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Posts posted by new01

  1. Here my reply on your comments.

    if you want to know where i am coming from read my recent post on vitamin D :



    hppd equator connection

    ok i am sorry i cant find the article, i read it about it a while ago, but cant find it. so i know bad but i cant substantiate that.  it would be in line though with other studies which show this connection with occurence of other diseases around the equator (depression, diabetes type 1, cancer, ms, etc. almost don't occur here), but you are right cant find it for hppd so wont build on that further then. 

    claim above with research: https://jefftbowles.com/vitamin-d3-deficiency-causes-most-human-disease/


    vitamin d conspiracy / against interest pharma

    yes i think it is likely that pharmaceutical companies might try to downplay the use of certain supplement if they threaten their interest, is that so far out to think. you can call it a 'conspiracy', well it is just human nature to protect what is yours there are so many cases of companies acting out of their interest and by that harming the public, just look this up for example: https://www.autonews.com/article/20030616/SUB/306160770/lee-iacocca-s-pinto-a-fiery-failure

    for this specific case read this story:

    vitamin d vs pharma.pdf

    it might be a case of protecting interest or not, but I think it is defineatly possible there are underrated supplements in curing disease. for more information on how vitamin d can cure diseases read these books, they have lots of cited studies in them as well.:

    -The Miraculous Results

    -The cure and prevention of all diseases


    hppd and habits

    don't know why you bring up habits but, in the end it is about the body recovering from disease, if you want to help your body (excerise, taking supplements) yes that might help, but it is not a question of willpower/willing yourself into healing (at least in my experience) more of recovery and time which, yes, can require some health activities. 



    there have been many studies going far back on toxicity and most studies find that:

    a) vitamin D3 is not toxic (d2 or vitamin 3 made by impure production methods is) as it is hypothised now. 

    b) what can be dangerous as studies found is: high vitamin d2 levels, too much calcium and magnesium in your blood (hypercalcemia, hypermagnesia) because d3 eats up vitamin k2, magnesium, boron and vitamin a - supplement for this. testing blood levels opf calcium and supplementation can prevent these problems, although probability is not that high. 

    c) going to vitamin levels as high 150 ng/ml is a safe limit determined by research if you are scared about toxicity, almost everybody has blood levels lower than this ( a lot of people even lower than 50 ng/ml). and these higher d3 blood levels this high can be very therapeutic for a many, many diseases (see link from first point). 


    articles below: (much more information can be found in the books i mentioned with has a lot of cited research on toxicity and therapeutic effects)



    vitamin d levels and weight  & testing d3

    yes weight loss affects your vitamin d levels, however toxicity is very rare and can be contributed to other factors (see points above). 

    yes it is important to test blood levels for high vitamin d3 (and supplement k2, magnesium, boron, beta-caroteen) 


    my usage & benefits/personal results

    i did a while back 10,000 iu for a while and it didnt do much. then i read the book about high dosing for and tried 20,000 iu for two weeks which helped a bit. with 50,000 iu (the equivalent of a 1.15 hours in the sun) i started feeling really much better, very noticable benefits which i would call strong general mental health improvements, mentioned them before: 

    changes i experienced: much less anxiety/lots of confidence, night/day rythm returedn, no craving for sugar and hunger craving but appetite for healthy food, much less depression, much more productive/active, less emotional pain, skin colour returned, less literal tunnel vision/broader field of view, more attraction from opposite sex and people respond differently. 

    i start to feel much more like i felt before hppd and the only thing i am doing different is taking these 'high dose' supplements of d3 + extra supplements. 

    although i think even bteer reults can be achieved with even higher doseses, but i am gonna first do blood tests.


    I wanted to reply to this long, because I can feel the results myself and feel people are reacting more out of gut feeling/from what they know about d3 (toxicity is dangerous), without having looked into a lot of research or experienced high dose supplementation themselves. 

    dont want to attack you or anything, but you guys can come of a bit off as agressive, maybe because you are dealing with hppd and have a hard time yourself finding a cure (i know, its terrible), but then dont shoot me man, i am just trying to find what works and the researtch is promising and sharing that. i am curious what other poeple experience with hppd as well and i hope it helps them allivate problems too.

    good luck with all. 



