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Posts posted by SnuffoSoffi

  1. I do believe HPPD can be caused by any hallucinogen, both natural and synthetic. BUT some drugs are severely more prone to cause it than others.

    When comparing Psilocybin where hallucinations are more of a bi-effect and don't start until you get up to higher doses with a RC such as Bromo-DragonFLY where visuals are severe even at low doses you can safely assume that psychedelics and psychedelics are not alike.

    While I can't prove it I believe by logic that psychedelics which are less visually intense should be safer than psychedelics who turns reality into a cartoon, but I dunno.

  2. Snuffo.... VS is about the least of my concerns.... HPPD is far more than just VS. I can't imagine that a VS sufferer feels like they are tripping every day of their lives. 

    Weird, I can't say that it feels like I'm still tripping, it did for the first month or so, but eventually once DP/DR disappeared, all those "Mind" illusions disappeared and only static on the visual field remained.

    From what I remember tripping had a lot of "Trippy effects" (YOU DON'T SAY) and I can say now that I don't experience any of that at all.

    For example altered time perception, patterns, "enhancing of distance", morphing of objects, and Ultra HD vision.

    For me HPPD seems like the opposite of a trip, like being drunk vs being hungover. You maybe speak some truth about HPPD being the illusion of still tripping, but then HPPD is a psychological disorder, while Visual Snow is a physiological disorder, one can be cured the other can not.

    Because if HPPD is described as "Still feeling like you're tripping" then I don't have HPPD.

  3. No, you can't.


    You can have visual abnormalities without drugs, but not HPPD.

    The ONLY difference between Visual Snow and HPPD I have found is that you get HPPD from drugs, Visual Snow without. Basically they are identical and should have the same name.

    I suppose the history goes like this: Person abuses hallucinogens and gets visual abnormalities, he goes to a doctor which have never heard of it and eventually a new diagnosis is added to the book called "Hallucinogenic persisting perception disorder" to describe the condition.

    Another time in another place a person goes to the doctor about visual abnormalities but with no history of drug use, since the doctor can't diagnose HPPD because the criteria of drug use isn't met a new diagnosis is made to describe the condition, called "Visual Snow". While in reality; They are exactly the same phenomenon in the brain.

    Drug-induced tinnitus and noise-induced tinnitus is still tinnitus. And the separation of these "2" conditions must be from an error in medical history.


    While abuse definitely contributes, HPPD can happen from one time.

    I've heard of people getting HPPD from the first trip; however from ALL of the stories I have also heard that it was a bad trip. And in my opinion it's abuse if you take the drug while; You are under the effects of another drug, you are under the after-effects of another drug, you are emotionally unstable or if you take the drug at a bad place and time.

    Set, setting and drugs; get these 3 things right and I promise by everything I know that you won't get HPPD.

    The brain is a network, and is ruled by either chain-reactions of thoughts and emotions and/or under the stable guidance of your own awareness/your "soul".

    Applying stress to the brain releases a chemical chain-reaction throughout your brain and while this is not such a bad thing in the short-term while sober, you yourself NEED to protect your brain while under the influence of psychedelics, as the brain is VERY vulnerable during influence of such a potent drug, and your body will have an INSANELY (Quite literally) hard time keeping everything under control if several different chemicals starts running wild throughout your nervous system at the same time.

    Therefore you should neither mix drugs nor make your brain release it's own drugs during the trip; it could and potentially will end with the nerves going hyperactive and creating long-lasting perceptory damages such as HPPD and tinnitus.

    The brain is made to be able to handle psychedelics such as DMT. It is however not made to be able to handle LSD, THC, Ethanol, Nicotine, Andrenaline, Cortisol and whatever other chemicals you choose to pump in your veins at the same time during your trip.

  4. If?

    HPPD is rare and appears from the ABUSE of hallucinogenic drugs, and you can develop HPPD without any drugs at all; then it's called "Visual Snow" for some reason.

    See Acid like fire. Treat it with respect and maintain control over it and it will grant you an infinity of revelations and benefits.
    But abuse it and you're gonna have a problem, a problem that could spread throughout your whole life and only leave ashes in it's wake.

    But that is the nature of reality. My recommendation is yes. Fire has helped humanity see through the darkness since history began.


    1. Dose properly. If you wanna stay on the safe side stay to a lower dose, the difference between medicine and poison is the dose.

