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Posts posted by DoneDoof

  1. Man, do you even suffer from HPPD? If you would, you wouldn't even think about smoking weed again.

    If your HPPD is that mild, I'd rather call it visual distortions. Can you smoke weed with visual distortions? I'm sure a lot of people do and it doesn't make it worse. But you know the deal, if you are smoking weed for a while and then you best mates are going to eat some shrooms and you can't say no because you're high as fuck so you'll go for it. And then you might get fucked for life.

    It's your life, your call. Have a few beers instead and be honest with your mates. Just tell them that your vision is fucked and that you'll have to restrain from cannabis use or it could get worse. They'll understand.

    first of all you're being extremely condescending, this forum is supposed to help people. A place where people relate to ask questions and talk about it. Yes i do have HPPD, it has caused me lots of anxiety and it definitely affected my quality of life. It's most likely more mild then some people on here thankfully, i dealt with the DP/DR but it past. I asked a question, i just wanted to know if anyone's been able to smoke again. I was a daily smoker for years and it has been difficult for me to quit, it's something i think about all the time. My friends are understanding, they don't pressure me in the slightest. I'm not a drinker, i don't like drinking, i prefer a joint but obviously it's not something i can do but i though i would ask. Also weed doesn't make you do things you don't want to do, it's not alcohol.
    • Upvote 1
  2. I've been really wanting to try well enough again. It's been four months and I've been told it becomes easier after three but it hasn't it's been a lot tougher. I think about it everyday. Has anyone been able to smoke weed again or I'm I pretty much shit out of luck. Have you heard if people who got better from hppd and was able to smoke again?

    • Upvote 10
  3. I was improving but over the last week it's been getting worse. I'm having trouble sleeping again, my anxiety is rising and the static is getting crazy. I'm also having extremely Vivid dreams again. I don't get it, it's not like I have been doing anything different. This sucks, very frustrating. Just when I had hope I might get better I get knocked down.

    • Upvote 1
  4. I would say 100% HPPD and if you don't want to go back to those 9 days you felt awful for a very long time I would stay clear of alcohol, weed and other dugs including caffeine.  




    You have a chance you only just got it so it make go very quickly but I would stay off everything for atleast a year and weed, hallucinogens for life.


    Please listen and best of luck! 

    thanks man i can say some things have improved so i hope it still keeps getting better




    >star bursting - still a problem

    >blurry vision - better

    >after images (the worst symptom) - still a problem

    >trails - gone

    >heightened awareness of floaters - all but gone

    >spotty vision - a little better

    >light sesitivety - pretty much gone

    >static snow - still bad, stays at a base line but gets worse sometimes like today

    >trouble sleeping - way better

    >vivid dreaming - gone

    >slight tention headaches - gone

    >anxiety - had my first anxiety attack today since about a month and a half ago, only last an hour without using clorazapam

    >fog - almost gone

    >shadows seem to become soild when glacing past them if that makes any sense - gone

    >caffeine, nicotine, weed all make it worse, stop using them for a month now. haven't even tried alcohol since it all started.

    >Text on computer or phone on white background difficult to read at times. - haven't tried

  5. I've talked to my friends about it and found out three of my friends have gone through it. one has lasted for the past couple years and continues but it barely bothers him now. The other two of my friends are completely cured. Took one of my friends 6 or so months to get better and my other friend got better after two years. Both of these people still use drugs regularly and its never came back. I thought i'd share this to give some people a little hope, i know it did for me.

    • Upvote 1
  6. yesterday randomly something clicked and it seemed i got slightly better, then today it seemed that that didn't go away. Then all of the sudden my visual snow got worse, worse then it's never been. i don't get it i don't know what happened, i didn't drink or smoke. i got acupuncture today, it seemed to relax me but after taking a nap i woke up to my static being worse then it ever was. this fucking sucks..i don't get it. I'm really hoping that the acupuncture didn't makes things worse. I'm not sure how it could of but damn i hope this is the idea that it gets worse before it gets better. i was in such high spirits today to.

  7. I would go fill the bottle and then throw it at your doctor. Get some Temazepam. I know it is a benzo but I never found it addicting, that is just my 2 cents. If you just need something for sleep that is the best option IMO. Is it just for sleep or do you need it for some other reasons? If it is just for sleep why would she put you on something that acts on a bunch of different parts of your brain. I know a lot of doctors do this and I think it is dumb personally. The only reason I would see a doctor doing that is if they think you might be slightly psychotic, depressed or bipolar and wants to test the waters and see how you react to the medicine.

