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  1. I'm curious to hear from people about what drug or drugs it is they have gotten hppd from, what the effects were, and if you have had hppd from multiple drugs then how they compared. In my case, I've had hppd from quite a few things. The first drug that really gave me hppd was DPH (diphenhydramine) AKA benadryl. If you don't know what this does then pretty much it's the most realistic bad trip you could have and that's the only thing it can do. After abusing this drug for a very long time extremely frequently and at high doses I had started to get the effects of the drug off of it too. I was seeing spiders and shadow people out of the corners of my eyes for about 6 months or more after stopping it all together but it may be because I was using dxm at the time as well. Now dxm I had a VERY strong mental addiction to and the hppd I got from this made me feel like I was controlling my body from the outside. I'd often be looking at beautiful things and then patterns would form from the scenery. My mind seemed to work at a completely different level and it made me believe I had some sort of power or that I was god though that last thing faded first before all the other things did. After I stopped doing this I started doing psychedelics such as lsd and 2cb and nbomes. I enjoyed the hppd I had in the past and I enjoyed the hppd I had from the psychedelics as well until one day I decided to stupidly take 1.2mg of 25c and 1.6mg of 25-I nbomes in a combo. During the trip the muscle tension must have caused my shoulder to cause a sharp pain when I moved my arm, and because I was tripping and tripping on nbome of all things I started to believe my heart was going to fail because of the reports of vasoconstriction I had read up on. The vasoconstriction from this drug was extremely bad for me so it was easy to convince myself I needed medical care when I was, in fact, fine. After this trip for many months I had multiple panic attacks daily, the only thing that helped it was doing dxm, and I could not let myself fall back into that abuse because of a mental thing. I was actually able to get over my daily panic attacks during a trip on 25c alone. However, this still left me with a near constant anxiety, a pressure in my head and eyes, constant feelings of body failure because of normal pains that have become amplified, feeling like I am going to die whenever I do another substance (this doesn't keep me from it and I sort of find it enjoyable during a trip like a sort of thrill ride), grandiose delusions, acting sociopathic, Being either overly emotional or non-emotional, visual disturbances, mentally feeling like I'm in a trip, visual snow, enhanced colors, seeing the world like a cartoon, feeling out of connection with other humans (yet more connected with animals), having a better understanding of my own thinking (this is positive and negative), and feeling like all the worlds answer are just seeping into my head. How about you? What drugs gave you hppd?
  2. So, just about seven weeks ago, I had 165mg of DXM (from lozenges - no other active ingredients) without issue. A week later I had 450mg (from syrup - no other active ingredients) with a lot of caffeine. Since the second dose, I've had some shadowy visual disturbances, but, more importantly, a persistent feeling of dissociation. It gets better and worse, but is never totally gone. It's been more than a month since I had the DXM, so I'm not sure if it's HPPD, something neurochemical, or what. What should I do? Thanks a lot for reading, and more for your opinion.
  3. I just signed up to this forum and wanted to really contribute something. Let me give you guys some background information on me. I am currently 15 years old and have been sober for approximately 5 1/2 - 6 months. I have used various psychoactive substances a couple months before I was even 13. My entire life(only 15 years), I would always over-indulge into especially habit-forming activities. Sadly, I would lose interest in about everything else there is to life but those habits. For instance; I played video games daily averaging about 6 - 8 hours a day for about 7 years (from 8 years old to this day). I would never exercise or even eat because I just wanted to play all day. Then when I was about 11 years old I got into masturbating quite often. I masturbated sometimes up to 8 times a day and found myself to be depressed much more often. I later found out that sex/masturbation acts in the brain much like the same way many drugs act, by causes a short-lasting high rise in dopamine(natural feel-good chemical) then a long enduring decline. Right now, when I think back to those habits I realized that I was probably prone to becoming addicted to shit like drugs. I started off like many with marijuana(used about 150+ times). I went to any kind of pills then eventually I would use whatever was available. DXM(used about 12 times), diphenhydramine(used about 5 times along with DXM usually), nitrous oxide(used about 10 times), computer duster(used about 3 times), air freshener(used about 40 times), hydrocodone(used about 5 times), xanax(used twice), cocaine(used twice), ecstasy(used 9 times), alcohol(used 5 times), spice(synthetic cannabinoids used about 40 times), codeine(used about 3 times), tobacco, amphetamines(used twice), and those are the drugs I can remember using. The most damaging drugs I feel like I used were definitely all inhalants, DXM(sent me to the ER), and spice(sent me to the ER). I believe to have gotten HPPD from my use with DXM mostly and the diphenhydramine/inhalants/spice. My HPPD consists of intense visual snow, sometimes objects getting wider/narrower, and pattern/cartoon like designs on inanimate objects(tigers, robots, weird shit, etc.) none of it is colorful though. Occasionally I see something at the corner of my eye like a cat that is not actually there but it is pretty rare. I have quit using any and all psychoactive substances(even caffeine) for the past 6 months. I have had anxiety attacks, panic attacks, and depression along with the HPPD. The anxiety and panic attacks have definitely gotten better though as time went by. I use to never exercise but once I quit using all drugs I started a daily routine of going to the gym or playing basketball for at least 30 minutes a day and that has vastly improved my anxiety. I can't even remember the last time I got a panic attack but I guess it was a couple weeks ago. The depression, however, is still present as well as the HPPD. I undeniably have brain damage as well, vision loss, memory loss, hearing loss and anything else associated with brain damage I have it. It is not traumatic nor major but it is still brain damage. I have some major loss of interest in just about everything except for masturbating and playing video games still. My HPPD has not been improved in the past 6 months that I have been clean but I feel like with a better sleep schedule and more exercise/better nutrition it will be easier to just go on with it and ignore it. I currently sleep at about 2 - 3 AM in the morning and night time is when the HPPD is most prevalent but I am so used to sleeping that late that it is difficult to adjust to a new schedule. I have not tried any medication to help my HPPD but I am definitely considering it. I will update you guys at least monthly to tell you how I am doing with everything. Hopefully I help someone else out with the same/similar problems as me. I will try to limit how much I masturbate, how much time I spend on video games, and adjust my sleep schedule to hopefully reduce any stress/anxiety tied into them as I strongly believe that anxiety/stress play a major role in worsening/maintaining HPPD. I want to regain interest in other things in life as much as I want my HPPD gone. The best thing to do is to never give up on your goals, and that is exactly what I am going to do. Never give up, even if you can't fully complete the goal just compromise as best as you can. ~TheSoberPotato
