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Posts posted by Hppdjake

  1. so the last time i took lsd was months ago, and my trip was filled with anxiety and panic. I was just anxious the whole time and had a bad panic attack because i was scared about dying. ;ever since that trip, i feel as if my vision isnt quite the same, and im not talking about the hppd aspect of it. things and people just looking slightly different, and a little more dream like. Everything and objects just look"off" and not quite like they used to, which really bothers me. When i try to recall in my memory how things used to look, it takes on the same "off" look in my mind as everything does now. Is this derealization? Am I stuck like this? will this visual change ever go away? the only things that have changed since i took the lsd was my vision and i have more anxiety now. what is this?

  2. So im 17 and summer is coming up in one week. I've had pretty minor hppd for about 8 months, and I just want this to go away. All my friends smoke weed and I feel so left out not smoking with them. This leaves me pondering a crucial question: should I just say fuck it and start blazing again or should I dedicate this summer to recovery and mental growth to see if I can still recover? I just miss smoking so much but if I knew for a fact that I would fully recover in a year I would be willing to not drink or do drugs until months after I am fully recovered. What should I do it's killing me? My symptoms are:

    visual snow


    slight trails in some lighting

    walls breathing if I pay attention 

    color enhancement

    brain fog

  3. 21 hours ago, MadDoc said:

    I've been thinking about this some.  This morning I was looking out at the spring leaves as they morphed into faces, and designs.  While I've gotten used to living with this  condition it's very wearing.  I sometimes long to see the world as it is.  You really don't want to live with this disorder.  Drugs can be a temporary lift and for many there's no lasting problems.  However if you're in the minority prone to hppd drugs just aren't worth it.  Just an old fool's opinion.

    Yeah I don't plan on using shrooms lsd or anything like that ever, just want to be able to smoke weed again one day once all this is long behind me.

  4. 7 minutes ago, MadDoc said:

    We're all different so it's hard to say.  I found that alcohol didn't make my symptoms worse but it made my life unmanageable.  I stopped drinking almost 30 years ago.  For me, MJ makes my visuals crazy so I can't touch it in any form.  If you're going to drink or use MJ again, ease into it.  Personally, I wouldn't take the chance.  Then again I'm not 17.  I'm an old guy who has lived with this condition for a long time.  Hind sight is 20/20 or so they say.  Be careful and be well.

    Yeah well the one thing I know for sure is that I won't resume any drugs until I'm 100% visually recovered and I'm going to ease into it.

  5. 3 minutes ago, MadDoc said:

    Yes, you have a chance at recovering.  Staying clear of psychedelics and MJ can increase those chances.  There are no guarantees in life but if you've only tripped once and you have mild symptoms so your chances are good that your symptoms will fade.  That being said, give it some time because it could take a while.

    Something to think about.  I continued heavy psychedelic use for six years after I noticed my first symptoms of hppd.  What that did to me was it gave me constant visuals that will never go away.  I can't stress enough, the best medicine is to stay clean.  Also, exercise, staying focused, and a good diet can help.  Sounds like you're doing these things already which is great!

    Hang in there.

    Also wandering...let's say in 6 months it goes away. If I wait a couple months after it's gone away, feel completely normal and my visuals are gone, would I be good to drink again, and if that doesn't have a negative effect, eventually smoke again? Want to smoke weed again so bad but I will wait until I'm fully recovered and start off slowly and cautiously 

  6. So I got very minor hppd from an acid trip around 8 months ago. After the trip I smoked weed and drank a couple times, then I started noticing static and such in my vision... so I have been clean from all substances for 5 months. The anxiety/ depression is much better, and the visuals are pretty ignorable unless in bad lighting and not very bad. If I continue to be healthy and abstain from drug use, having recently quit nicotine as well, do I still have the possibility of recovering? I've heard plenty of cases of ppl recovering and having visuals go away within 1-2 years and that's what I'm hoping for! Is this a possibility? Hppd is minor and I plan on staying healthy as I am 17 and workout on daily basis 

  7. About 7 months ago I had an acid trip, it was a very small one. Since then I've had these symptoms: visual snow, after images, slight tracers, and light sensitivity. I've also been very spaced out, everything seems kind of Dream like, and stuff like that. Since my visual symptoms aren't really hallucinogenic and mainly just visual distortions, could these be visual symptoms of derealization, or is this just mild hppd? How long should this last

  8. 4 hours ago, Yayoe10 said:

    I can relate in that "surreal" feeling , and that something just feels "off" about everything around me. Not sure if it's DR/DP either or something else . I feel like it's a low version of DR