    She's against any kinda pam medication at the moment since she truly doesn't believe that it's hppd, she set me up an appointment with a phycologist I'm just waiting on the call. She is trying to help, it's just for sleep. That medicine is used all the time for sleep aid at that dose, the pharmacist knew right away it was for sleep. If it was used for anything else she would have given me a higher dose. Hppd is still relatively unknown, she probably doesn't know that those pills could possibly make it worse that's why we need to do our own research. She the one who set my appointments ten days apart so I know she cares, she hardly wants to give me meds tells me to try to sleep without them but also says sleep is very important right now so here's a low dose to help you sleep. I'll talk to her about it during my next appointment and try to sleep with no aid and see how that goes. Though I'd still like to hear others input on the subject.
  8. My doctor put me on a very low dose of trazodone 25mg to help me sleep, they indeed help me sleep. Since she has me coming in every few weeks since my incident first started to keep an eye on me i asked her today if maybe these were making me worse or at least prolonging it, though i haven't seen much change either way from using it. She doesn't think i have HPPD, though she never heard of it she said she knows the symptoms she just never heard it classified this way(she works with addicts for the past 20 years.).  She said maybe some Seroquel might be a good idea as a sleep ad, i took the prescription and did some research and Seems to be mixed. Its a also a very low dose 25mg again. She very reluctant to use drugs to fix a problem that drugs induced but she thought that would be the easiest on my body/mind. I was going to try them tonight but I'm going to hold off for now and see what you guys think, I'm seeing her in ten days so if i don't take them i want a reason why either way. Have any of you tried this medication and did any one get any worse from it?

  9. symptoms


    >star bursting

    >blurry vision

    >after images (the worst symptom)


    >heightened awareness of floaters

    >spotty vision

    >light sesitivety

    >static snow

    >trouble sleeping

    >vivid dreaming

    >slight tention headaches



    >shadows seem to become soild when glacing past them if that makes any sense

    >caffeine, nicotine, weed all make it worse, stop using them for a month now. haven't even tried alcohol since it all started.

    >Text on computer or phone on white background difficult to read at times.


    what i don't have


    >issues with colours

    >morphing of patterns

    >The sensation that something is moving in the peripheral field of vision although there is nothing there

    >Macropsia and micropsia

    >feeling outside of oneself, Only the first nine days did i feel that


    this all started with MDMA three weekends in a row and a little cocaine. The first nine days were the worst, i'm pretty sure what was DP/DR it was hell but something clicked and i came back down. After that it was only the vision problems. It'll be seven weeks on sunday. Do you think this is HPPD or something else?

  10. It is easy to read these forums and think no one gets better, but alot of people who do get better don't have time to come and post on here, they are too busy enjoying their life again!


    Trust me though, ALOT of people recover from this. Try not to worry that your life is now ruined, there is every chance your symptoms will fade over the next few months.

    I'm so glad I read this, all the research I've been doing has made it seem that it'll never get better or at least for a very long time. I guess you are right, if you get better why would you continue to post about it.

  11. I guess i should intruduced myself, i'm a 26 yr old male,a little over weight and i've delt with depression and anxiety for a long time. six weeks ago after abusing mdma i woke up with what i thought/think was Depersonalization. I felt like i was looking through a periscope and my eyes were the lens. I felt completely disconnected from the world to the point where i thought that maybe i died that night. Of course i didn't think that for very long but it was very frieghtening. A week went by but i came down from it but the visual distortions stayed.


    I tried MDMA for the first time this september, i liked it so much i did it the next weekend and i ended up to way too much. The following week was terrible but i started to get better. The following weekend my friends conveniced me to do some more, very little amount. the third time wasn't as fun but not a terrible time. The next day i woke up and my vision had changed as i explained up top. Now its been six weeks and i still have weird vision problems. Static snow, auras around lights, blurry vision, light sensitivity, floaters, weird spotty sight and after images. I'm conveniced it's HPPD, i quit everything, i tried weed a few times since but it made things worse everytime. i had two drags from a cig last night and it made it worse again. What do you guys think, is it too soon to tell? Also i have trouble finding info on people getting better, averagly is it a very long term to heal or is it rare for people to have it 1+ years? have you guys actually heard of people getting better from this? I'm not really sure what info i'm looking for really, i just feel lost and want to talk to people about it.


    i have gone to the doctor a few times, she tells me its to soon to tell. got an appointment with a psychologist and ive seen an optometrist and got my eye's fully tested, test came back fine.

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