  4. Sorry, I accidentally posted up my story twice.
  5. Hey guys, I've been lurking this forum since February, but I've never actually posted. Let me start off by giving some background on myself: First off, I'd been taking Ritalin on and off for about 6 months prior to 'the incident.' However, I noticed that after long periods of use (daily for a month) I would begin to feel socially awkward, and I also noticed that I was also becoming addicted to the rush that it provides. I decided to stop taking it and quit cold turkey in the middle of February this year. Unfortunately I found this period of 'soberness' to be somewhat boring, and after hanging around on a drug website for a few weeks I got the brilliant idea to take DXM. I initially took about 60-100mg of DXM poli, which got me a stimulant buzz for about 30 minutes. Dissapointed, I decided to do it again, this time in a higher dosage. I waited a week before I took a bottle of pure DXM, which was about 350mg. The trip ended up lasting longer than I expected, which caused me a great deal of anxiety. The next day I found that my vision was still messed up (I now know this was due to derealization disorder, something which DXM can cause). That week I had intense anxiety and depression, and I was very, very close to the edge. However, I'm thankful to say that I stuck through it. My DP/DR symptoms began to fade, and I felt more and more normal. I still had visual distortions though - not ones caused by DR, but stand-alone distortions which I attribute to the DXM. I had ghosting (I would see the ghostly outline of edges projected a few inches from the actual edge) and possible palinopsa. Interestingly, these distortions only occured within a 6ft radius of me. Anyway, I went to the opthamologist and he said everything looked fine, so I believe it's neurological. Since these visual distortions didn't bother me too much, I just said 'fuck it' and went about my daily life. My DP/DR continued to fade and I began to tune out my visual distortions (that or they were actually fading away). However, about 1.5 months ago I had a really stressful day, and my visual distortions were more noticable. I decided to blow off the stress by jogging around my neighborhood - bad call, as I was way out of shape. As I practically sprinted around my neighborhood, my heart struggled to keep up and my visuals got way, way worse. An hour after I came back my visuals were still horrible from the excercise, which initiated a panic attack. This panic attack initiated insomnia, which has resulted in very low levels of sleep (4-6 hours of sleep a night). However, since then the visuals faded, and a few weeks later they were either completely gone or I had just stopped noticing them. Now to the present day. 2 days ago (Thursday) I had to study for a test, but my lack of sleep made it difficult to concentrate. I stupidly decided to take 2x doses of 15mg Ritalin spaced by about 4 hours (this was my prescribed dose). I noticed that while on the Ritalin, my visuals got way, way worse. I also smoked a cig that night and got mild nicotine poisoning (I had quit smoking at the same time I stopped taking Ritalin, so trying to smoke a full cig all of a sudden was too much). Whereas previously my ghosting would only cause 1 ghost edge to pop up, I now had several. This caused me to pay attention to my vision more, and I noticed that I now had slight trailers (only for objects close to me though). You know how if you light up an LED in a dark room and wave it around, you can still see a light trail behind? It was almost like that (not as bad) but it occurred for all objects (no trails if I looked directly at the object I was waving around, though). I woke up the next day after 3 hours of sleep and felt normal, even noting that my head, which sometimes felt heavy, was completely normal. However my heart rate jumped up to 100bpm and my head went back to feeling slightly heavy. The reason that I have waited so long to post here is that I really had no reason to until now. I could easily live with my visual distortions, and my DP/DR was also fading away. However, I am now worried that the Ritalin has impeded my progress or exacerbated my situation. I woke up this morning feeling 'out of it' and my head feels heavy and unclear (the 'out of it' feeling didn't develop until yesterday afternoon). Can someone shed some light on my situation? I have this sinking feeling that I just took a step back in my road to recovery. Cliffnotes: - Took DXM 3 months ago, got light HPPD as well as DP/DR - DP/DR has been fading away these past 3 months - HPPD was fading away, but severe lack of sleep recently has stalled its progress - Took Ritalin two days ago, made my visuals worse while on it, the visuals are now not as bad but still possibly worse (dunno, hard to quantitatively measure them) - Woke up today feeling heavy-headed and 'out of it,' worried about cognitive effects
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