    Yes and it's worse in brighter lighting.  So how would I make this go away, just abstain from drugs for a while? Cause I wanna get back to my normal self

  9. So I took lsd around 6 months ago. I realized I had hppd a couple weeks after, with some anxiety tied in there. I kept smoking weed and my visual snow and stuff got worse so I've quit all drugs except for nicotine and have been this way for 3 months. But ever since I took the acid, everything looks kind of different. Like everything looks kind of surreal, and colors are kinda brighter, and I'm always spaced out. I don't feel as if I'm completely in a dream or anything, but it's just the feeling that everything looks kinda "off" and something is slightly different. And when I'm in crowds, sometimes the collection of peoples voices will sound different than it used to. Is this de realization that is just a part of my hppd and slight anxiety, or what? And also, should I quit the nicotine to see if my visuals get better?

  10. I took it about 5 months ago and i started to notice this symptom right when I went to school and had anxiety and first noticed the hppd. In my trip I was panicking the whole time, and the days following. I noticed the hppd about two days later. The "off" vision could maybe be described as slight derealization, but idk if it is that and just a symptom of my hppd, or is something more long term

  11. So after my first lsd trip I got hppd, but it was a VERY mild trip. My hppd is also mild. But ever since the trip I have felt just kind of off. Like things and colors look slightly different than before, and in a group of people the noises kind of sound different. I'm also pretty spaced out. I just feel a little different, but everyone says I act the same. It doesn't really fit the comategory of full blown depersonalization, but it could be minor dr or do or something... Is this just part of my hppd? Or is this what they call a "perspective change" from psychedelics. It kinda bothers me so I hope it's just part of hppd. Thx for responses

  12. So after my first lsd trip I got hppd, but it was a VERY mild trip. My hppd is also mild. But ever since the trip I have felt just kind of off. Like things and colors look slightly different than before, and in a group of people the noises kind of sound different. I'm also pretty spaced out. I just feel a little different, but everyone says I act the same. It doesn't really fit the comategory of full blown depersonalization, but it could be minor dr or do or something... Is this just part of my hppd? Or is this what they call a "perspective change" from psychedelics. It kinda bothers me so I hope it's just part of hppd. Thx for responses

  13. So I have minor dp and pretty bad anxiety from hppd but it always feels like there is this negative stress or anxiety surrounding my thoughts. It literally feels like it's trapping me and idk if it's physical or mental but it feels like I'm being mentally weighed down or something. Like something is preventing me from being free and happy and I can't relax or enjoy the moment. Is this anxiety or something more I need to worry about? Also, is it common for people with dp to not be able to like picture themselves in their mind? Like what they think others think about them? Or is my ego dissolved or some shit like that? Thx for all replies

  14. So I got hppd from literally half a tab of lsd about 4-5 months ago. After I got it I smoked weed a little because I wasn't totally sure I had, but this made my symptoms worse. So about a month ago I decided to quit all drugs, and I will be quitting cigarettes soon too. My symptoms consist of: visual snow, mild afterimages, slight tracers, light sensitivity, anxiety and minor depression. I also have slight depersonalization but it's so minor to the point where I can ignore it. I was recently put on Zoloft for the anxiety, but I can't tell if it's making my visuals slightly worse. I would rate my hppd overall as mild, so I need an opinion on whether or not I should quit the Zoloft and go completely drug free for a year or so, because I'm really hoping if I do that the visuals will just go completely away on their own since my hppd is mild. Because I've heard some people's goes away with time if they quit drugs. Opinions?

  15. So I took some acid about 4 months ago and I've had visual snow and floaters and afterimages ever since.  I'm 99% sure this was real lsd as it had no taste or mouth numbing effect, and my friend swallowed the tab and still tripped. I'm not too concerned about the visuals from hppd because I recently became free of all drugs, and my therapist/ own research have told me they will most likely eventually go away. But one thing that bothers me is that reality seems slightly off,   Like the way everything kind of looks. It just looks slightly different than It used to, kind of dream like and surreal, but I don't completely feel like I'm in a dream or anything. I'm not sure if this is slight dp/ derealization that is just a part of my hppd, or what is causing this, and if it will go back to normal. And when I'm in a large crowd all the voices sound a little different, like I'm noise sensitive or something. I'm also basically always spaced out and forgetful now, but i can still pass tests and quizzes. If anyone has any idea if this is just a symptom of the hppd, or what, just plz let me know! Thx

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