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Posts posted by InfiniteDivine

  1. Absolutely man. 24/7.  I get negative after-images a lot when I'm walking outside in the day time. One of my more frequent experiences is when I look at the top of a tree line, there will be a negative image of the entire tree line floating above the actual tree line, if that makes sense. But I would say anything that I look at for more than one second, if I look away, I will see it in front of me for a few seconds before it slowly dissolves. It's become so normal for me at this point, but there are days when it wears on me. You aren't alone man!

  2. Jager! Hey man! I can completely relate to this (to a degree). Since having HPPD and DP/DR I have experienced erectile dysfunction. Sometimes it works... sometimes it doesn't. I am only 24 years old so it's extraordinarily challenging to inform an intimate partner that my dick may or may not work. This has been one of THE biggest struggles that have come since attaining DP and HPPD, it's simply horrible. My personal confidence within the realm of intimacy has completely diminished. I feel like I can only date certain girls... the one's who are willing to be with me regardless of how things turn out in the bedroom (very challenging). I have noticed a personal decrease in libido and sex drive as well.


    It's not so much testicular pain but I can relate to snake problems. 

  3. Hey all! I am new to the forum. Wonderful to meet you all. I used to make my away around the DP/DR forum a lot but I have realized that the HPPD has come to be the most challenging thing to deal with. It is wonderful to be part of a community of others who can relate.


    I have noticed that much of what people have to say about HPPD is commonly negative. I have been taking a step back recently and thought about what I have learned from HPPD and how it has possibly benefited my life. I made a short video this morning (it was right when I woke up...when my HPPD is really bad) but overall I think my point was made. Feel free to watch, don't watch, comment, don't comment, just want to share my support! Keep on keeping on my friends.


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