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Posts posted by billy

  1. Before HPPD I only noticed floaters in really bright situations on white backgrounds, like a bright morning after a snowstorm, and I would usually only notice one. After HPPD I noticed at least 20 of them constantly. I went to an eye doctor a week after onset, because I knew what floaters were and knew that a sudden onset can be a sign of retinal tears that can cause blindness. I didn't know anything about HPPD, and I thought that the substances I had ingested had caused physical damage to my eyes what with the floaters and other visual symptoms. When I went to the eye doctor I was told that I did indeed have floaters, but not an unusual amount for an average person, and there was no sign of retinal tearing, and that some people notice them more, and I should wear sunglasses to stop them from bothering me. Almost two years later I still see them constantly even in a dimly lit room. Most of my other symptoms such as afterimages shimmering surfaces, and breathing walls faded over the first year to a point where I notice them extremely rarely, but this one sticks with me. I think that @hope1 is correct that the filtering of this visual noise information in the brain has been compromised somehow. I count myself very lucky that this is my only major lingering symptom.

  2. Melatonin doesn't worsen my symptoms at all as long as I get enough sleep. If I take it and don't get enough sleep I feel groggier (may be a placebo feeling though) and my symptoms are slightly worse, but not in a lasting way, just for the morning. I've used it for up to a month at a time with no noticeable worsening in symptoms. 

    Also try working out hard  at least 2 hours before bed, always works for me, better than melatonin. 

    Also guided sleep meditations or bedtime story videos help. That's what I used for the first bit when my symptoms were really bad and I had really bad insomnia. It get's your mind off of the bad stuff. 

    Hang in there. I had insomnia for a good two months when my symptoms started, but now I sleep like a baby despite them. It gets better. 

  3. Does anybody else have hppd that gets worse in bright light. It feels like most people have trouble with dark rooms, but are better in natural light. Most of my symptoms go away in a dim or dark room, but are pretty bad in the bright light. Sumner has been kind of tough, because the days are so long and bright. I have to wear sunglasses all the time, or else I have a hard time keeping my eyes open without severe anxiety. Is anybody else similar/ does anybody have any solutions other than sunglasses. 

  4. Hi, I'm replying because you sound similar to me. I got hppd after only my second acid experience, and was so scared for a long time. I began to see really noticeable improvements at about 4 months. The first three months were utter hell. I almost failed three classes in college, after being a straight A student. I couldn't connect with friends and family. I could hardly see at night and was scared to drive or even leave my house. I couldn't read, because the lines of text would get stuck in my field in perception and follow me down the page blocking out all of the new lines. I couldn't watch tv because the swiring dots would make me dizzy.  I( thought I was going to have to drop out of school and live with my parents forever.  Then my symptoms started lessening. I started to see less of the visual snow, less warping of objects, less brain fog, I started to be able to communicate again. After school ended about 6 months after the symptoms started I went on a vacation that I had been dreading, because I couldn't stop thinking that this vacation would suck and confirm my fears that no matter what I would never be happy again. But I had a great time, I just had to wear sunglasses for most of it to mitigate some of the visuals.

    I am now working a normal job and living a normal life. I still have symptoms, floaters, some light visual snow, blep if I stare at a blank sky, very minor afterimages. But the severity of the symptoms has slowly decreased to probably 20% of what I originally had. I am able to lead a normal life, and the symptoms only bother me if I allow them to. If I don't focus on them I hardly notice them, "out of mind, out of sight" if you will. I know that some people on this site have symptoms for longer or shorter than other's but I would say that mine decreased to a level where life was fully livable in about 6 months. 

    I don't know If the symptoms will ever fully go away, but I still hope that they will. I am extremely thankful that they have decreased as much as they have, and that my life seems to be back on track. 2.5 months feels like a long time with this condition, but it will likely be around for a bit longer. Don't give up hope. I thought my life was over for sure, but now I know that it's not, stay off the drugs and don't give up hope.

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  5. When I first dropped I assumed hppd was someting that almost no people actually had. A good amount of my friends have also tried Lucy and ever since I have been telling people I’m never dropping again because of my symptoms  I’ve had a lot of people tell me they have effects too. One friend has light tracers which he actually likes. Another has bad visual snow which caused him to completely stop smoking weed (he used to be a huge stoner). He still does shrooms though. One more friend has such bad halos and tracers that he no longer drives at night at all, cause he can’t see with all the headlights. This is all from maybe 15-20 people I know who have dropped. I would’ve never known if I hadn’t told them about my symptoms and had them confide in me. I think this might be way more common than people think, it just doesn’t bother some people enough to do anything about it. Just sharing cause I thought it was interesting.

  6. 7 minutes ago, whyohwhy said:

    Were you taking any medication to aid your progress/help with the symptoms or did you abstain from using any form of pharmaceutical drugs? 

    I didn't take anything except the supplements I listed. I tried to get a prescription at one point for anti anxiety medication, but the doctor I saw was not open to it. Now that my symptoms have gone away without medication, I'm happy i didn't take anything. 

  7. About a half a year ago, after a trip, I started having symptoms of HPPD. I had visual snow, and huge starbursts at night. I saw lots of BFEP, I had an intense amount of floaters in my vision, and I could hardly look at any light, or tv screen, or (god forbid) projected PowerPoint presentation without getting horrible afterimages. I had bad denationalization, and I constantly had the feeling that I was living in a dream world, and was having constant panic attacks.

    After two months most of the denationalization had faded away, but I still had the afterimages, and floaters, and other visual symptoms. 