  2. So what research are you basing that on? Really if you look into it, it is really big farma who tries to keep us from.taking more.

    Also i think this could be a treatmwnt that can work for our group, so we should not dismiss it too easily based on some opinions we have formed that i can be toxic when it is not easily toxic

  3. tnx for the reply. 


    man i think you can go way higher. i was on 10,000 IU for a while and it didnt do anything for me as well, i am now on 50,000 IU/day and feel already much better after 1 week.

    i know you're careful, but actually if you supplement for cofactors (yes for calcium overdose with k2 and others -magnesium, boron, beta-caroteen) you can take way more, blood levels are ok til 150 ng/ml for D3. 

    but yes it is important to keep testing if you go this high for d3 levels and calcium levels. really should try it, hppd doesnt happen in countries close to the equator so that says i think a lot about the sun/d3 connection. 

    check out my first post i did in this forum, has more information on it. but i would i say, defenitly give it a try, 10,000 IU is really nothing (equivalent of 15 mins sun).



  4. Hi there,

    Hope you guys doing ok. Wanted to share what helps me now. Also wanted to share this because I didn't see a similar post like this (although people do vitamin d in general as supplement, but no in high dose volumes intake). 

    One caveat: I have hppd for 5 years now and most of the symptons have been solved/restored on there own, life is ok. In the early days I was much more sensitive to supplement and changes in habits/enivronments so keep that in mind with my findings below. (things got better slowly but steadily, so if you are new to this I would say yes there is a lot of hope even without doing anything your body tends to recover on its own for most).

    So on to what works for me.

    I red this book, it is really good






    The premise is basically that vitamin D is the most important in human health. His theory is that when the sun shines (or you take vitamin D) your body knows summer is coming and starts to repair your body (in a winter environment your body saves as much energy as it can because it expects a famine in this environment, this is from the old days). So most people in the world are in constant hibernation mode and with (higher risk of) health problems. 

    It is not just a theory, actually he cites the research that shows that so many deseases (around 75-80%) actually can be prevented or cured with high dose vitamin D supplementation. Sounds maybe too good to be true but I defenitly believe it is not in the interest of big farma (not patentable/not very profitable medicine) to keep vitamin d from being portraited as effective medicine as well. 

    If you believe in it or not, I would say you have not much to lose with trying this supplement in high doses.

    Some charts that show the correlaction of the sun with disease: 






    the method

    Can't explain the whole method here, i would read the book to make sure you dont take health risks.  it is only 3-4 dollars on amazon.

    Here is the gist of it:

    -High levels of vitamin D3 are not as toxic as common knowledge says, there are many studies done and high dosing is safe  if you supplement for cofactors. To reduce any risk supplement for cofactors of vitamin d  , they are: Vitamin K2, Magnesium, Zinq and Boron. Taking this prevents any  risks  (hypercalcemia, hypermagnesia).




    -Build your vitamin D3 level up in your blood to 150 ng/ml. At this level according to the author your health has the best chance of recovering from any deasease (your vitamain d blood level should be at least 75 ng/ml and most people have a level below this), however levels above can become in theory dangerous, just to be safe. (as i said earlier, dont know how senstivie you are to this -with hddp and in general- so you might wnat to build up slowly)

    -Regularly test your blood levels to check if your blood D# levels not exceed this level (you can order cheap home test, for around 25$/each online), also test on hypercalcemia. Working woith a specialized doctor is nit a bad idea if you are not secure in self-testing/experienced with self testing. 






    i can't speak for hddp in general, have not looked in studies on hddp (but expoect they didnt test this) but apparently this method cures many deseaes. I have been only two week using it and see results (first week i took 20,000 IU/day, second week 50,000 IU/day). changes i experienced: much less anxiety/lots of confidence, night/day rythm returedn, no craving for sugar and hunger craving but appetite for healthy food, much less depression, much more productive/active, less emotional pain, skin colour returned, less literal tunnel vision/broader field of view, more attraction from opposite sex and people respond differently. 

    blood levels i will test soon, when i started out they were critically low, (tested) i expect they are still low and not close to 150 ng/ml though.

    i expect these results to continue. i am curious if it has the same effect on you. 


    hope this works for you and all the best to you guys. 








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