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Posts posted by LardSpider

  1. Well it's summer, schools out. I have had HPPD since January 15th, extremely mild case (DP, Visuals usually only in Dark [Things Disappear, Visual Snow]) from a really bad Syntentic Cannibis trip (Spice). Everyone keeps asking me to smoke weed with them, and I have to say no, and when I explain it to them, I tell them that if I smoke I will have a panic attack because that's what I read online. I get responses like "I got a panic attack before it went away dumbass it only happened once" and people are starting to say that I am just making up excuses to not get high cuz I'm scared. Other people are completely denying that I have it, and saying that I need to get diagnosed to have it. People just don't understand. If I smoke weed, tobacco, or drink alcohol, will I have a panic attack, or will my visuals get worse temporarily or permanently? Thanks.

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