    After another month, I noticed that I could look at lights, and the afterimages would fade much more quickly. I also noticed that the floaters were only visible in bright light, they were previously visible in even a dimly lit room. 

    Another month later and I could hardly see the floaters anymore. I barely got afterimages, and could drive in the dark without getting bothered. I could look at screens, and don't see swimming dots. I hardly see floaters anymore, unless I look at a white wall or blank sky.

    I didn't do much specifically to aid in my recovery. I tried out some supplements recommended on this board (lions mane, ginkgo, b vitamins, fish oil). I didn't notice any difference until months after I started taking them, and have since stopped, and not noticed any symptoms returning. I don't think they helped me with my recovery, but I can't be sure, because I was taking them at that time. 

    During the entire time since I got HPPD I have not done any illicit substances at all. I have drunk alcohol however, and have had many weekend nights when I was drunk. This had a negative effect, at the beginning, but after I got over the denationalization, I didn't notice any increase in negative effects from drinking

    I think that it was mostly time that helped me get cured. It took about 4 months from the time my symptoms started till I could say I felt normal again. I count myself extremely lucky that things improved as quickly as they did

    I have been away from this website for a while. After the first three months I was able to handle my life without using this website. I would not have come back, except that I wanted to post about my good news. When I first started reading this site, I was scared, and reading positive results like this made me feel less terrified. For those of you who are like me a half year ago, it's been a few weeks and you're still seeing thing, just know that some people do recover. 

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  8. I have been taking lions mane supplement for the last month and a half. During that time I have seen some small improvement in how much visual snow I see, maybe 30% reduction. I am not sure how much of this is attributable to the lions mane, or due to other supplements I'm taking or just to the passing of time. I saw no immediate improvement when I started taking the supplement. I think it might be mostly placebo. I can't say if there is any effect from stopping taking the supplement, because I'm still using it. 

  9. Before I had HPPD I used to have a ton of things I looked forward to. Vacations, hanging out with friends, going out on the weekends, hiking, seeing my family. Now I am to worried to look forward to anything. I have a hard enough time getting through the day. If I do things out of my normal routine it often results in my symptoms getting worse, and having a panic attack. It feels like there's nothing left to look forward to, except a lifetime of trying to alleviate my symptoms. 

    What do you guys look forward to? Were you guys eventually able to do the things you used to love?

  10. @jbalsa2 thanks for saying so. It's nice to have people who have some understanding of my situation. I am so scared that my life is ruined, and that I'm going to ruin the lives of my family as well. It especially kills me seeing my parents trying to help me, and not being able to tell them the truth cause I know it will only hurt them more. My dad just recovered from surgery, the last thing he needs to hear is his child is a fuckup. 

    I am going to talk to a psychiatrist soon, hopefully they will be able to prescribe me something that might help. 

  11. @jbalsa2 I've been dealing with the symptoms for almost two months. DPDR is definitely my worst symptom by far. I also have a pretty extreme amount of floaters, and some mild visual snow. I have periods when I feel normal, (especially when its dark and I can hardly notice the visual stuff), but when It's bright and I see the floaters floating around each time I move my eyes, and the glimmering of the VS on the sky I lose myself.  I've become like reclusive only staying inside cause I can't handle lights. This is what people usually notice.

  12. Hi guys,

    I'm struggling really bad with this shit. I can't deal with being outside when it's bright out, and anytime i move my eyes I feel like shit is moving in my vision. It's really affecting me and people are starting to notice I'm different.

    My parents especially notice that something is up. They can tell I'm avoiding things and that I'm scared. I told them It's just anxiety, and they keep expecting it to just go away. I keep thinking I should tell them what is really going on. I think they would be supportive, if a little angry, but I'm afraid that it would destroy them to think that I might be like this permanently. I can just imagine them crying as soon as I leave, and I don't want them to suffer for my sake.

    I just don't know what to do or who to talk to. I am talking to the counselor at my college, but all she keeps telling me is to do these deep breathing exercise which will only calm me down until I open my eyes again and start seeing things all wrong.

    Have you guys told parents/ other people/found someone to confide in?

  13. I feel like this a lot. I feel like I have the look of fear, and indifference on my face at all times.

    It reminds me of the Pink Floyd lyric about their original guitarist Syd Barrett, who suffered from mental illness most assume was from acid,

    "Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky"


    Image result for syd barrett


  14. Thank you for your reply I very much hope you are right. It's just hard to dismiss because I see the floaters all the time now, and the onset was the day after I tripped, so it's almost certain that something happened.

  15. Hello All,

    I did 2 tabs LSD a little over a month ago. Ever since then I haven't felt right. The first thing I noticed were floaters, I had like 20 that I could see. I thought that the LSD had caused a retinal detachment, and a week after the trip went to an optometrist who told me I do have a few floaters, but nothing serious. I've noticed them before but never as crazily as this. I also noticed a sensitivity to light, like if I looked at the tv right it would make me very uncomfortable.

    Since then I searched the Internet for floaters related to LSD and ended up learning all about about HPPD, and the other symptoms. I can't tell if I have the symptoms or not because they are so variable. Sometimes I am sure I have visual snow, other times I can't see any. I have moments when I feel depersonalized, and moments when I don't. sometimes lines look wavy and other times they're 100% straight. I feel like I might see starbursts on lights at night, but I didn't notice that until I read about it and looked for it, so idk if it's really any different than normal.

    The only symptoms that are 100% there all the time is the floaters, and light sensitivity. They are so noticeable when move my eyes, and make me very uncomfortable. Also staring at a projector screen or the sky is really uncomfortable.

    Do you guys think this is HPPD?


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