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Posts posted by OldSchoolAr

  1. I just received this interesting reply (email)  from the person facilitating the KAMBO ceremony...



    i feel frog will be good for you - its a great way of detoxing mind and brain and its not psychoactive 
    it also works well with the nervous system 
    what i suggest is we do a one dot test on you to see how you react (so that we can check how your nervous system reacts) and then take your further into treatment if you are responding well
    there are kambo points which work well on neural pathways which, if  on a first treatment having a positive outcome, could be utilised in the future…so i feel it will be a great medicine for you to meet
    kambo is also great for eyesight, vision etc and there are also auricular points for a second treatment if desired that work on the visual field etc…
    so…i am confident that we can make some headway with your condition….
    i sent you the info about the weekend, right? so you have the address etc…
  2. This may seem a bit "out there"... anyhow here goes......


    I Have had an invite to participate in a HEALING CEREMONY.. Using KAMBO FROG VENOM.


    Has been shown to be beneficial for many many ailments, maybe it could be beneficial for HPPD ??? There is always the risk that it may amplify symptoms if its a stressor to the CNS.. So im in the process of asking the "facilitator" and making her aware of HPPD, and gathering as much information as possible.


    It would be amazing if it had a beneficial effect with HPPD...


    Hers are two Links, the first is with VIDEOS that describe the treatment and ceremony (see below)




    This second document is based on Scientific Research  (see below)




    Possibly like a Guinea pig.. we don't know until we try...






  3. hey Tomsk8...


    I feel for you man.. i know hppd is tough.. i am not in your situation so i don't know what you are feeling now.. tho i can say its usually "darkest before dawn"

    I personally feel, things will improve for you, as they have for me. I have had hppd  25 years +... and it does get better with time, even when things don't improve a person can adapt to there symptoms in a way that they just don't matter so much anymore, allowing that person to live a full and complete life despite of hppd. I know initially it does take work, tho its worth it. I'm sure with your depth of experience others will benefit greatly form your hearing your experience / story, and how you had the courage to move through and find a new way.

    When i have been in the darkest of places, that's when i have been fortunate to find resources to help me shift my perspective of the situation, whether that has been through people, information or in general just changing my state.

    If you would be free to chat over the phone, im here for you. Please inbox me your number, im in australia.. or alternatively i  am available via skype..

    I  made some inquiries about a shamanic journey in the amazon also and actually got in touch with an amazonian shaman to answer my questions about hppd and Ayahuasca etc... who knows maybe we could travel there together someday...?... Im also in contact with a really cool community of traditional shamanic healers here in australia.. Im sure they would be fascinated to hear your story and assist in finding a way for you to navigate your way through this crisis.. for me hppd was the thing that initiated my pathway into becoming a healer myself.


    Stay strong Bro.. i know it hurts.. tho it will get better and you will feel better and awesome again.. Please trust me, from someone who had had full blowen hppd for over 25 years..

    I will inbox you..

    Your Bro..


  4. Great post Jay..


    i have not touched anything in like 3 years.. including alcohol.. it has really changed me as a person..


    Would an hppder be allowed to have a few beers.. or do you feel complete abstinence is best?


    My experience with opiates is that while on it will give some relief from symptoms to an extent... tho exacerbate them afterwards..


    I actually like opiates a lot.. i know that's not good.. so just something i will really have to keep away from



  5. Yeah im ready to rock


    This is awesome. Now is the time to take action as a group - I believe we can achieve massive things when individuals take action and work within a team / group.


    Its great to take a stand and do whatever it takes... with an intelligent and consistent plan of attack!


    I feel we can do this, there has to be a way. Why settle ?


    I can Advocate, Write, Talk about , Surveys, Whatever it takes.. etc etc  If i don't have skills in one area.. i can always learn along the way.


    i would like to possibly get top Professor Neurologists in Australia involved  etc etc


    Maybe we should set up a thread where we can collaborate ideas and delegate action.


    Speak soon !


    See two posts below


    Thanks Kellen i did.. Sorry to hear of your horrible side effects. Sounds nasty.    

    I just thought they may have been two different Meds because of the differences in spelling  i.e

    Lamitrogine and lamotrigine



    Emailed him today but I have a question, can he recommend a medication for my neurologist to give me as in would they listen to him? And would I be able to ask dr.abraham for a suggestion for a medication to show my neuro without having to pay him


    Ok well done for making the email.. as far as recommending a med.. well he just recommended

    lamotrigine as number 1 for HPPD from His perspective

    You could use the email he sent me to give to your Neuro.. as a recommendation or wait until he gets back to you personally. ho likley best to discuss with your Neuro...


