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Posts posted by kodyaanisqatsi

  1. I did acid for the first time a few weeks ago. Only one hit, though I tripped pretty hard. I didnt plan on doing it again but a friend talked me into doing half a hit with him. The second time I had a wonderful, very vilifying experience- the very sort of thing you take acid to experience. However, I noticed that I felt very strangely for the next few days. Primarily I was worried that I had permanently damaged my cognitive skills- particularly my ability to enjoy/create music was diminished. I also noticed very trivial but still noticeable visual disturbances, such as some motions having what I understand to be somewhat of a "tracer" effect, though it was more like an image would sort of stall out halfway through motion- very hard to describe. I also would find myself sometimes feeling disconnected/depressed but I convinced myself that I was forcing myself to feel this way. Also I would have a hard time looking into portraits/photos without feeling like the faces were having slight movements. However these feelings diminished over the course of the last 3 weeks, and I can say that I have been feeling very normally, especially mentally.

    But- I find these feelings were/are intensified when I drink or particularly when I smoke weed. I have been a pretty heavy cannabis user for about a year and a half and I drink fairly regularly (I should mention that i'm 19). I have been taking it very easy with these substances but I find that, as most of you may know, they can be a hard habit to break. Which brings me to my point- I smoked the first considerable amount of weed since the other night and I feel that since then the symptoms have returned or worsened a bit. While I have not experienced any "Visual snow", when I first focus on objects (ceiling,carpet,faces of pictures) I feel as though they may have a slight motion to them, though there are generally so subtle I cant be very sure. Unfortunately I did not look up any of this until today, for fear of scaring myself, and I have discovered what I have may be a mild case of hppd. I was wondering if anyone can relate to cases such as mine, and offer advice or tell me what to expect.

    I realize that this is not mind or life altering, and that my case seems to be trivial in comparison to some, but i am glad to see that there are supportive communities like this. I have decided to abstain from marijuana completely until I feel that my case has diminished or disappeared. Hopefully this will have a positive impact on my life. thanks.

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