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bigron 7

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Posts posted by bigron 7

  1. 2muchmandy and ferret,very glad your on the mend,hope you fully recover,dont euer get temped to dabble again,you both are lucky ones to be given a second chance.ive been stuck in this void for 27 years.I hope this hard lesson you have just had ,has changed you and make you both love life and respect it for what it is plane and wonderful,no need for drugs the worlds beautifull enough without them.hope you carry good with your journey and help others on your way,good look bigron.

  2. i cant eat anything with mushrooms in either,i was that paraniod at one time, if i thought any of my food had been near them i used to make myself vomit.

    those was in my very early days with this curse.i dont do it anymore,i realise its only psycadelic ones affect you,but when you are so paranoid you can make yourself believe anything is true.

  3. hi,life seems to be alittle better, visuals still there,but starting not to think about them as much if i could get back to my bass line i could cope easy,think the magnesium supps helping slightly,think jay suggested these on here.Going to try a few hours back at work 2nite if ican face it nsee how it goes,im hoping it takes my mind of things.Seems the busier i am themore my mind is of it so try keep busy guys bigron

  4. Gotsome good feedback to my last questions.Ithink this is what i have made of tha answers.

    high levels of serotonin bad.

    High levels of dopermine good.

    Benzos can help but be carefull from addiction.

    Eat well/keep fit

    Steer clear of drugs alcohol,caffine.

    Meds can only bring you up to a certain level the rest is up to you.

    Caffine?does this mean excessive amounts or alltogether.Ive gone onto decaf tea now

    Does sugar intake affect everybody or only some?

    Was hppd in my genes or did i cause it?

    Quite an important 1 to me.Could ihave passed this down to one of my children?

    Can i get klonopin of my gp or does it have to be a psycollogist?

    How common is hppd 1/1000,1/10,000 any ideas?

    Ihave self diagnosed myself with hppd see if you agree.

    Due to taking shrooms once,and tried various antidepressents/anti psycotics to try and stop the tripping effect.None of them worked.I do not have vivual snow,but afew floaters.my main symptons are.if i look at a stationary object for more than a second it appears to trip to move or distort/change shape or become pronounsed.I do not see things wot are not there so dont consider myself to be scitso,do i fit into the hppd cattogory?

    Ive had this for 27years now just having a bad time rite now.worst relapse ever.anybody who has just got this you are in a far better place than i was,no forums for us then.At least you can try and benifit from this site.Its sad to say but helps to know your not on your own.Sometimes it helps just to talk to other people who understand exactly were your coming from This site has been a lifeline to me already.The mind is avery powerful thing maybe with willpower and self belief we can all heal in our way.for me it mite be a fight for the rest of my life,but a reasonable life is worth fighting for.sorry for going on abit,but like i say somtimes it does good to talk.

    Any answers or opinions are allways greatly recieved

    cheers bigron

  5. Hi,i think ive had this for 27 years afta a single go on shrooms.until last couple of weeks ive lived with this quite well carrying on with everday life,sometimes not noticing any visuals at all.then bang back in time to when i first took them.A couple of fat burners oxyelite pro is all it took.Now im constantly look for them.Didnt have sites like this years ago ,so here i am now trying to find some answers.

    How do i break this habbit again im getting ocd about it?

    Which is bad for hppd raised serotonin/dopermine levels?

    What can i do to alter them?

    Is there any food or drink i should eat or avoid?

    Do benzos help reduce visuals or lust help u to think of them less?

    Should i stay away from benzos?

    Is it legal to still drive?

    Any help in any way is much appreciated and sought afta cheers

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