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Posts posted by MannyQ

  1. I have been attacking the depression and anxiety before I had known this could of been mostly caused by hppd so im well on my way seeing a psychiatrist for the third time in march.. first time that im consistant.. I was on 6mg ativans a day and celexa/risp now im 2mg-3mg a day of ativan with no risperdal and just celexa.. unfortunatly getting off risperdal gives this major insomnia like energy like your mind cant turn off, so i take ambien 10mg..but i honestly think the less drugs the better for my hppd.

    Im going to start taking omega 3 how long should i be taking them and is there any specific doses specificed for this condition? or just normal.

    I believe I can get better through prayer and no drugs..seriously the only few times i tried weed again was horrible , felt like a guilt trip or like it was judgement day. so thank God I can quit one of the gateway drugs that lead me into the rest..

    Thanks for the replies.


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