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Posts posted by Lucifersam67

  1. Looks as if you've got exactly the same symptoms as me (I haven't been diagnosed!). But this has to be HPPD there's no other explanation if there's nothing wrong with your eyes physically, which is like me as well. I've been to the doctors and opticians countless times asking them to look for something wrong with my eyes and found nothing, not even a tumour! Yeah like the guy above said wear sunglasses and stuff to help with the light sensitivity. With the anxiety and dp and dr I'm not too sure about. Anxiety is pretty unpredictable because you can suddenly have an anxiety attack out of nowhere without really thinking about anything bad. But if it ever gets completely unbearable go to your doctor and ask what is best to do. e.g. Psychiatrist or just a councillor etc. Don't let it get you down, there's a vast amount of people in the same situation as you and me which is something to feel a lot better about. Plus you can just put all your worries on the website and people will be glad to offer advice! Welcome as well :)

  2. Hello everyone, I'm another new member to this site, I'm 16 and I am pretty certain I have HPPD. The first and last time I took an hallucinogenic drug was last year in October. The drug was called baby woodrow ceeds and they were basically a legal version of LSD but one element away, so LSA. Its quite a long story but my friend and I took the ceeds and we forgot that we were going to a college open evening! Really stupid I know! Basically it started to affect me and I threw up, had to go home. My mum quizzed me for ages that night if I had taken anything, which is pretty stressful when you're not off your face but when you are its horrible. Eventually she gave in and I went to bed. The next week somehow she found out and it was awful. I had so much guilt and regret it was unbelievable! So basically I think I started to notice something was not quite with my vision the next year (this year, about February, March time). I kept seeing big floaters in my vision, static 'snow' and shadows that aren't actually there. I also noticed that sometimes if I looked at the floor, it would start shifting, the same with my gravel driveway but it would look more like a sort of big heat wave, really weird. I also see sliver spots in my peripheral vision and negative images of objects I had been staring at. So for a while I was freaking out thinking I was going blind and this caused a big anxiety problem and I thought I had a tumour in the optic nerve or something. Eventually after a few trips to my doctor they found nothing wrong with me other than heightened anxiety. Then I came across HPPD and it resolved everything, without me getting better of course! But now I know what is wrong with me and it was a big relief. It still does cause anxiety sometimes but I've sort of got used to it because its not like having a flashback, you're just seeing the effects of the drug, which can be quite interesting and even though its pretty much happening all the time, its rare that it gets to a stage when it interferes badly with my day to day life. So thats it, I'm so glad I found this site and hopefully I can get some good advice and guidance.

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