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Don't really like obsessing over my symptoms to much as i have come to terms with nearly all of them but this new one is giving me the shits!!!!!!! Don't even know if it's hppd related but i'm going to ask anyway.

I have been getting these pulsing tingles all over my body like a sharp, cold tingle in a singular spot, goes away comes back, it causes zero pain but is all over the body randomly in the Head, Fingertips, Feet, legs. Does anyone also experience this? It's doing my fuckin' head in! I really don't need anymore symptoms, i have enough as it is.......

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nah, not like that i know what you mean though, cold, sharp tingle in a tiny area which moves all around my body. it will tingle for a while in the one spot sort of pulsating for 2-5secs then when it next appears it will be in a different spot, same sensation. I don't know if i should waste my time going to the doctors or what, it doesn't cause me pain its just rather annoying its been around for about a week and a half roughly im just wondering if its a sign of something more sinister or just one of hppd's many annoyances :S

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You need to find a doctor who is willing to try things. Good clinical doctors (not lab-work-only) with compassion will help. They are also a rarity these days. ("My son the doctor!" is no longer about helping people, it is mostly about a good paying job) Most meds can be tried in low doses without cause havoc. And stuff like Klonopin, Keppra, Gabapentin, and Sinemet are fairly mild. Some docs will off-label try things to help get a diagnosis. Just avoid the ones who love to try the pharmaceutical's new golden-haired-boys.

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Guest nesySnuby

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