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Posts posted by kmt1993

  1. I spent quite a bit of time on google looking specifically for a study on a microdosing regimen and it’s link to hppd to no avail, that’s how I wound up here. Not to say I didn’t find anything about potential negatives. The study you just showed me is actually the first one I’ve seen like that. However I think that even most of the anecdotal data available here is probably more useful than that study is for a couple of reasons. The first being that a proper microdose schedule (at least the one I adhered/may continue to adhere to after taking a lot of time to learn as much as possible) is spaced out every 3 days rather than continuously dosed every day for 7 days. the second reason being that 80 micrograms over 7 days is more than 10 micrograms a day, which I understand is easily a microdose for a human but let’s think about the fact that you are giving a 180 lb human microdose to a <5lb rat. I can’t consider that a low dose relative to the specific animal in question. I would like to see studies done on humans taking properly spaced out micro doses/threshold doses more than anything. 

  2. Hey guys, So I am kind of curious what your thoughts are on how someone would identify HPPD, I don't think I have it, at least if I do it isn't severe enough that I feel it could impact my quality of life on any level. I still would like the opinions of people that have struggled with it, because if I need to discontinue use of any substance for my long term health I will, but at this point I've experienced more positive changes to myself as a result of psychedelics than anything else I've ever taken, and I would like to continue experiencing these benefits. Quick Drug history on myself, began adhd medication at around 7, took adderall, Ritalin, concerta, at one point straterra and concerta at the same time, finishing off my childhood treatment of adhd with only straterra for the last few years of it. I smoked weed for the first time while on straterra and hated it because of the anxiety it produced. Anyways I took myself off of straterra at like 16. From 20 to 23 I took 450mg of Wellbutrin daily, along with a heavy nicotine and alcohol habit. I took MDMA and mushrooms multiple times during the age of 25 to 26, along with concurrent heavy use of cannabis. 

    I'll be clear that I have NEVER taken drugs that I did not see the reagent test results with my own eyes and I have been particularly careful of dosing and timing between doses when it came to MDMA with the exception of one weekend of excessive use, and I have never had a full blown visual hallucination even while under the influence of multiple drugs.

    I currently have a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder, I take Wellbutrin and buspirone daily, I drink caffeine regularly, I have kicked nicotine and I drink fairly regularly in a social environment as well as use cannabis pretty much daily. I have suffered from attention and mood problems since I was very young including panic episodes. So the idea of microdosing eventually became what I still to this day believe is the viable solution to my problem. I began with small doses of mushrooms I would take during alcohol/weed binges at raves, at one point mixing it with nitrous.

    Anyways, my struggle with mental illness became so severe that I hated myself, I wanted to kill myself very badly and I was very convinced I would never taste stability, I still don't know that I will but I am pretty okay with the fact that it's just something I struggle with. Anyways after a very very difficult night of dealing with suicidality I decided to begin microdosing LSD. The results were MIRACULOUS. So miraculous that I began microdosing more regularly, every 3 days I would take 25ug, I have taken a maximum of 35ug and obviously use large amounts of cannabis extracts with it. Which I realize is high for a micro dose, but I was in a desperate place. So obviously its daunting to think about the fact that you are taking a hallucinogenic substance every 3 days and I would regularly read online about any sort of issues I should be on the lookout for, and after discovering how common HPPD is, and how much more common it is with repeated use and with use of other substances, I became very attentive to my senses. Noticing things like floaters and blue field phenomenon, interestingly enough when I think back I have experienced both of those things as far back as I can really remember. I also noticed that at night when it is dark and there is a bright light, the bright light leaves a slight after image for 2 to 3 seconds after it hits my retina, or if I move my eyes quickly with bright lights in view they leave a streak of negative after image for 2 to 3 seconds, and a lot of bright lights look like they are kind of twinkling from far away. Im aware of both of these being common natural phenomena from my reading, however I wasn't paying enough attention in the past to know if this is new or not. As far as I can tell from conversation with drug naive family members, they also experience most of these visual phenomenon.

    Every time I micro dose I become aware that my cannabis use is on a level that should be considered a substance use problem, I micro dosed LSD 2 days ago, and that day when I micro dosed I did so with the intention of giving up cannabis, and now I am two days into sobriety from cannabis. I have had no other visual symptoms or auditory symptoms of any kind, HOWEVER, I do experience a recall of the euphoria I experience on LSD, kind of like an extremely pleasurable tingle, especially when listening to heavy bass music using a subwoofer, in the immediate days following a dose. SO my question is does any of this, aside from my irresponsibly high amount of regular substance use, strike any of you as reminiscent of HPPD experiences you have had? I look forward to hearing your answers, thanks for reading.

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