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Posts posted by Wdew

  1. Hey,

    I have been diagnosed with HPPD for over a year now, without using prescription medicine or other drugs.

    £250,- for a possible cure is not a big deal. Would sell both my n*ts to get better again haha.

    The more expensive option is out of my budget at the moment though due to being a student without work and a low income supplied by my graduation company.

    If the cheaper version is still an option, count me in as well!


  2. trip into hell
    Senior Member
    Posted 02 November 2015 - 06:10 PM
    its too fucked up i cant see where a life can be funny or enjoyable after aquiring hppd/dpd or similar...its a pity that there is no euthanasia for the sufferers...i would be thankful for that
    trip into hell
    Senior Member
    Posted 26 November 2015 - 11:47 PM
    my hppd went away about 5 1/2 month ago...but still have to struggle with anxiety every now and then..now it feels like im always a little high of weed but when i had hppd it was extremely visual like everything was morphing and i always felt dizzy + i thought i lost my mind completely and forever
    these days the remaining rarely occuring anxiety seems to fade away very slowly but its getting better...im almost back to normal and so glad that i managed the worst of my life and everything ive ever heard of
    good luck to you...hang in there

    Did you get over it or not :)? I don't get it
  3. Hey All,


    Just want to mention my current symptoms, 

    I am pretty curious if people relate to some symptoms I haven't seen around here.


    I got HPPD for almost a year now, started after a panic attack while I was on MDMA and Speed.


    I'm trying to cope with it by sporting my ass off and trying to just do what I used to do.


    My symptoms are:


    Burning eyes

    Extremely sensitive to light

    Always afraid of dying instantly

    I got a visual migraine attack once, which caused a total vision loss in the right side of both eyes for about 20 minutes.

    I've screamed and yelled because I was afraid I would have to go into a mental hospital.

    Dizzyness which is irritating me so much

    The standard: Floaters, Blue field enthopthic phenomenon.

    Sometimes I have the feeling that my brain and limbs are on fire (Like all of my nerves are detecting fire or something, really scary)


    My supplements (Which I don't combine or anything, because I'm even scared to try to):

    Fish Oil (Every day)

    Lions mane (Don't trust this, so I'm too scared to take it)

    L theanine (Just received, so haven't taken it yet)

    Choline (Took 1 today, didn't notice that much)

    St Johns Worth (Just received, so haven't taken it yet)

    Oxazepam - Got this from my doctor, for when it would go really bad. This happend yesterday, took half a pill, so 5mg. This helped so freaking much, but I slept 14 hours and was still tired afterwards, so thats a bummer.

    Valerian - Helps from time to time, I'm out of stock of them at the moment though


    Are there any people that relate to the symptoms? Are there any tips towards my supplements? Any supplements I should add?

    Thanks all!


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