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Posts posted by Guyindubai

  1. How are you feeling now? This sounds just awful I am sorry you have to go through this. Your liver is not handling the Keppra well anymore? I've only done very minor research but doctors dont seem to understand why it would affect the liver correct? You probably know more about this than me.

    Hey so I decided that I'm gna go back back on the keppra as it was doing me more good then being off it. I stopped it as I didn't think it was benefiting me but I was wrong.

    My liver was acting up due an SSRI trintlex, but I stopped that now and my liver is back to being fine even with the keppra. I am considering upping the dose from 500mg once to 500mg twice. I defiantly can feel more focused and sharper and have a better memory when I'm the medicine although it's been making me feel sleepy...

  2. Day three off the Keppra... I feel a sense of anexity and paranioa kicking in... just feel weird right now... feels like things aren't so well... dunno if this is keppra withdrawal or not being on keppra.

    I stopped the keppra over a two weeks from 500mg to 250 to 150 down to 0 since Tuesday.

  3. Lately i have been medicating with this great thing called dokha. It's basically an Iranian tobacco blend of additive free tobacco, mixed with finely shredded bark and herbs. It's a very high nicotene content that when smoked hives you a huge nicotene rush that feels 20+ times better than tobacco alone. I only recomend using this if nicotene doesn't affect your visuals though. This stuff is greater than tobacco and hookah and is relatively safe. It's been used for centuries by the Arabs and its easy to get on the Internet. Anyone ever heard of it or tried it? If not look it up

    So I smoked this for about 6 years? It's very nasty... It's hard on the lungs and it's deadly, also that 20 second high you get from the Dokha? That's fucking your brain up, you visuals go up for about 1 hour or so after hitting the dokha :).. Quit while you can, they mix that stuff with God knows what.. The rush you get is a rush of drugs and nicotine... I mean you might As-well be smoking weed.. Honestly this stuff can fuck you up... Stay away from those childish things.




  4. My liver enzyme came back very very bad and I need to get the keppra ASAP, my doctor is not returning my calls. Iv been on the Keppra for 5-6 years now. No seziures took it for DP/DR. 


    Since im on 500mg do I tapper off 62.5mg every week

    or just 125 per week so I can get it out in a month.. I dont wana risk any seizures or such things..

  5. I'm considering going on this. I've had a script here laying around for the past 5 months and have been too scared to take it. Have you had negatives that make you want to stop?

    Maybe go slow since you've been on for a while. 50mg a week is probably safe. Just be aware of your body and take it slow. Unless you're desperate to get off there's no reason to rush things


    I dunno tbh I have been on it for to long to say if its causing me any side efffects, it was I'm probably used to them by now and never notice them.. 


    I want get off because I don't see how this drug is helping me.. it could possibly be killing my DP/DR but I don't know or think so.. I might aswel get off and reduce one med.. and see if its been helping or not..


    Guess will cut 62.5mg every 2 weeks or so..

  6. How does one tapper of Keppra, I have been taking keppra for the past 4-5 years, was on 500mg BIG, and I went down to 500 mg once a day for the past 2 years, now im not sure if this drug actually helps me or not, therefore I want to stop it and see if I notice that something goes wrong or I'm fine without it..


    Anyone knows a good way to tapper off it?

  7. Hi Guys. Hope everyone is well. Just wanted to point out to something that could possibly benift us a little bit. As we do have HPPD and we see visuals, double's and floaters and the list goes on.... 


    One thing that helped me a little bit at work and I noticed reduced my floaters alot was the fact that I got my eye sight checked up and started wearing glasses. this has almost eliminated my floaters.. 


    My advise, you could possibly have a very bad eye sight, and mix that with HPPD you see things 10x worse, maybe if you get your eye sight fixed your hppd could possibly go down a 5%? 

  8. from a user on askapateint


    "I could no longer hack the Lamictal because I could no longer hold conversations -- I simply could not remember events or experiences in my life enough to talk about them. I had intense itching all over my head, neck and ears. It was severe and affected my work. After going off of Lamictal, I felt normal again. However, I have fibromyalgia and the pain started coming back so it was suggested by my pdoc that I go back on the Lamictal. Not trusting in my own experiences and thinking perhaps it had been something else that caused my past suffering, I started it again. And guess what? All of the symptoms returned. Sure doctors are educated but there's a lot they don't know. The long term affects of these drugs aren't known. Many drugs have helped me -- I couldn't hold a normal life without them. But be aware. You are the best expert for what goes into your body and what you feel as a result"




    Sounds just sad...

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