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Posts posted by hippoppd

  1. Good to hear you've been doing better. There's gonna be up and downs. Try sticking with it for a few months on a stable dose and evaluate with your doc.

    Im going into the fifth week of a Lamictal trial myself. Been upping 25-50-100 mg every two weeks. So far so good, although with some minor side effects. Its not a miracle cure, but it sure seems to make me a lot more stable. Will be writing up a report when the time is right.

    All the best and glad to be of help!



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  2. I think you need to be patient and stick to a well though out regimen. Are you doing this in collaboration with your doctor? It takes time for the effect of these drugs to stabilize. Until then perhaps better not to focus too much on how you feel day to day. Except of course if the side effects are too severe.

  3. I have this too. In particular it strikes whenever I try to play blitz chess or read text on a computer screen for more than a few minutes at the time.

    Seems that HPPD may lower stress threshold, especially when it comes to activities that demand rapid visual and mental processing. When past a certain point the body starts excreting stress hormones like cortisol, which gives you brain fog, high blood pressure, etc.

    I think you have to just accept your current limitations and move on in life. Replace old hobbies with new ones that are easier on the brain. Exercise and outdoor activities are really great! Since I got HPPD I have started cycling and roller skiing. Next up I am looking to get into swimming. Get out there and discover something you love doing.

    The good news is that, at least in my case, the stress seems to diminish after a while. Especially as you learn how to manage and what to avoid.

  4. I'm a student of biochemistry going into my fourth year now. Take my advice for whatever it's worth.

    Fat tissue is constantly undergoing a process of mobilising stored fat into the bloodstream, and sequestering fat from the bloodstream back into storage. Whatever LSD is stored into fat tissue after dosing is therefore bound to return to the bloodstream within a reasonable amount of time. Because LSD has a relatively short half life in the blood, the amount of LSD left in your body rapidly declines through this process. On the top of my head I would estimate that there would be practically no LSD left in your body six months after dosing.

    My understanding of HPPD is that it is not a result of residual drugs lingering in your system, but rather a result of cell death/receptor damage as a result of trauma (excitotoxicity?) under the influence of the drug. The result being more or less permanent damage to the regulatory (inhibitory) mechanisms in the visual cortex and other affected areas of the brain.


    From "Flashbacks and HPPD: A Clinical-oriented Concise Review" by Lerner et al:



    The basic mechanism underlying this syndrome appears to affect vulnerable LSD users who develop chronic disinhibition of visual processors and consequent dysfunction in CNS function (3,15-17). This disinhibition might be associated with an LSD-generated intense current (18) that led to the destruction or dysfunction of cortical serotonergic inhibitory interneurons with GABA-nergic outputs mechanisms which are involved with sensory filtering process of unnecessary stimuli in certain brain areas (16, 18). Investigations of HPPD patients with qEEG mapping indicate that the disorder is represented by disinhibition in the cerebral cortex (15). Thus, an unsuccessful defective sensory gating mechanism may be involved in the pathogenesis of this syndrome (19), facilitating the continuation of the central process of visual imagery after the image has been removed from the visual field (20).


    By all means, don't let this stop you from changing your lifestyle. Exercise is really great for HPPD. Just be aware that going through a complete detox might not be necessary or make much of a difference.

  5. Hi zandzagger. In a year I will be in the same spot as you, and I have the same worries in the back of my mind. Lots of valuable advice here, thanks guys. Interested to hear how it works out for you, feel free keep us posted.

    Oh, and I agree that exercise is gold. Daily exercise is what gets me through right now. Highly recommended! I'm also one year in.

    All the best.

  6. Hello and thanks for sharing. I have a similar story. HPPD for a little over a year now from LSD and mushrooms.


    Interesting how you say you feel like your life is slipping away. I can relate. Things will never go back to the way they were. The enjoyment of simple pleasures, the relaxed anxiety free moments just hanging out with friends. Or just watching a movie and forgetting your surroundings.


    Well, even though this might not coming back the same way, I'm hoping that life can be good in other ways. Things I used to enjoy I am no longer enjoying, like taking drugs, partying, hanging out, smoking cigarettes. Now I am starting to enjoy stuff I didn't before, healthy stuff like working out, eating healthy and being in nature. Perhaps life is not as pleasurable as before, but in some ways there is a lot more life in me now.


    Wish you the best in your recovery.

  7. Glad to hear about your progress. I am too heavily into sport, have been for the last 6 months or so. I decided to put my heart into it 100% after reading this post here: http://hppdonline.com/index.php?/topic/5140-its-been-almost-6-years-nowit-gets-better/


    After a good period of near daily exercise (mostly cardio) I improve to the point of actually feeling physically good some of the time. It is truly a joy when your body responds well, especially after a long period of suffering and despair.


    It's telling how much of an impact the exercise is doing. For the past couple of weeks, I have been ill and not able to work out. It's been the worst time I've had over the last six months and symptoms have recurred with a vengeance. Hearing about your progress umit makes me believe that with continued daily exercise I will improve long term and permanently.