    2. Stay calm. The difference between genius and insanity is that one remains calm throughout his brilliance.

    3. Do NOT mix drugs. NO EXCEPTIONS. The difference between stupidity and sanity is that one DOES NOT POUR GASOLINE INTO THE FIRE.

  5. I was searching around the web when I came across this video: 

    It's about a method to improve eyesight through natural means.
    Now the video is focusing on the "Common" eyesight problems, but this made me think about cross-effects and that this method is a general principle to improve basically anything in the mind and body.

    HPPD and Tinnitus generally feel like something is "Out of tune" that something is so focused and alert that phantom vision and/or hearing start to appear. With tinnitus for example you're standing near a speaker with high volume, and the brain automatically becomes aware of the speaker being in your vicinity and adjusts brainwaves accordingly to it, then once you leave the speaker the brain has trouble relaxing from the exposure and continues to be on high alert even though the speaker isn't there anymore, resulting in a constant auditory hallucination with phantom noise filling in the speakers place in your mind, and therefore the only logical way to remove it is to relax your hearing and making it readjust to silence again.

    To prove my logic I am gonna compare this to muscle building. To develop more muscle you have to make use of the holy trinity of bodybuilding: Exercise, Diet and Rest.
    Exercise puts strain and damages the muscles, Diet gives you the resources to repair it, and Rest starts the repairing.

    If you exercise too much without proper dieting or rest you paradoxically destroy your muscles by exercising.
    So for HPPD it would be that you first cause EXTREME tension on your visual system through inappropriate use of hallucinogenic drugs, and after that you get more tension from stress and anxiety, and maybe even more tension from drug use, causing TENSION AND TENSION AND TENSION, destroying the visual system in your brain without any chance of it repairing.

    So my general theory on how to treat HPPD/Visual Snow/Tinnitus is to RELAX.
    It's scientifically proven and I can also tell from personal experience that relaxing feels good.
    • Upvote 2
  6. I have already tried this, but I haven't posted it on here because I'm afraid that it would make other people's HPPD worse, but I'll explain my story, theories and experiences with this now that it's been posted.

    Sometimes when I'm not doing anything special I start to notice the HPPD, and I've read from countless sources on the internet that the best way to handle it is to ignore it. But the thing they don't answer is "Why?", either they mean that because of mental health, to prevent you from feeling bad because of it, or they mean that it helps it go away, because "Normal people" don't have HPPD because they don't stare into the static in their vision all day long.

    But sometimes it just feels right to stare into the HPPD, or more exactly; Wrong to try to forcefully ignore it.

    Theory for the cause of HPPD
    Most or all of you who have had a good psychedelic trip can probably recall having "HD Vision", and my theory for that is because the world in a psychedelic trip becomes much more detailed and interesting, therefore making you put a higher focus on the beauty that surrounds you rather than your internal self, I.E Your thoughts, Stress, Fears etc.

    BUT it's the COMPLETE opposite in a bad trip, in a bad trip you lose contact with reality. Because of fear, stress or pure insanity you're putting so much focus on either your thoughts or the hallucinations that are around you, that you forget that the hallucinations are not reality, but a product of your own thoughts and feelings. And after prolonged exposure to these extreme amounts of stress eventually causing tinnitus and HPPD to trigger. (The same way a psychedelic flashback temporarily induces "HPPD")

    This also explains why most reported cases of HPPD were caused by a bad trip.

    Theories for the cure of HPPD
    And I have come up with 2 opposing theories about how to directly help the brain heal itself from HPPD:

    Theory 1:

    The first theory is that if you stare into the static, the brain eventually gets used to seeing the static and sends it into "The subconscious" from whence it came, and in exactly the same way as meditation works, as many meditation techniques put a high emphasis on visualizing colors, patterns and pictures during meditation, as this helps you appreciate the beauty of the outside world once you open your eyes again. (This is known to spiritualists as "Third eye" activation.)
    And seeing something beautiful is the only thing I know which removes HPPD.

    My general theory of what's happening once you look at this video is that you first stare into something "Ugly" like static, and then when you look back at reality you notice how beautiful the world is in comparison to a monitor showing static, giving you perspective on the relativity of beauty, helping you appreciate reality for what it is, releasing and promoting a healthy seratonergic system and reversing the damages caused by inappropriate use of seratonergic drugs such as LSD/Psilocybin Mushrooms and MDMA.

