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Posts posted by bdubpro

  1. As some of you may well know, I've been plagued with anxiety, OCD, Hppd, and DR for years, and I FINALLY got prescribed Klonopin from my new psychiatrist.

    This particular psychiatrist NOT ONLY knew about HPPD, but ALSO knew about David Kozin!

    Its amazing, I am truly pleasantly surprised, David is getting the word of HPPD perceptual problems out to the public in an honest, noble, and valiant way. Perhaps if it weren't for David, his work, and him getting Hppd into the DSM recently, I might not have been able to converse and interact with my psychiatrist in such a productive way

    David's efforts should NOT be in vain! I want EVERYONE on this board to be thankful for the hero that we have fighting for US!

    David Kozin -- you are the MAN! I hope to become half the man that you are


  2. Ditto! It varies in intensity for me -- the only time I am as close to out of "it" as possible is when I am on vacation or in a different state.

    I have no idea why, its weird...maybe its like a PTSD type thing for me.

    BTW, Shaolin...long time no talk! How are you?


  3. periodically through out the day i will notice specs of dust floating past my eyes. I am not talking about visual snow, this is not a hallucination. I can see the smallest spec of dust half way across the room and walk over and catch it. I have had others confirm it is really there. It happens so much that it is getting anoying. My eyes are overely sensititve , Tell me if uve ever experienced this

    Hey Jake,

    at the initial onset of my HPPD I noticed this frequently, especially in a classroom during school.

    My take on it is that HPPD-sufferers, especially ones in the earlier stages, are constantly "looking" for visual symptoms that our vision is actually over-sensitive to stimuli in a given environment.

    This symptom disappeared over time for me, and I'm sure it will for you too!

    Hope that helps!


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