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Posts posted by Dsutton

  1. Wondering if anybody knows the ramifications of taking Benzos short term. For example, if I travel on vacation (or holiday as some would say) for a week or two and want to be less distracted with my symptoms during that time, are symptoms known to spike after stopping again? 
    I’m well aware Of the withdrawal risks but am curious about the direct correlation of symptoms after stopping having been on them for such a short time. 

  2. I’ve found since a bad flare up that all my symptoms are 100x more sensitive with sleep than before, and since I’m convinced it all ties in with the neck in my case, if I do about 30 min worth of a stretching and rolling Routine along with sitting under red light that it’s all slightly less. Maybe if you can string together some good sleep it will all return to normal for you. I also remember hearing someone talking about how an earthpulse device helped them which I’d love to try. 

  3. Had this for over 6 years, and it only got better with time to the point I was living a normal life, was able to consume alcohol and caffeine with no affect on symptoms. 
    over the summer my symptoms got way worse out of nowhere, this was during a time where my work schedule didn’t allow for consistent sleep, And symptoms steadily got worse along with a plethora of new symptoms including constant migraine auras and pulsating vision, seeing veins in the eyes, daytime tracers, which I never used to get even on my worst days. Also the faces I see are 1000 times worse, the fuckin faces man. 

     I never did any drugs from the point of it getting worse to now including alcohol or caffeine. I’m taking supplements, getting plenty of sleep, eating a Ketogenic diet, have had MRI’s bloodwork you name it done and nothing comes up. My only explanation for the worsening could be the sleep (which is also extremely odd because I’ve had times of bad sleep In The past six years that have heightened symptoms temporarily but always returned to baseline, and never developed new symptoms) OR another reason which I’m almost entirely convinced is the determining factor, neck and back problems. I started having these at the same time things got worse, and With certain stretches and rolling etc. symptoms seem to reduce but unpredictably. 
    Now that I’m on a much better sleep schedule and doing everything else better for myself, I feel as if I may be turning a corner but am still stuck with a much worse condition than I had before.

    tried a very low dose of Lamictal but all it did was give me a rash, and most meds are out of the question for me occupationally. 

    which leads me to a few questions, has anybody developed new symptoms without explanation, and then recovered back to baseline? 
    and has anyone had worsening/improvement with neck problems or migraine issues? 
    Jay maybe the only one to reply (he a straight G) but any and all feedback helps. 


  4. Hi, 

    So I developed this whole thing 6 years ago when I was 17, now I’m 23

    A summer of multiple trips on mushrooms and then a strong trip of 3 hits of acid that left me extremely terrified. 

    My biggest problem was seeing thousands of faces in everything, which started from seeing some scary looking ones while tripping. After the LSD, I didn’t fully come down for sometime and developed all the typical symptoms of HPPD (visual snow, tinnitus, etc.).

    I swore off all drugs and subtances of any kind for months, and within the first year really did nothing but drink rarely, which didn’t effect me much besides things being worse during a hangover. I also never took any sort of medication for depression or anything. 

    As time went by, I kept living life and things got better to the point where I stopped noticing faces everywhere and the other symptoms improved for sure, they didn’t ever completely go away but without a doubt improved. There was one point I remember seeing a face on the floor and thinking, wow I haven’t even thought about that in a long time, which was quite reassuring. All of my symptoms didn’t get in the way of my living a completely normal life. 

    HPPD became so accepted by me that I knew I’d deal with it forever, but the level of it was so tolerable, I knew I’d never have any problems as long as I never did any psychedelics or smoked weed again. It would have its ups and downs, but always was at a manageable base line.

    My diet has consistently been good, I’ve consistently exercised and meditated, my life up to about a month ago was extremely enjoyable and borderline perfect. 

    I really didn’t even consider myself to have HPPD any longer, I forgot about the word itself, and just knew I had a slightly different perspective on things.  I could drink coffee and alcohol freely without worsening anything.

    Then, there was an extremely hot day (116f) where I got heat exhaustion at work, took a break and felt ok for the rest of the day. I had a red-eye flight at the end of this long day, and never managed to get any dinner. I tried to sleep on the flight but never really got much. Upon reaching my destination I noticed my symptoms were bad but I knew why, and anytime they would get bad I’d always be able to tell myself that with some rest and recovery they would get better. That day I started noticing faces in things again and had a small panic attack, but pulled myself out of it by knowing how things always return to their normal. I didn’t sleep much the next night either, but napped sufficiently the next day. By this point I felt fine, I thought to myself that whole experience was weird but I’ll be fine. The next day, after having to wake up extremely early for work, again in the excruciating heat, I noticed things being bad again, particularly seeing more faces and snow worse than I had at any point since originally getting HPPD. 

    Its been about a month since, and early on I kept up with the mindstate that it will all blow over. I’ve made sure to work out, eat right, and meditate as much as I can. I also started taking fish oil, and NAC. 

    Now this is all I think about, things were so good and now they are worse than ever, I think I’d be a lot better off but my mind is in a constant loop about it and I don’t know how to break that thought process. 

    Im wondering how/why things got so out of control, and Im looking for some advice on how to stop the obsession and wondering if things will return to how they were or if I’ve permanently made things worse? 

    I find it so strange that things got so good then went bad after such a long period of time, while I never retried Psychedelics or even smoked weed again.

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