    Theory 2:

    The second theory is in complete opposite of the first one, (and the reason why I didn't dare posting a video of static here)
    This theory is that if you stare into the static your brain gets used to seeing static, but instead of sending it into the subconscious it keeps it conscious, meaning that the more you stare into it the more you are damaging an already severe wound, making it less likely it is that it will ever go away.
    Meaning that the best way to treat HPPD is by NOT looking at it.

    Worth noting to all HPPD and Visual Snow sufferers is that EVERYONE has to a slight degree some form of static or "Hallucinogenic" vision on Black or White surfaces. The difference is that HPPD and Visual Snow sufferers have it to MUCH larger degree, making you see in it almost no matter what light condition or surface you are looking on.


    Since I'm not a brain scientist I cannot answer which of these theories is correct, one is yin the other is yang and they both probably have some form of truth in them, and I'm probably going to experiment a bit with this to see if I can find a balance between the 2.

    BUT there is one thing that is for certain:
    Learn to appreciate the world around you, beauty is not only the probable cure for HPPD, but also the probable cure for Stress, Depression, DP/DR.

    Go outside into nature, it has SO many benefits for your mental and physical health that it's impossible to even predict what good it may bring you in the future, there is nothing to lose from it.
    Note: Don't fall down heights, fight dangerous animals or let trees, stones or any other kind of heavy object you may find in nature fall on you. Have a nice day.

    • Upvote 2
  7. I know there is no definite answer here but I would like to know what you think/know about this subject.

    One thing that makes me seriously depressed is that there is so little research being done on HPPD because it's such a rare condition, making the whole medical community oblivious to how to deal with this condition, basically leaving every HPPD sufferer having to develop it's own theories regarding to what HPPD is.

    Fortunately I myself believe that the condition known as "Visual Snow" is 100% identical to HPPD, just that they are split up because of different background histories where HPPD is seen as a "Drug-related condition" whereas Visual Snow is not, while they could very much be exactly the same thing in the brain.
    Meaning that any cure towards VIsual Snow is a cure towards HPPD.
    BUT unfortunately Visual Snow is also a largely unexplored condition with limited research being done upon it.

    Now there is however another condition which I think could be related to HPPD/Visual Snow, Tinnitus.
    From what I can "Feel" from having HPPD it feels like the visual "system" in the brain is running hyper, trying to find visual stimuli where there is not, essentially causing hallucinations and visual distortions, I also suffer from chronic tinnitus and it feels like exactly the same thing but with hearing, the auditory "system" being hyperactive. Like a speaker turned up too high, making you hear static, "White noise".

    And luckily there is TONS of research being done upon Tinnitus, since it's a lot more common and many workers, musicians and soldiers have this condition from loud noises in their working environment.
    So the day the cure for tinnitus arrives, so does the cure for HPPD/Visual Snow.

    What do you guys think? Am I right? Or are these things 2 separate things entirely?

    • Upvote 4
  8. Yes there is a way of knowing if you have HPPD.
    Pretend that you don't have it. Go through your life without even bothering about whether you have HPPD or not.
    Why? Because people with HPPD bother because they HAVE HPPD.

    If you go through your daily activities without noticing any visual abnormalities unless "You look for them." then I can tell you that you do NOT have HPPD.
    For me, which I am absolutely 100% certain that I have HPPD see the visual abnormalities 24/7, every second no matter where I look I can only see static and distortions, eyes closed or open, bright OR dark.

    Of course the case could be that I have "more" HPPD/Visual Snow, and you have less, but that also means that all people have HPPD/Visual Snow to some extent, since it's a scale from perfect perception to more distorted perception, where HPPD is the threshold where the perception becomes relatively WAY more distorted compared to what the average person has, resulting in it being noticed as a medical condition.

    Everything is relative, and chances are you probably have relatively normal vision.

    EDIT: By the way no matter what be careful with drugs, hallucinogens in particular. Just because you don't have HPPD doesn't mean that you can't get it!
    My HPPD started slow and was VERY minor at first, and usually went away after a few days or so, which made me ignore it too much and I continued taking hallucinogens up until the point where I could no longer ignore it, and regret started to fill me and that's when hell broke loose.

