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Posts posted by ElderScrollsNeedsAGandalf

  1. Hello


    I am 14 and I got HPPD last summer, it was really hard to deal with the first week but then it got better and then it was almost completely gone by 2015. I felt normal a month after I got my HPPD because my symptoms had become a lot better.

    I thought I was cured so I did acid again, my HPPD was even better, now it was completely cured. But a week later I started noticing tracers but I didn't worry about them until 3 weeks later on a vacation I noticed how patterns started to form like they had never done before, and static objects moving all around. 


    I just can't deal with this, it's just getting worse and I'm so anxious about it I can't even get a good nights sleep. I fear that I will get worse and get derealization.


    The only thing that comforts me is that I have my family and it hurts so much having to lie to them when they ask me how I feel. I set up a plan to just ignore HPPD and all hallucinogen related things but it doesen't work. Whenever I am alone with my thoughts I think about HPPD getting worse and so I get super anxious.


    My parents caught me with LSD and I promised them not to try it but I was so curious about it that I did it. I love my parents so much and I don't wan't them to know that I lied to them like this.


    I fucked up so bad, my HPPD pretty much cured and now I fuckinng ruined it ;(


    My questions are:

    Should I tell my parents?

    Should I worry about it getting worse?

    How do I get past my anxiety?

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