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Posts posted by Woket

  1. Hey bro,

    Firstly, i'm here to help or whatever his name is, is totally wrong. Weed is a psychoactive substance, and any psychoactive substance (eg: LSD, Shrooms, Peyote) can impact you leading to hppd, depending on how sensitive your mind is. 

    I also have ver bad HPPD from excessive LSD abuse, and what you have described sounds like HPPD II, which is what I also have. My biggest advice would be to stay away from the benzo's (Clonazapam) as they are highly addictive, make your depression worse short term, and make your anxiety worse long term. I have been on Lamotrigine (Lamictl) for a month now, and am only up to 50mg's, so I have only had a little change with the actual HPPD, which to me looks promising as I am on a road up to 200mg a day, going up 25mg a fortnight. I have notice a massive change in my mood swings, leading to a positive change to my depression and anxiety, panic attacks, ect, all things associated with HPPD as it is technically a visual form of psychosis. Also, psychotherapy and BPD therapy is really helpful as well, a way better alternative to psychology.

    I hope this helps bud, it does suck, but well get there! Keep in contact

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