  9. Backstory:

    I got HPPD over half a year ago when I started abusing psychedelics. After realizing it's the absolutely most stupid **** I have ever done, I swore that I would stop the drug use and get rid of my HPPD.

    So I went for 2 months without doing any drugs at all.. the thing was.. the symptoms didn't improve.. one bit. I was still severely depressed and life was really, REALLY boring, I always felt "Left out" because while my other friends were getting Drunk/High, having the time of their lives, I was just sitting there alone and depressed. I couldn't even go out for a cigarette with someone if they asked. And those are just the recreational drugs.
    I couldn't take antidepressants to help with my depression and anxiety problems, nor caffeine to help me in the morning,  the doctors obviously didn't know what they were dealing with, and many sources on the internet contradict each other, some say drugs are fine to consume without any larger consequences, some say only some drugs make it worse, while others say ALL drugs should be avoided. Information CHAOS.

    The drop was when the symptoms started to get worse once I got tired, stressed or anxious even beyond what alcohol or cannabis did to it.
    After that I just said "**** it." and went out to toke with my friends like good old times, and I had a great time, the symptoms got worse but I didn't even care. Thing was a couple of days later everything went back to normal, since then I started to enjoy life again, cured most of my depression and anxiety problems, cured an old psychosis I didn't even notice I had until I toked, confidence raised and all parts of my life's seem to be coming together. all except one, you guessed it; HPPD.

    Now I am trying to see if I should reconsider my new lifestyle and try to fight the HPPD, because all this seems like borrowed time, feeling good now to feel bad later once my youth is over and my life doesn't revolve around getting high and drunk all the time, left with a curse that could very well be lifelong.


    I am looking for a strategy and I got 3 plans but they are missing some facts:

    1. Better safe than sorry.
    Tactic: Stop all drug use to have a chance of curing HPPD.
    Pros: Best chance of recovery.
    Cons: Lowered life quality.
    Supportive facts: Drugs increase symptoms.

    2. Life is now, enjoy it.
    Tactic: Continue drug use by accepting that you will probably have HPPD for your entire life, and in a best case scenario hope that science will understand more about the subject in the future, and maybe even give treatment to it.
    Pros: Overall happiness.
    Cons: Could be HPPD suicide.
    Supportive facts: It's not just drugs that increase HPPD symptoms, swearing off drugs doesn't guarantee any improvement at all.

    3. Use don't abuse.
    Tactic: Middle of the road, use drugs only occasionally; I.E Alcohol/Cannabis once a month or less, 1 Cigarette once a week or less, Caffeine when needed, Antidepressants if needed.
    Pros: Most of the void filled, free to experiment with both what could make me happy and how HPPD works.
    Cons: Could still be HPPD suicide.
    Supportive facts: Drugs effects on the body take longer to disappear the more you consume it, with responsible use you hopefully at worst only delay the HPPD recovery but don't prevent it.

    Help me choose, anyone have any interesting experience with drugs when it comes to HPPD?
    Anyone have any interesting theories about HPPD that would make this whole thing clearer?
    Or do anyone have any interesting philosophy about the whole thing?

    Anti-hate measure:
    If you completely disagree with me not being able to choose because one of the alternatives is in your opinion obviously the only "Sane" choice. (Especially number 1) Then tell me WHY. Insults and destructive criticism only serves to create chaos on this already lightly understood subject.
    I KNOW there are people out here suffering far more than I am and here I am thinking of doing drugs in all this, but fact is that I also have my own problems, and I'm not gonna stop improving my life until I'm dead, because then I don't have a life left to improve.

    Sincerely, quickly created account made by anonymous HPPD sufferer.

    • Upvote 7
  10. Hello!
    Yea I just wrote a whole topic but then it got deleted so I'm just gonna skip straight to the question..

    I wanna get rid of my HPPD eventually. But not necessarily right now, since I wanna experience life at my young age and I wanna continue to trip with my friends until I feel like drugs are not really necessary anymore in my life. (Once I maybe start a family etc.)

    So my question is, would it be okay to trip in moderation and take the complete 1-unlimited year break from drugs later when I feel it would be more appropriate? I don't really care how much HPPD I got right now, as long as it eventually and I mean eventually disappears if I don't do drugs or anything that would make the HPPD symptoms worse.

    Peace and Happiness to you all!

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