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Posts posted by Freeg

  1. On 3/12/2019 at 6:04 PM, MadDoc said:

    I used drugs during the 1970s.  There were two messages.  The message from the older generation was drugs would kill you or you would end up in jail.  The message from the younger generation was that they were basically harmless.  Both viewpoints were ill informed.  

    Regarding productive lives, I'm nobody special.  Just a regular Bozo making his way through "this" (whatever this is).  I contracted hppd after taking psychedelics for six years.  I managed to get through college, got married, raised two amazing kids (adults now), and have a profession that I enjoy.  As I said, I'm nobody special but I never gave up.  I picked goals and went after them one step at a time.  Sometimes tiny little steps.  

    All I'm saying is that it's possible to have a productive and happy life.  Never give up,  take small steps toward what you want to do do and who you want to be.

    Hey MadDoc,

    Sorry to reply to a message from so long ago haha, I have been scrolling back through the forum for a personal project. I'm 23, and I've had had HPPD for 5 or so years and I'm doing pretty well! I live a normal, moderately successful life, and no-one would ever realise I had this strange disorder unless I told them. I was just curious about your life with HPPD in relation to your family - were you very open with your wife and with your children (when they were old enough to understand) about having HPPD? If so, how did you speak to your children about it/how did you talk to them about drugs in general? Hopefully I'll have a family of my own too one day, and the thought of how I would approach it with my children often crosses my mind (I come from a very liberal social and political background and perspective, naturally).

    Thanks and take care.

  2. Hey Marco,

    You seem like a great guy and it's good to read that things have been improving for you since you developed HPPD - you definitely seem to be taking the right steps to living a fulfilling and meaningful life with the disorder. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of the facebook support group for HPPD, where you will be more likely to receive feedback and help from other people in the community for your questions and experiences. Here's the link to it: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HPPDSC .

    All the best man x

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