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Posts posted by Byron

  1. Your story is pretty much the same as mine. Also developed worsened eye vision, and tinnitus (shit!), but no after images, geometrical shapes. Do have visual snow and some minor other visual disturbances. And DP/DR of course, which is with tinnitus the most annoying.  I started December 2011 on this fun road trip. Please tell me where are you from and how old are you? Did you only use cannabis.


    I think it is very likely that you (and I) both do not suffer from HPPD, but from a predisposition to severe anxiety disorder, which can explain all the symptoms by itself. HPPD from weed is extremely unlikely according to Dr. Abraham, yet we can easily confuse our symptoms with it, because it has so much in common.

  2. @lildavey

    Thank you very much. I was thinking of taking some clonazepam for a short period (2 mo.), trying to get myself in an upward spiral. Sometimes I feel okay, and then I realize how fucked up everything is.




    I have tinnitus too :)

    It was really hell at first, it really was, but I'm kinda used to it now and it doesn't bother me anymore. Are you American?


    My my weed was not laced, I'm 100% positive on that (I smoked from the same bag before and friend of me later). When I was still in denial (that was around 7 months ago) I still smoked weed every coupla a months and I got exactly the same extreme experience one time after taking 2 hits (or bowls as they call it in America?): feeling like nothing had any meaning and time didn't exist anymore. Felt like I was trapped in a crazy limbo for ever and that I was insane, could think at all. But anyway, I'm not bothering with drugs anymore. You wouldn't get me to smoke for a million dollars and I'm serious about that. Also I can't drink any beer or so, because I get the same sensation, albeit a bit milder, of completely tripping out.


    As for any mental illness, no it doesn't run through the family, although I have autism (very high functioning, you wouldn't notice it even if you knew me all my life). I got all the stuff: tinnitus, dp/dr, visual snow, sensitivity towards light. All started immediately following that experience 2,5 years ago. I'm not aware this could be anything than HPPD and cannabis IS a hallucinogen.


    Can I ask you how old you are?


    I'm probably going to participate in the Diversity Immigration Lottery this year, so there is a good chance I'm visiting America pretty soon. Perhaps we meet one day haha!

  3. If you are still able to get good grades you should be able to work, contribute to your life, others, and society :)

    You will probably be able to handle college too. I managed to finish. Keep going.


    I'm pretty sure, I wouldn't (at least currently) be able to work. Studying can be done alone without ant interaction at my home. I panic when doing grocery shopping, but I push myself to do it to prevent agoraphobia (sorry I find this at least funny to say, because I was educated classical Greek, I know why agoraphobia is called agoraphobia, because the classical word for market is: Ἀγορά, pronounced agora, and Φόβος, means fear, thus fear of markets, or better put fear of going outside. Lol, just wanted to share, I don't know why. It makes me laugh).


    Are there any chances for me for a decent recovery, since I'm still young and only did cannabis? Or doesn't this make any difference?


    I'm seeing my physician next Tuesday and am going to ask for clonazepam. It seems that dr. Abraham had some good results using this drugs even beyond the administration period of the drug. Perhaps it can give me just that positive spin upwards. Any experiences or recommendations with this?


    Also, I'm currently researching HPPD as well as neuroscience in extensive detail and probably writing a meta analysis of the current results in a tiny paper. Will announce it when finished.



  4. Hi there,


    Will briefly introduce myself and my story (all ours are very similar, so no need for extensive detail). Got HPPD DP/DR from smoking weed  (and smoking weed alone, never did anything else, not even alcohol) after an extreme tripping experience not normal for the normal weed user. Currently 18 years old.


    I have no clue about how to continue my life. Obviously I'm still pretty young and a lot can change, but since these 2.5 year it more or less stayed the same, a part from a really bad peek of the last couple of weeks.


    I study extensively, trying to fill every minute of every day with reading literature (sometimes hard because of visual snow, any tips here?), studying mathematics and pursuing my chemistry hobby (I built my own hobby lab and often perform organic reactions in it). I should be going to university next year. I enlisted for theoretical mathematics, because I like it and the teachers at my high school told me I was very talented. However, I only finished high school because the level was extremely easy for me (it is the highest level of high school education here and still finished cum laude while having continuous panic attacks while making the exams).


    But I'm not sure what I can or must do. Obviously my life is in ruins at the moment, I even dislike seeing my best friends, not because I don't like them personally, but because I get extreme panic DP/DR when I have to engage in social interactions and I'm scared they will find me crazy. I think a lot about committing suicide, because I see no hope at all. I do not think I will be doing that however because I love my parents and friends a lot and am way to scared. I just want to illustrate the seriousness of my situation.


    Well that was it for an introduction. I hope someone has some uplifting words to bring me a little bit of hope again...


    Yours truly.

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