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Posts posted by Wakeupyourdreaming

  1. Yeah well it was basically I was tripping so hard I didn't know if I was awake or asleep or anything else for that matter, but while I was awake I was having a real bad time of it so I decided to go to sleep u kno just sleep it off right? wrong, I was still hyperactive cold sweats, freezing and I went to bed in a freezing cold car and it was night time so yeah I stayed pretty much as concious as you can be while on mushrooms and asleep but I didn't realize I had gone to sleep I just thought I OD'd died and gone to hell.. even though you can't OD on mushrooms but your thoughts get a little wack..

  2. hahahahahaha that had to of sucked its also neat because I was also obsessed with dinosaurs and of course the T-rex was my favorite You know why a t-rex is so mad right its cuz his arms are too short to jerk off sadtrex1.jpg my scariest trip consisted of me believing that I had died and gone to hell because I couldn't open my eyes or move my body and all i could do was see blackness and talk to myself.. and you know how drugs are it felt like forever and I was just talking to myself in my head like well damn I really f***** this one up and died and now apparently im going to spend eternity in some dark void I wasn't even worth the effort to have a hell created for me

    yep.. that one was pretty bad, however once I woke up and out of it I was exjubiently excited and super thankful as you might imagine



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  3. Memory games are the funnest having smoked the gonja to the point where I too became a walking zombie.. well it started to lose its charm when your minds stuck in 1st gear, foggy hazed thoughts.. im sure you know and its a slow process and like you said lol once you go that far into the rabbit hole your like f~~` it life sucks blah blah blah smoke till I choke n croke attitude but you can't simply abuse the good old 'escape' button on life too much you are of course connected to your body.. soooner or later and have to wake up. I've started actively playing games like Free Cell or Mahjong Tales games that test your ability to memorize sequences or cards and put them in order help you to organize your life and like weed it'll take time to notice any difference but can and will be built upon weed is like a slow mental decay and well what will help you is similiar to like building a house.. it takes time and theres so many aspects to take in and you can't just say screw it and live in a tent .. you can but after a while the tent just doesn't cut it. Eating healthy helps going to bed at a schedule helps maintining a job you can actually care about or give a shit about helps a lot staying physical ect and it does seem overwhelming but if you were like me you probably want a better reality you can get stuck in weed land if you allow it.

    Pushing your mind learn new things maybe try out rosetta stone and learn a new langauge anything that gives you that feeling and you know your mind is really working hard is the best help for your mind yadi yadi

    mileage may vary so take the best route suited to your vechile~body~mind

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  4. I used to be a pretty avid hookah smoker I loved it way more than smoking cigerattes but then I started noticing I could hardly breathe and was coughing up a ton of crap and so were my buddies we all loved it but we ended up quiting damn thats shits rough on the lungs and I had a full sized hookah like this one here even had a glass screen and it was a 2 hose I do miss it sometimes but the damn glass piece broke.. never bothered ordering another one kind of figured it was a blessing in disguise but oh how relaxing it could be!!new meaning to mellow Hookah-Sahara-Smoke-Dicro-L.jpg

  5. I've thought along the same lines as you what if im seeing atoms or particles or energy and im just one of the few who can? This is wrong however its more like a camera you take a picture in the dark it has Visual Snow or 'grain' in the black, naturally I think everyone has this to some degree but our mind acts as a filter and sometimes our filter just isn't very effective especially in dark enviroments.

    If we were seeing energy that'd be cool though.

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  6. Think ahead knowing yourself you'd try to put yourself in the best position possible right? Yet for some reason it doesn't occur and life is a confusing blur and your hampered by mental disconfiguration unable to step back because your always so emotionally pissed off at something or somerather.

    But now step back, take a moment and realize that manure(shit) is the best fertizlier there is and you have opportunites to plant seeds and flourish having been surrounded by shit(mentally not your family) if you so choose. Just like a plant it will take time but whatever you choose it'll be based off of what you've already been through, it makes you more aware of what life is or can be. There was a scientific study about a rat who had food and water but they had hardwired him to where he had an ectasy button he could press each time it felt like he orgasmed or some such like that, the rat instead of eating or drinking went hard and pressed that button until he died, thats why your life isn't happy go lucky 24/7 learn and let live man.

    Also back to my first subject if you've tried to obtain the best situation yet hate it whats to say when you kill yourself you couldn't of just majorely ****** up

    imagine seeing all the things you could've been if you weren't so short sighted how it could of turned out but you threw it all away for a chance to get away from it all and now can't go back.

  7. I've been to hell try to believe me

    The world behind the curtain

    Shows you how this worlds deceives thee

    Once its over feelings are faint

    A distance between you and reality

    Can you ever hope to recover

    From such a montrosity


    It sneaks up to your mind

    As if though from your spine

    Suddenly you start to contemplate

    Eternity and divinity

    and feel your fragile mind breaking

    seeing things never meant for you to see

    experiencing it all forever

    in the sadest moments of your history

  8. Fading


    lost in forever

    can I find a way to keep it togather

    Am I strong enough to last through the weather

    In the hurricane of my life

    Can it be a concious decision as I look for ways to alter my vision

    Am I speeding towards another collision

    In the alleyways of my life?


    Memories don't lie
    You know better than
    Memories don't lie
    You know better than
    Those who have fallen


    Shaking, burning up with the fever
    In the realm of pain, I am the deceiver
    Now I lie to myself, so I can believe her
    As she disassembles my life
    I cannot dispel the illusion
    All my hopes and dreams are drowned by confusion
    Can I find a way to make a solution that will reconfigure my life?




    Please believe me
    That my ears deceive me
    Don't stand me up
    Just leave me

    And I know that stillness shatters
    We have all been frightened by the
     sound of footsteps on the pavement of our lives
    I stand and fight
    I'm not afraid to die
    Elochai, bury me tonight

    Please believe me
    That the world deceives me
    Don't stand me up
    Just leave me
    I have fallen again
    This is the end
    Pain redefined

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