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Posts posted by Codyballer

  1. Hello there. I am also a sufferer of hppd. I would like to say that, in my own intuition, a lot of you target the depression, dp, dr, anxiety and other related illnesses to cope with the ongoing visuals of HPPD. But I want to tell you, you have hope. Treating these is a bandaid, and I say that because, if you were to get rid of all your visual phenomena, how would you feel? You’d probably jump for joy until your feet hurt. I say, ask your doctor about medications that can target the VISUAL symptoms rather than the depression. A lot of times you’ll find that the meds used will treat the comorbid disorders that you face. I’ve had hppd for three months now, but do not forget, chronic hppd IS reversible. Do not lose hope and do not give up on your passions. I currently take 2mg clonazepam, .2mg clonodine, 10mg lexapro and I feel great. Over time, my visuals have been slightly reduced! I’m being titrated up on these meds as well, and one symptom that has disappeared for me is scheerers phenomenon. (Look that up). I can tell you, you CAN be fixed with a combination of meds right for you. I believe that a combination of GABAergic medication along with SSRI treatment can reverse the visuals that we all suffer from. I have hope that one day I won’t have these visuals anymore. Not one or the other, but both combined. I also believe that lamictal can be a great option for those who suffer from visuals and other mental disorders comorbid with it. There is most certainly a way to clear your visuals, I promise. You can go back to seeing how you used to, before you used psychedelics/dissosiatives. I only used lsd 5 times and got hppd, chronic. If that ain’t a bitch I don’t know what is. But what I can tell you is I never lost hope in recovery. It is not curable, but it is reversible. Do some studying, don’t just sit on these forums and stop looking at reddit. All you’re gonna get are asshats who tell you to just “deal with it” or that it’s a “gift” it’s not. Believe in God, and let him take care of you and guide you in the direction of treatment. BELIEVE you can get better, and I promise you’ll have a new and improved attitude and be better in no time. I hope I didn’t offend anyone and I’m not giving false hope. There Are studies indicating treatment options. It may take a lot of time, but if one med doesn’t work, damnit move on to the next. Here’s a list of meds to try. 2-3 mg of klon. For 2-3 months. .25-.75 clonodine for 2 months. Naltrexone (unspecified dose) for 2 months. Lamictal 100-200 mg for an unspecified amount of time. Lexapro/sertraline (most other ssris don’t work) for 2 months, and you will have better luck in combo with xanax/Klon. Ativan and valium are too weak. Risperidone and other antipsychotics are a NO GO unless your hppd was caused by PCP. A lot of times, the first meds you try won’t work. But don’t give up, talk to your doctor. Remind them that this is incurable and you need to go through every treatment possible to find the right answer for you. Let Jesus take care of you as well, he shed his blood for your healing, least you could do is believe that he’ll take care of you ;). I hope I could give someone in distress some hope :). 

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