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John doe

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Posts posted by John doe

  1. Idk if anyone will see this but I’ve had hppd  for a year and it was so bad at first I had just moved somewhere else without my parents I was underage atm and the day before I left I got a really bad trip on lsd and like four weeks after I started getting flash backs of lsd and I would get really scared I felt like if I was still on that bad trip i would just feel so weird and after months of having a lot of panic attacks and feeling literally like shit like I just wanted to dend it like I didn’t want to live like that at all and I to this day haven’t told anyone about me having good because I’m too scared to tell my parents and stuff but after so long of feeling like shit and not wanting to tell anyone and researching stuff I said to myself like dam I need to fucking fix this myself cause wth is anyone else gonna do to help me anyway so I just would kinda meditate and I realized that most of the feeling like crap part was just anxiety so Idk how tbh I just got rid of my anxiety a lot with my own thoughts like I just started seeing the good in a different way and that’s what helped a lot I stopped researching and trying to find a “cure” because tbh we all know there is no cure like I just now see it as a new way of living and I can’t be constantly thinking that I need to fix the problem when the problem can’t just be fixed tbh like I still have visuals and honestly now I’m just like oop oh well I can’t be like i don’t wanna see this anymore blah blah like nahh I just think damn atleast I can still see man there’s ppl who are blind and stuff like ok I see visuals but I’m still living I can still see it’s just a new way of seeing stuff sometimes I just think of my eyes as if they were a camera and think like damn my eyes just downgraded to being a shitty camera ngl also taking long walks and hikes and stuff helps even if you see a lot of visuals outside cause for me the most visuals is looking at the sky I can’t look at the sky without seeing like snow like and static like stuff but honestly what helps the most is to realize that that’s just how it will be for a while or for forever we never know but we can’t spend all our days crying and being anxious about it life goes on and even if it’s a big change a bug difference of how you see stuff you can handle it tbhhh and if you think you can’t that’s literally just the anxiety trying to stop you from being you

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