    All the best.


    PS: Is there a work out thread on this forum? Like a thread where we can post our training activities, contests and progress? Perhaps this could help motivate users on the forum.

  8. Yes, you can get hppd from mushrooms. My advice: Stay away! Mushrooms aren't gonna cure your anxiety.

    There's no way to tell if they're gonna give you hppd by sampling a single dose. Even if hppd doesn't kick in the first time, it can sneak up on you with repeated doses, or otherwise be latent and triggered by life stress.

    It's is a road you dont want to go down.

  9. Yeah, antipsychotics are worthless for hppd. Glad to hear you've made it through and come off those meds.

    My regular studio work out alternates between spinning and strength exercise, about three times a week total. During winter I ski cross country and planning to start road racing in the summer.

    I'm not understanding you completely. You are saying it takes three months to get benefits from exercise?

    I've been exercising regularly for the last half a year now. It seems to be helping the same day and a little the day after. Not sure what it does for the hppd long run, but will stick to it nevertheless. Its beneficial in many ways and a great way to spend time.

  10. What I can say right now is YES I can relate and keep off the drugs. When it got rough for me with the drugs, I gave my life to Jesus and he has made me truly free from everything. All the best to you.

  11. So its been a couple of months - a couple of shitty months. Despite a lot of exercise and "doing it right", my symptoms are not improving.

    Christmas was horrible. Family drama and out of control anxiety. I saw several docs, expressing my despair vividly. After many rounds I was eventually given a little diazepam which got me through the holidays. I am now enrolled for therapy starting March and an anxiety management course starting April. The docs don't seem to have much of a clue what to do about my hppd, but outlook of getting professional help is a relief nonetheless.

    I am now prepared to trial meds, as I no longer seem able to cope on my own. Visual symptoms have increased to the point of being clearly noticeable most of the time, and the stress/high cortisol issue is prevailing.

    Diazepam works wonders. It leaves me completely symptome free, and able to experience emotions and bond socially for a change. I imagine clonazepam would work even better. Knowing there's something out there that works is comforting. However, there is no way Ill be subscribed any more of the stuff any time soon. I have a few doses left for emergencies.

    The propranolol is a patch for the stress/high cortisol issues. It sometimes helps, sometimes doesn't. It does nothing for the visuals, headspace or the emotional and social issues. In addition its got some uncomfortable side effects like dizziness, slight nausea. Overall not a good solution.

    I'm looking into escitalopram for anxiety, but I see warnings against SSRIs on here, which makes me wary. Anyone have any experience with this? Is it really a bad idea?

    I've been using a bit of hydroxyzine for sleep. It works well for the purpose and in addition provides slight anxiolysis the day after. However, I think it might be a bad idea considering its anxiolytic effects are mediated by serotonin receptor (5HT2A) binding (wiki). We want to stay away from everything that affects serotonin receptors, right?

    I have bad experience with lamotrigine, and reading on here it doesn't seem too helpful. I am willing to look into levetiracetam (Keppra) though. My concern is dependence and rebound hppd. Anyone got some advice regarding levetiracetam?

    Any advice about medication is HIGHLY appreciated at this point. As well as any advice on how to ride this out in general of course.

    Hoping to hear from you.

    Yours truly,


  12. Oh, I see. My mistake.

    Well its great that you stopped using drugs. This is by far the most important step.

    You need to just hang in there buddy. You will see improvement in due time. Its important that you try not to panic. You're not brain damaged! Things will return to normal given enough time. Eat healthy, go for walks.

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  13. Short update:

    I've been exercising a lot lately, and feeling physically very good. My mental state is also positive and content, and I am coming to terms with the situation.

    My visual symptoms are about the same, but I'm not too bothered. What bothers me the most is the lowered stress threshold and high cortisol levels that gives me brain fog and makes me feel out of sorts.

    To my great relief, I have found propranolol to be very effective in this regard. A 20 mg dose 2-3 hrs before any potentially stressful situation works like magic, something I'm very grateful for. I'm slightly worried about addiction and long term side effects though, so keeping use at a minimum.

    So yeah, its looking good at the moment!

  14. Sound like much of what you describe is cannabis-induced. Brain fog, anxiety, paranoia and worrying about brain damage is typical. As an ex cannabis addict I can tell you I used to experience such breakdowns even before I got into psychedelics. Stop smoking cannabis, eat healthy and exercise, and you should see great improvement within six months.

    Now, the visual symptoms and dp/dr could very well be from your tripping, though I can't say for sure if its hppd or not. Either way Its important that you stop all psychedelic and ecstasy use, or you risk these symptoms getting much worse.

    Your situation sounds like a bit of a mess right now. If you stop all drug use, you will soon start seeing many of your symptoms fading away, and you will be left with a clearer picture of what remains and how to approach it.

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