience tracers and mild visual snow(in darkness black couleurs) .


    I like to get intoxicated once in a while and I can drink even thou it will make the tracers to be temporally worse. I´ve even tried speed and coke and it’s the same thing there, tracer gets temporally worse.
    It might be a controversial question to post here but does anyone have any experience with taking drugs after getting HPPD that didn’t make it permanently worse? If that’s the case what did you take?
    What should I stay far away from? I know acid, weed, mushrooms are out of the question.

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