    Tho..If Kellen member above ^^ is using the same med.. then there maybe be some side effects.


    Tho kind of supprized because he said to me there were very minimal side effects, and that others have had success with it that has been documented.


    Im just wondering if its the same med..... ?




    Im pretty sure Dr A would do that for you... tho i could be wrong. Likely it would be best for you to email him explaining your situation and ask him, you Can contact him via his web site..


    I've talked to Dr. A before.


    Ok great.. that's great.   I recently shared a 3 way Skype call with him for the first time.



    And i think I have heard of that other Dr. ..Dr.Nichols.   You are posting good stuff.  



    Thanks very much, i just discovered him on u tube.



    Seizures and anxiety can be treated with the same meds. (ie-benzos)


    Ok yes. I dont think Lamotrigine is in the benzo family tho.. is it ?



    Anxiety and Depression seem (in a lot of cases) to be common with HPPD. 



    very true



    I'm not sure if 'unravelling' HPPD is so easy.  ...IDK maybe it is.


    I agree with you. likely that was an inappropriate name for this thread.

    Tho sometimes i just feel like many of these guys are very knowledgeable with all the work and study's they do.

    I would like to think that they could put there heads together / join forces and have some type of discovery / breakthrough  / logic / new understanding that can benefit / facilitate for us the outcomes we are looking for.

  8. I was just suggested this by a Docter in the U.S. that i sent an email to


    this is his profile   http://www.mcmp.purdue.edu/faculty/?uid=drdave


    This is the letter i sent


    Dear Dr Nichols,
    I'm a long time sufferer of HPPD (hallucinogen persisting perceptual disorder) I was curious if have you herd of the disorder?
    With all the work you do there is a possibility you may be able to help us understand it more fully and a possibility of being able to treat it.
    It would be great to hear from you!
    Many thanks
    Kind regards
    Its quite funny, i always get a reply from the Top experts" when i refer to them as "Dear" LOL
    anyhow.. here is his reply:

    Yes, I know of HPPD.  My thinking was that it was perhaps some sort of seizure disorder that was localized in the visual cortex.  That is just speculation, but there are two reports that it has been successfully treated using the antiseizure drug known as lamotrigine, which would be consistent with that idea.





    Has anyone tried this on the board?


    • Upvote 1
  9.  Yay...i got a reply from the first expert Dr David E Nichols





    Yes, I know of HPPD.  My thinking was that it was perhaps some sort of seizure disorder that was localized in the visual cortex.  That is just speculation, but there are two reports that it has been successfully treated using the antiseizure drug known as lamotrigine, which would be consistent with that idea.




  10. Maybe we could get in touch with this man




    This u tube is quite facinating




    Watch this u tube video from 8 minutes and 25 seconds to give more information about him




    One of select scientists in the world with permission to experiment with lsd and make it etc etc
    thats the second u tube video

    I think we should contact him and get him on board somehow
    as a team, with others we have involved'.
    In my opinion he would be a great resource



    This man maybe a valuble resource also

    we should definatley contact also

    Current research focuses on the investigation of the functional networks and transmitter dynamics underlying the experience of self, visual perception, cognitive and emotional processes and the dysfunctions of these processes in human models of psychoses and psychiatric patients. Multiple approaches including measures of information processing, event-related potentials, and brain imaging techniques are used for studying these functions.

    He works with Psychadelics also

    • Upvote 2
  11. Hey there Syntheso..


    That was a great post.. Excellent, I enjoyed reading... thank you for sharing..


    I agree.. i can see patterns where I went through major emotional experiences / trauma from a very young age.

    I really do attempt to “control” things now.. Becoming a champion bodybuilder.. tho excessive to the point to tearing two tendons…


    I have done CBT and ACT although my doctor re-referred me for ACT just recently.


    I took some notes on your post. It’s good to be reminded... and listen from your experience.


    Therapy is great to have a "second brain" so where we can see more objectively and really see our life experiences in a new way. What’s on the way up is on the way out..


    I’m currently undergoing training as a clinical hypnotherapist. I have also done  a diploma in transpersonal counselling.. which covers some CBT and ACT etc....


    Agreed... "Strengthening the witness"... "Mapping the triggers"..   And shifting the perception of the HPPD itself i.e. "It just is"


    and .. What does this symptomology relate back to.... behaviours being a resource etc...


    I think I had the view that it is primarily neurological so avoided the psychological approach.. tho realize now its definitely "Both and" .. as its all the same system like you say..


    Thanks again.. :-)

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