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  1. It's a long poll, but I guess it can help identifying possible dispositions / risk factors for HPPD. I know that there are people on this forum who never did drugs before, yet they have some of these symptoms. I think it's important to identify if these are warning signs for the possibilty of developing HPPD. I didn't see any polls like this on the forum, sorry if this was done before. Now that I think about it, I had most of these signs before what I consider as the onset of my HPPD. I had floaters, vivid CEVS and excessive paredolias since I was a child. (and some others but they were occasional and mild) I even have drawings of the things I saw on wood, marble or other textured surfaces. Also, I don't remember if I actually saw them, but most of my paintings from my childhood have trees with bright multicolored auras around them. Everyone thought that I was a gifted painter back then... I was 13 years old when I first smoke pot. On my 14th birthday, I smoked some strong weed and had a full-blown psychedelic trip. It was a lot more intense then most of my later trips with LSD. At one point my vision was completely blocked by vivid patterns, which reminded me of the carpets in my grandma's house, and a photo of my brother as a baby somehow. After that night, I occasionally saw the same patterns when I smoked, but when I try to draw them they change constantly. Started experimenting with psychedelics at 15, got hppd at 22 after a terrible shroom trip. I was already struggling with severe depression (and possibly PTSD) before that. Weird thing is, it seems like my creativity has been diminished after psychedelics, and I somehow lost the CEVs and paredolias after getting full HPPD. My mother's side have some history of mental disorders. Phobias and major depression in mum, my uncle was hospitalised one because of a brief psychotic episode after his divorce. my elder brother has been diagnosed with many things since his childhood (dyslexia, adhd, bipolar...)
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