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Posts posted by Filup

  1. So I took LSD about two months ago and experienced extreme depression and anxiety after a bad trip. It gets a little better everyday but I still experience DP and DR. The only visuals I have are visual snow and a slight tint of purple or green. I am a college student and sometimes I have small panic attacks in class were I get really hot and have shortness of breathe but it's not bad enough to where I make scene or need to leave the room. Every time I smoke weed my anxiety comes back super hard and it feels like it takes a few weeks for me to get over it. I've had a continuous headache for about a month now and that makes it very hard to sleep. Life kinda sucks right now but I'm dealing with it pretty well.

    Before my bad experience I was thinking about getting screened for ADD because my brother and father have it and I believe that I do too. I've always been very distracted and it has always been hard to do school work but I was smart enough to get away with it in high school. Now that I'm in college it is a lot harder to finish my work and develope good study habits. And now that this HPPD has been affecting my life I am very worried because I keep getting distracted by my DP, DR and visuals which causes more anxiety and panic attacks.

    Does anyone think I should try to get a prescription for adderall? Or do you think it would make me more anxious and depressed like weed does? It's hard to try to fight this HPPD, ADD and college at the same time. This is my first post and I'm still getting used to this so any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!!

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