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Posts posted by pennyarcade

  1. I spoke to someone on a different forum who said he cured his HPPD with Rick Simpson Oil which is basically a really strong cannabis extract that people use to combat cancer and other ailments. The stuff he used was not "activated" or more correctly "decarboxylated" so it lacked a psychadelic high... He told me he started with a pea sized amount from a syringe taken orally daily and slowly built it up. He is now cured and a regular pot smoker again. Take this story with a grain of salt but its what he told me when we were having a discussion about different herbs and there medicinal values... he reallly did seem to know his stuff so I am inclined to believe him.

  2. I have had this problem where I smile inapropriately. I could feel empathy for people that were distant but in social situations my anxiety would make me unable to do so and I would find myself trying not to smile (and failing) in situations like my friend telling me his mum had cancer or even darker situations which have made me feel appalled with myself. I even lost my best friend because of it and got punched in the face... he was paranoid but I really couldn't help matters if I tried and I really fucking did. I think that is the worst part of the anxiety... not really being present in a moment with someone, like you are there with them but you are not really, I was always completey preoccupied with fighting with my inner demons to stay in control.

  3. Maca can take a while to kick in properly, supplements don't work immediately like viagra etc you have to keep using them for extended periods to see there true benefit. I reccomend trying it with ground cayanne pepper this combo is pretty potent... add some odourless garlic to that for good measure.

  4. My theory is that it is the gasses trapped in the weed (Primarily Nitrates/Nitrogen) smoking these gasses is what worsens the conditiion. Weed is often over fertilised with nitrogen rich fertiliser, this problem is made worse as commercial weed is often quick dried without a correct cure which would alow the gases to escape during the process. As crazy as this probably sounds to you I tested this theory while I was still experiencing HPPD symptoms. I first smoked the weed as is and it made my symptoms spike for about 48 hours I was also overly paranoid and it was not a fun time, I then water cured the same weed for a week changing the water everyday (you should see the crap that comes out of it) I then smoked it and it was like a totally different beast .. it was relaxing and enjoyable though it lacked most of the flavour and smell. I have a friend who does not  have HPPD but he used to enjoy smoking weed until one day he started getting really bad anxiety whenever he toked up I managed to convince him to try the watercured weed (in the name of science) and he had no problems to his amazement. I am not encouraging people to smoke weed but I think this information should be shared. Obviously try at your own peril

  5. Hi... I should state before  I give my advice that I think the NHS is useless for HPPD and I myself have had better results seeking alternatives but I have experience with the NHS and if thats the route you want to go you can. I got access to clonazepam and all kinds of experimental treatments that I read about online including Kepra. The key is to not take no for an answer you may even have to exagerate some of your symptoms which may not be the worst offenders because things like DP/DR they have no idea but depression and anxiety they know about. So you have to go in there and explain that you think your life is danger that you can't take it anymore really explain how the visuals make everything look dull and miserable (which is the truth) but really push and don't be affraid to make complaints if you feel that people are fobbing you off beit because they dont believe you or otherwise... there seems to be a deep seated hatred of drug users in the NHS (not everyone) but don't take shit from anyone.. some of those nurses loved rubbing salt in my wounds but don't let them.

  6. huh, the last couple of days i discovered i had a smelly belly button(gross i know), i looked it up and it talked about candida being a possible issue. I've been having terrible stomach problems as well for months. Maybe and hopefully this could be the problem, I'm gonna make a appointment with my doctor. thanks for the tip.

    I recomend probiotics it's the fastest way to get a handle on the stomach issues. The best brand I have tried is Symbion they are powerful but expensive, Bio Kult is also good but it is more gentle.... on the wallet also but it may take longer to see results. Another good idea is to try a digestive system cleaner like Oxy powder or Mag07 which is cheaper but not vegan. Always use the cleaners a few hours apart from probiotics as you could well be just flushing them from your system before they take hold... The two treatments seem to work synergistically and I can't recommend them enough.

  7. I made a post about how I mostly conquered hppd not so long ago... And yes I believe candida and other possible fungal strains like aspergillus are responsible. Though this goes against what people have been taught there whole life's most doctors have never even heard of these infections causing anything more than a skin complaint. So sadly I'm sure most people here and other places see me as a quack now, which is really frustrating because I know how desperate and lonely hppd is and if I even helped one person out of that darkness it would help me come to terms with my own suffering and lost time, it wouldn't feel so pointless. I am happy with my improved state but I am angry and bitter at a system that perpetuates band aid treatments instead of cures solely for profit from what I can asertain. People are welcome to message me for help with beating fungal infections I have been to hell and back trying to beat this thing.

