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Posts posted by Lynette

  1. Hi,

    I'm so glad this is moving forward and getting so professionalised. I had HPPD for a few years after taking 0.5 tab of MDMA and being put on a ruthless assortment of psychiatric drugs and misdiagnosed with bipolar. I finally gradually stopped all medication and my HPPD stopped. The worst were the novel anti-psychotics. Five years later, I paid the NHS a visit to reassess this completely incorrect diagnosis, and they confirmed that I had never had it, and that I had Complex PTSD, a far more fitting diagnosis. Also, depersonalisation came with my HPPD and is often seen in trauma cases.

    I wish you all all the best. I know how alienated, suicidal and terrified I felt when it was at its worst and I hope you all get the treatment or respite of symptoms that you so clearly deserve.



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