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Posts posted by partdead

  1. Hi guys,

    I only recently found out about HPPD after googling these symptoms ive had for a while after my first acid trip:

    Up until this point I had only ever smoked weed, did mdma regularly and tried a very low dose of psilocibin mushrooms, I decided to try acid next so I bought and tested a couple of 100μg tabs and planned to take one after work one day.  So the trip went fine, i was a little overwhelmed but overall it was a good experience and i planned to do it again soon with my girlfriend until I noticed slight visual hallucinations when I was sober. I thought nothing of it and that it would go away in a few days, well here I am 3 months later lol.  I experience most of the general visual effects people describe e.g. visual snow, trails behind moving objects and objects changing color/shape, but mostly breathing/undulating walls/objects.  If I stop concentrating on something for 1 second the room surrounding me begins to close in, and wont stop until I look at something else.  This makes it very difficult to watch tv or relax in general and im kinda freaking out haha.  Also, Ive just completed my exams at school but im afraid i will have failed them the symptoms became much more serious in the exam room and it was hard to concentrate.  Also, the effects become much more prevolent when using weed, and the visuals are almost indistinguishable from LSD when using mdma.

    Thanks for reading guys hope you can provide some insight :)

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