  8. Sorry about my rant, I really want to make this approachable for people I don't want to be preachy I just want to help. This is a very frustrating situation for me... anyhooo


    Hi again Rozzer. If you are just starting out I advise against using 2 different antifungals. There is a couple of reasons for this...


    !) If you have a hard time you want to be able to identify which substance is causing you an issue.

    2) You should really start off slowly and gradually work up to keep your toxic load managable, overdoing the process will put strain on your liver and kidneys and what your body cant get rid of will be reabsorbed. If you want a biggerr hit just take more of one or the other.


    I'm going to address diet in a future post and that is one of the most important factors and in the protocol, i'm going to explain that it is best to address your diet before starting antifungals but I realise convincing someone to change there diet is a big step especially for my sceptical audience here hence Ive recommended antifungals to hopefully give people something tangible that they can feel and observe and then if ithey choose to they can get deeper into it.


    In my experience the Pau Da Arco is more powerful than the Garlic supplements (not raw) that I tried so I would advise them if you want to give AF's a shot. If you choose to skip the garlic I reccomend using that money to get a probiotic supplement. I don't know where you are in the world so I cant speak to what you have available but if you can get it Bio-Kult is very good for starting out, if you can't find it message me and I will send you some.

  9. Just quickly if you don't want to take high dose Vitamin C then I reccomend Wheatgrass and Chlorella (if you can afford it) again research these they are true superfoods with great medicinal properties which aid greatly in detoxing your system.

  10. Hi Wuwei... none of what im doing is accepted by mainstream medicine. I used to believe that natural/alternative medicine was al anedoctal and innefective... I mean how could a multi billion dollar industry not know what is best for me?  My health deterioated to the point that I couldn't walk and no doctors could tell me what was happening to me. I didn't walk away from the mainstream... I was pulled away kicking and screaming trying to hold on to what I had always thought was true and best for me. I am truly grateful for my condition becoming so unbearable otherwise I would still be waitng for someone else to develop a cure instead of taking my health into my own hands which was hands down the best descision I ever made in my life. Please research see the arguments for and against...  I have never had a problem and I know others who take high dose vitamin C who have never had a problem and only benefit. Perhaps try browsing some forums and see peoples experiences.


    Here is some pro Vitamin C propaganda http://www.doctoryourself.com/kidney.html if you want the cons ask your doctor :)


    Hi Rozzer im trying to figure out the best way to present the information I will try to work on it this week. If you want an alternative to garlic I reccomend Pau D Arco, I buy it in pill form but I empty it out and add it to hot water to make a tea because I quite like the taste and reducing my sugar consumption has left me with limited drink choices.

  11. Yeah Jay, The RDA is very much just for maintainace for detoxing I would reccomend you take at least 1000mg daily. You can buy 1000mg water soluble fizzy tablets at most superstores in the UK. I tend to go with tablets as they are cheaper and Vitamin C at least in its ascorbic acid form is as the name implies "acidic" so I don't really like exposing my teeth to it on a regular basis but if you are just taking 1000mg a day it shouldnt be a problem. In the essay above I posted how I use Vitamin C but it really is essential you take it as detoxing puts alot of strain on your kidneys and liver. It will contribute to your recovery and personally it helped with my mood in general. You can search google for high doseage Vitamin C people are raving about it left right and center for many different ailments.

  12. Hi Danno sorry to hear about your worsened symptoms. Part of my recovery actually involved avoiding molds as much as possible including food that is prone to harbour mold. I also have a HEPA air filter on while i sleep for that exact purpose. i truly do believe your condition is reversible do not give up hope.

  13. I just wanted to add something quite important that i missed... you may experience foul tasting discharge from your sinuses also your eyes may become irritated amd sore or even infected. I have noticed from my own experience and also looking at various info that the infection seems to favour the left side of the head\brain\body and many of my symptoms seem worse on that side for no logical reason I can think off. When I first started Detoxing My left eye was constantly getting infected and getting stys. I treated this problem with bicarbonate of soda mixed with water and then applied it to my eye carefully. Search on google for more information on treating eye infections with bircarbonate of soda. A warm green tea bag rested on top of the eye will also treat it. If you taste discharge in your mouth brush your teeth and rinse your mouth that stuff will give you cavities.

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