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Posts posted by treespirit

  1. I actually believed I had a kundalini awakening (still do, though don't put a massive amount of emphasis on it as its more rounded to be skeptical) before I got HPPD, around 2 months before. Along with my symptoms of HPPD I can also feel energy (sounds crazy I know) with my hands. I can feel the energy blocks in my body and places with problems. I use reiki to treat these blocks. The first time I "felt energy" I was at a kundalini yoga class, and we did a specific gesture to "clean our aura" and thats when I first felt it. I always feel a lot of intense energy in my third eye and crown, and actually around my left hip, and have building success at treating these things.

    On a note regarding the spiritual and HPPD, I sometimes find that meditation can make it worse. So when I first open my eyes after coming out of a long meditation I tend to have flickery vision, bad trails and intensified visual snow. There was one exercise which we used to do in kundalini yoga which would always make me "trip" and harder than any hallucinogen I've ever done.. I did ask my teacher if this was normal and she said no :P I also saw someone post something about bineural beats. I did use them a lot last summer and for perhaps a year previous to it and I didn't really find them all that useful and in fact, yes they would make me "trip" a lot and also the following consequences of that was a lot of anxiety. 

    I appreciate my post might be a bit woo-woo and sound like quackery to a lot of you, and I wouldn't usually divulge this information, even to most of my friends :P but its come up in conversation and might be of use to a few of you :)

    Kundalini has a lot to do with the chakra system and I do think its good to have a general knowledge of them as it can help your circumstances. You can kind of work out which areas of your life (or your chakra system) are overactive or underactive and this at least gives you a frame work of working on the chakras/areas of life that are "underactive." Going from the spiritual perspective I would say that having HPPD would also mean that we are ungrounded, so it is important to ground yourself, (go out side, sit in nature and spend some time feeling connected to the earth and living things around you- this will really help with derealisation! It has helped me a lot. Even doing soem gardening will work wonders for you! It is all about doing something physical and "real." Even doing chores like cleaning and tidying can help you a lot if you stay in the moment and concentrate on the task at hand. 

    Right guys I have to go and I haven't really proof read this post but I must dash off to work! I read this post last night and felt like I had to reply so a quick rough post will have to do for now :P

  2. Just my two cents, I have been vegan for over 2 two years. I first got hppd around 2 and a half years ago. I can say that it has made very little difference to my HPPD (as I have had it almost as long as I have been vegan). But in terms of health separate of HPPD I feel a hell of a lot better. And I look younger, my skin and complexion is lovely, lost a lot of weight (was over weight before) and I have a lot more natural energy, unless I eat junk food like chips :P. Can't say it helps with anxiety, at least for me, as I had terrible anxiety and even paranoia whilst being vegan and having hellish HPPD. Valerian root helped me with that though, and I do think valerian helps with my HPPD. However, I noticed a dramatic improvement with my HPPD a few weeks back whilst on holiday from university. I thought that perhaps the super food smoothies my Dad makes could have attributed to that, the smoothies are full of loads of fresh fruit, spinach, goji berries and more (I wasn't necessarily less stressed as I had a ridiculous amount of work to do, so less stress wouldn't really be it) but I have also incorporated 45 minutes of self reiki into my daily meditation schedule. So depending on what you believe in, this could have helped :P Sorry if this lets some of you guys down, but I've had a lot of experience here. But in terms of diet, cut out anything with sugar in ( people may already know this) but I know if I start drinking sugary drinks or eating sweets my HPPD is made a lot worse! The same as when I drink caffeine. Oh and process foods, that stuff f***s me. 

  3. hay there, i got hppd in my first year of university (i think it was around november time). i'm currently in my third year of university and about to finish! i would say being at university has helped distract me and has given me purpose. i would recommend it if it's something you want to do. now is as good as time as any to do something that means something to you! i have found all the same things as etardnow. i can't really imagine what life would have been like had i dropped out, but uni has helped give meaning to my life and given me hope. i thoroughly recommend it. my hppd was pretty fucked up in first year, and it was quite disorientating being in a city that i didn't know, with no one i really knew. it was tough but has become progressively easier. hopefully you've already got through the tough part and uni will help to give you hope and show you that you can achieve. uni is a great experience in general. i used to find it very very hard to read but i think the persevering helped. i do still sometimes find it hard to read even now :P and seeing as i do an art based course i draw a lot. unfortunately i favor pen drawings (black on white paper) which means terrible after images! but even this is reducing with time :) good luck!

  4. Hello! I haven't posted on this forum before but have been reading it for a long time. I am currently in a second bout of HPPD.

    The first time round I went to the doctors (having no idea what it was I was suffering from) and they assumed i had psychosis, so put me on risperidone. This was over 3 years ago. The risperidone made my visiuals nuts the day after my first dose. I took it in the evening, passed out and couldn't see through the visual snow the next day. Anyway, my dad called the doctor and he said that this sort of thing sometimes happened and to see what happened in the coming weeks. At some point in the next few months my visuals improved a hell of a lot (hard to tell when, or why? could have been that i begun taking good care of myself and was having counselling which made me feel more accepted. not 100 percent convinced AT ALL that it was the anti psychotics that improved my vision. If anything I couldn't tell if I was better or not. I basically just had a mental lobotomy). I did stop taking drugs. Obviously, if you think you are suffering from psychosis you would tend to do this..

    I was taking risperidone for probably 18 months in total. At some point I started taking MDMA again... with no adverse effects. Eventually I decided I must be fine so stopped taking risperidone as it made me put on 3 stone in the course of time I was taking it, made me depressed, sedated and a mindless zombie. When i came off it my friends started to say how amazing and alive I looked. Anyway, cut things short I developed HPPD again, maybe a year ago. I'm not going to go to the doctors again this time, I'm too worried I will be back on antipsychotics and sedated. And having counselling for psychosis, with them asking me if I was paranoid all the time made me paranoid. Self fulfilling prophecy much? In the last few months my visuals have improved slightly but then they do get worse now and again... I think the thing that has helped me most is a daily yoga practice each morning, and if I keep that up I notice the visuals less and less and feel more assured as a person. Having a routine and keeping a positive out look helps with depersonalisation and derealisation.

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