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Posts posted by Imk0tter

  1. It is quite possible that visual snow is the product of some type of brain-proxy that filters stimulus as it passes between the hemispheres of your brain. I'd imagine that most of the symptoms of HPPD can easily be emulated with this type of technology. I'd highly recommend contacting your local intelligence agency to see if they are involved in anyway.


    I'd imagine that the simulation of visual snow could easily disorient someone and could also prevent the formulation of visual memories. I'm pretty sure there are people electrocuting my brain and when I contacted the CIA, they refused to communicate with me.



    Also, my father is turning into a hyper-vigilant asshole that threatens me passively when ever I think about telling people to contact the CIA for me. (I believe he may have been given ear pieces by 'Skull and bones' members while on the Dr. Phil show). For example, right as I was deciding to write this post he started violently twisting a water bottle in a very intimidating and threating way.


    He also dragged me to the hospital and got me diagnosed as a schizophrenic after beating me up for complaining about him masturbating in the living room with a back massager (because the neighbors down stairs might have heard me complaining)


    I'm pretty sure there are federal agents lying on my profile, so if any CIA official could come in and evaluate my situation, i'd really appreciate it. I don't want to end up being one of those sorry assholes that end up getting dragged into the entertainment industry to become a robot actor because I was unable to get in touch with the Central Intelligence Agency.

  2. Just had a lil drdp attack followed by anxiety tryna attack. Every time I think im almost cured something new comes to the party. Drdp I hope it wont stay and trails appear to be forming.

    I also have anxiety about eating and touching things that may make me trip ( can someone help me lay this to rest ) is there any foods or everyday smokes/chemicals things that have made visuals worse?

    My closed eye visuals have almost gone. For this I am thankful, going to sleep no longer causes fear. I enjoy being in my bed now and getting to sleep. Snow is gone. Its just glare on walls and like...smoke outside I see. Text still floats round. Symptoms that have disappeared in the past months are

    Coloured 2cb patterns when awake. Red dots in visual field, sparkly visual snow. Sparkly patterny snow when waking up that lasted up to half an hour, gradually got shorter now gone. Tinnitus back to pre hppd level. Head pressure gone. Sky sperm almost gone. Ghosty patterns now just messy movement. Qnxiety 80% reduced ( first week I was probably institutionalisable )

    How often do the red pixels light up? Once every blue moon? I was just wondering because every once in a while I get black pixels on my visual field that fade to a red pixel (they're only there for a fraction of a second)

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